of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific journal "Osvitolohiya" (educology)


The appearance of this journal aimed at the development of the new scientific direction of the integrated research in the sphere of education – educology – due to the global social changes, deep transformation of the knowledge-based economy and the need for modernization of education according to the new methodological and legislative basis.
Modernization of education in Ukraine and Republic of Poland is not just a change of poles of its adequacy to the parameters of the socio-political, cultural, and national life. This is the response to the strategic imperatives of education of the third Millennium with its focus on the person, fundamental human values, consistent democratization of the whole educational process. Therefore, education reform should be linked with the solution of the different social problems.
The scholars state the emergence of a new paradigm of the development of science and education. Sciences today more often  use interdisciplinary, complexity, system approach; in philosophy the most dominant concepts today are such as synthesis, unity, integrity, consistency; in politics in is proclaimed the priority of human values to group, enhanced by a reorientation of the hostility to cooperation. 
Education today becomes the field of the comprehensive studies that require interdisciplinary approach and systems analysis. The international community gives more attention to the education as one of the most optimal and intensive way of the entering man in the world of science and culture. 
Being an important and priority sphere of the human activity, education determines forming of the optimal models of the socio-economic, public and cultural development. Construction of these models allows not only to focus on the inner realities, but to define the contemporary world trends of the development of modern humanity so that to achieve advanced movement in the development of our States. 
In the future people will live not in the national but in the global space. It calls for the communication of the country with the country and the ability of the individual to communicate with other people.
In recent years, the cooperation between teachers of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland acquired a new impetus. Joint research, exchange of the experience and information will contribute to the further rise of the level of education and upbringing of citizens in Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, and to the development of mutual understanding and creative achievements of our peoples. 
The National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Ukraine) congratulates the founding of the new Ukrainian-Polish scientific journal "Osvitolohiya" (educology). We believe that the emergence of a new journal will be an important event in the science and in future it will bring their authors, editors and readers a lot of attention. 

 Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor,
Full member (Academician) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine 
 Vasyl Kremen