- №8 2019
- Oleksandr Suchyk, Iryna Suchyk
- Malgozhata Kaminska
- Nina Bateczko, Mykoła Mychajliczenko
- Oksana Starostina
- Vlasova Inna
- Natalia Evtushenko
- Maria Chmielewska
- Jarosław Charchuła
- Oleksij Sysojev
- Victoria Pererva
- Prykhodko Veronika
- Yuliia Zaitseva, Serhii Novik
- Olga Cherepekhina
- Svetlana Zaskaleta
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Yuliia Zaitseva
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Poltava V.G. Korolenka National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrogradskogo Str., 36000, Ukraine
Serhii Novik
Novik Sergii, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Poltava V.G. Korolenka National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrogradskogo Str., 36000, Ukraine
The content and forms of educational process of the physical education faculties students were analyzed in this article to organize physical culture and sports work. Pedagogical condition of formation of readiness to organize physical culture and sports work at comprehensive schools by future teachers of Physical Education was justified on the basis of isolated problems. This is directing of the combined efforts of Lecturers of professional disciplines and physical education teachers to support the professional development of future physical education teachers. The pedagogical condition is based on the three-personal interaction within the framework of equal relations in the system «teacher — student — teacher of physical culture», which is directional on the formation of readiness to organize physical culture and sports work by future teachers of Physical Education and provides for the linking of the faculties of physical education with comprehensive schools and another physical culture and sports institutions, where the students join the organization and holding different forms of the physical culture and sports work.
Specialists in the field of physical culture and sports role in gaining professional experience by future teachers of Physical Education was found out. Lecturer, this is a person, who has a leading place in the three-personal interaction, who controls this process and directs it.
The student is an active participant in the educational process, who has opportunity to form his own professional readiness and gains experience in organization of physical culture and sports work.
Physical education teacher and other specialists in this field help to students to see and understand the essence of professional activity «from inside». They coordinate student activities in the organization of various forms of physical culture and sports work in the conditions of comprehensive schools and another physical culture and sports institutions.
Key worlds: Lecturer, pedagogical condition, physical culture and sports work, Physical education teacher, student, three-personal interaction.
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