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- Olga Cherepekhina
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Olga Cherepekhina
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, ave. Gagarina, building. 25, 49005 Dnipro, Ukraine
The problem of pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology is investigated in the article. In the context of the relevance of the development of pedagogical competence as a component of the professionalism of the future psychology teacher in higher education institutions, the content of the components of the corresponding pedagogical competence is revealed. It is emphasized that the basic competences reflect the specificity of a certain professional activity, and the special ones - the specificity of a specific visual or supra-curricular sphere of professional activity and correlate with the implementation of key and basic competences in a specific sphere of professional activity.
Key words: competence; pedagogical competence; pedagogical competence of the teacher; pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology; structure pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology.
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