Journal Publication Ethics
The editorial policy of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific journal "Osvitolohiya" (educology) aimed at ethical norms accepted by the international scientific community.
Editorial Board activity in this direction is based 
on the recommendations of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics), as well as valuable experience in reputable international journals and publishing houses.
An important condition for acceptance of articles for publication is the availability of new original research results that have never published before.
If the material has been previously published, the author must provide the wording of bibliographic references about previous publications and relevance of publications to justify a new version, explaining the nature of additions and changes made to the latest version of the article.
Any controversial issues (financial, academic, personal, etc.) are considered by the editorial board carefully. In the case of confirmation of suspicions relating to the possible plagiarism or results falsification the article will be rejected.

The Journal allows the authors to retain publishing rights and to hold the copyright without restriction.

All relationships with publishing ethics issues that arise between authors and the editorial board and are not regulated by this document generally can be regulated by international standards of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
The journal adheres to the principles of academic integrity set out in the Regulation «On academic integrity of scientific-educational, scientific, educational workers and applicants for higher education of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University» (Order of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University  898 of December 26, 2019).