- №8 2019
- Oleksandr Suchyk, Iryna Suchyk
- Malgozhata Kaminska
- Nina Bateczko, Mykoła Mychajliczenko
- Oksana Starostina
- Vlasova Inna
- Natalia Evtushenko
- Maria Chmielewska
- Jarosław Charchuła
- Oleksij Sysojev
- Victoria Pererva
- Prykhodko Veronika
- Yuliia Zaitseva, Serhii Novik
- Olga Cherepekhina
- Svetlana Zaskaleta
- All Pages
Oksana Starostina
PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication, International Humanitarian University
The purpose of the article is to analyze the value foundations of the development of the school system in the UK at the primary and secondary levels of education. It has been found that the value basis for the development of the school system in the UK has not yet been the subject of research by Ukrainian scientists and is a gap in domestic science. The analysis of the value foundations of the development of the school system in the UK at the primary and secondary levels of education is carried out. It was revealed that each child with his personal characteristics was proclaimed the most important value for the modern society of Great Britain. The achievement of this goal is facilitated by such value orientations: personal development of the child, axiological orientation of the content of education, religiosity, citizenship, interpersonal communication, respect, tolerance and freedom of choice. It is noted that the education system in the UK has a complex hierarchical structure. It has been revealed that the student’s personal development at the initial and secondary stages of education is carried out here in a value context, forming a truly spiritual and moral person who seeks to act in accordance with virtues, is able to bear responsibility for his actions and actions, honor his country and its way of life, value cultural wealth of the nation. It is established that the UK education system is clearly aimed at the implementation of value guidelines by introducing the concept of value education in the activities of various educational organizations. It is concluded that in the UK, the valuable education of the younger generation through the programs of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students is a priority task of the educational process at the initial and secondary levels of education. The article also indicates a systematic approach to the organization of British education, as a structured and stable system of interconnected elements that ensure consistent and equitable development of students at all levels of training and education.
Key words: value education, value principles, school education, primary education, secondary education, personal development, spiritual development, moral development, social development, cultural development.
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