Requirements for Articles

The submissions should be sent by e-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .uа with a package of documents, indicating the subject of the publication (scientific journal "Osvitolohiya" (educology)).

The package consists of the following documents:
1. Edited text that conforms to the articles (no pagination); in the title of the document indicated author name.
The manuscript should be typed using the word processor MS Word, the part of the office suite MS Office any version. For the manuscript preparation use the Journal template and follow all the requirements. MS Word template is accessible for download on the Journal web-site (download the template). All the necessary formatting is embedded in the template. Manuscript's  text  should be typed instead of text, given in the template as an example.
For simplification of the Journal issue preparation the submitted manuscripts should be designed using the above-mentioned template only
2. A separate document for the site of the edition  (see the example. Appendix 1), which states in English: name, position, job, degree, rank, title, extended summary with keywords (1500 characters without spaces) and transliterated References (Bibliographic Manager End Note) (see the example. Appendix 2).
3. Author agreement.
In the absence of any of these documents article will not be considered!

The article that is supplied to the magazine must meet his subjects and the current state of science, literature be processed. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the material, the material for belonging to him personally, for the proper citation of sources and links.
The volume of articles - from 7 to 12 pages in the format of Word.

Structural elements of article

Preprint and requirements for registration


Font - Times New Roman, size (size) 16 pt, line spacing - 1.0, left-aligned

Author (s)

Name, font -Times New Roman Bold, size (size) 16 pt, line spacing - 1.0, right-aligned


personal code, which must be obtained by filling in the form at the link:, font -Times New Roman, size (size) 12 pt, line spacing - 1.0, right-aligned

Article title

font -Times New Roman Bold, size (size) 22 pt, line spacing - 1.0, centered, all capitals

Annotation with keywords

Text annotation in Ukrainian (for papers in Ukrainian); English (for pages in English); Polish (for articles in Polish), font Times New Roman italic, size (size) 14 pt, line spacing - 1,0, width adjustment, the amount of no less than 500 characters (without spaces); keyword list - name "Key words" - the font Times New Roman bold italic, size (size) 14 pt), list of keywords in alphabetical order (font Times New Roman bold italic, size (size) 14pt, line spacing - 1 , 0). Keywords need to separate them with a comma and put two spaces between them


Sign of the copyright, Name, year

Actually article 

Page format A4, line spacing - 1.5. Indentation - 10 mm. Margins: left - 20 mm, right -10 mm top - 20 mm, bottom - 20 mm.

The structure of article must meet the requirements of DAK of Ukraine and include the following:

Introduction (the relevance of compulsory coverage and analysis of recent research and publications);

-The aim / the tasks;

Headings of the article (1-3);

Conclusions and prospects for further research.

All structural elements highlight bold.

Tables and other non-text objects should be numbered, placed inside the text, in the center - the figures (e.g., Figure 1, ...); above the table (e.g. Table 1 ...).

Making References in the text

APA Style: References execute in parentheses, which shall include the author's name, year of publication, the page to which refer. 


(font Times New Roman Bold, size (size) 14 pt, centered), references numbered alphabetically (font Times New Roman, size (size) 14 pt, line spacing - 1.0). Name of the author highlight in bold italics.

In the list of references should be at least one source of digital object identifier registered (Digital Object Identifier, DOI).

An example of literature indicating DOI:

1. Kornack1.,RakicD., CellP. Proliferation Without Neurogenesis in Adult Primate Neocortex. Science. 2001, no. 294 (5549), 2127-2130, doi:10.1126/science.1065467. (eng).


(text of the annotations - font Times New Roman italic, size (size)

14 pt, line spacing - 1.0 - should contain a summary of problem description, its relevance, contribution of the author in the issue.

Each annotation should contain: surname, initials of the author (font Times New Roman Bold, size (size) 14 pt, line spacing - 1.0); title (capital letters, Times New Roman font bold, size (size) 14 pt, line spacing - 1,0; the text of annotations;

keyword list - name "Key words" (font Times New Roman bold, italic, size (size) 14pt), a list of keywords in alphabetical order (font Times New Roman italic, size (size) 14pt, line spacing - 1, 0 Keywords need to separate with a comma and put two spaces between them.

Annotation is submitted by two languages after Literature:

- for articles in Ukrainian is submitted the annotation in English, which must have at least the amount of 1500 characters

(without spaces) and Russian annotation - not less than 500 characters (without spaces);

- for articles in English is submitted the annotation in Ukrainian English which must have at least the amount of 1500 characters

(without spaces) and Russian annotation - not less than 500 characters (without spaces);

- for articles in Polish is submitted the annotation in English which must have at least the amount of 1500 characters

(without spaces) and Ukrainian annotation - not less than 500 characters (without spaces);


Article was:
Received 00.00.0000
Accepted 00.00.0000

Information about author (s)

font Times New Roman, size (size) 14 pt, spacing - 1.0: name, position, place of employment, academic degree and academic title, email address, contact phone numbers.

Ukrainian-Polish scientific journal "Osvitolohiya" (educology)  is published with the charitable purpose and distributed free of charge.