- №8 2019
- Oleksandr Suchyk, Iryna Suchyk
- Malgozhata Kaminska
- Nina Bateczko, Mykoła Mychajliczenko
- Oksana Starostina
- Vlasova Inna
- Natalia Evtushenko
- Maria Chmielewska
- Jarosław Charchuła
- Oleksij Sysojev
- Victoria Pererva
- Prykhodko Veronika
- Yuliia Zaitseva, Serhii Novik
- Olga Cherepekhina
- Svetlana Zaskaleta
- All Pages
DOI 10.28925/2226-3012
Oleksandr Sushyk, Iryna Sushyk
Nina Batechko, Mykola Mykhaylicheko
Veronika Prykhodko, Tamerlan Safranov, Tetyan Shanina, Vladyslav Mykhailenko
Oleksandr Suchyk
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Technologies and Vocational Education, Lutsk National Technical University, 75 L’vivs’ka St., 43018 Luts’k, Ukraine
Iryna Suchyk
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian science, Social Security and Law, Lutsk National Technical University, 75 L’vivs’ka St., 43018 Luts’k, Ukraine
The article reveals the phenomenon of academic mobility of students, shows its genesis, trends and flows of mobile youth during historical periods. The attention was paid to the motivational component of the process of youth integration into the global educational space. The main periods of the academic mobility of students from the medieval origins to the present are highlighted.
The first Western European universities are shown by the international intellectual centers of Europe XIV-XVII, where the leading youth of those times went. It is noted that the wandering lifestyle of medieval students was a way of integrating into the world of educational space. The attention is paid to the emergence of Ukrainian youth in European universities. The data on the number of Ukrainian students, their adaptation to the new cultural and educational society is given. Names of Ukrainians, graduates of European universities that became known to the world are mentioned.
The need for mobility, as moved to find a better option and learning outside of their own intellectual environment, has been traced in different historical periods. Changes in the global picture of the movement of mobile students from the late 90’s of the XX century. The attention is focused on the modern problem of immigration of progressive Ukrainian youth, the reasons for the migration of students, the main centers of their accumulation are named.
The main obstacles to promoting academic mobility of students to the European and world educational communities are considered. The emergence of virtual universities as an alternative to traditional appears, which become the basis of virtual academic mobility of the present.
Key words: academic mobility; mobile students; university; global educational space.
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Malgozhata Kaminska
PhD, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Płock, The Republic of Poland
he article presents selected results of own research on the learning and cooperation of teachers in school teams.
The opinions of teachers and directors on the need for team learning in cooperation and its manifestations in school practice were examined. Team learning was interpreted as the mutual transfer of knowledge, skills and professional and personal experience, through active and conscious participation in a team of people cooperating with each other on the principles of partnership and open communication.
Key words: collaborative learning, teamwork, continuous improvement, teacher collaboration.
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Opracowano na podstawie: M. Kamińska, (2019). Współpraca i uczenie się nauczycieli w kulturze organizacyjnej szkoły. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczne, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków.
Por. W. Dróżka, (2004). Młode pokolenie nauczycieli. Studium autobiografii i młodych nauczycieli polskich lat dziewięćdziesiątych, Wydawnictwo Akademii Świętokrzyskiej, Kielce, s. 368.
E. Potulicka, (2008). Kadra w szkole jako organizacji uczącej się, w: B. Muchacka, M. Szymański (red.), Szkoła w świecie współczesnym, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków, s. 53.
Por. K. Hernik, (2014), K. Malinowska, R. Piwowarski, J. Przewłocka, M. Smak, A. Wichrowski, Polscy nauczyciele i dyrektorzy na tle międzynarodowym. Główne wyniki badania TALIS 2013, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa.
Por. J. MacBeath, (2015). Future of Teaching Profession. Education International Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Brussels 2012; M. Kamińska, Współpraca nauczycieli w świetle raportów ewaluacji wewnętrznej szkół, w: M. Sitek, T. Graca (red.), Nowe wyzwania dla Europy XXI wieku w dziedzinie zarządzania i edukacji, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi, Józefów.
Por. Ch. Day, (2008). Rozwój zawodowy nauczyciela. Od teorii do praktyki, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk.
Przykłady można znaleźć w: D. Elsner, (red.), Szkoła jako ucząca się organizacja. Szansa dla ambitnych, Wydawnictwo „Mentor”, Chorzów 2003; Ch. Day, Rozwój zawodowy nauczyciela. Od teorii do praktyki, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk 2008; J. MacBeath, Future of Teaching Profession, Education International Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Brussels 2012; J.A. Fazlagić, Zarządzanie wiedzą w szkole, Wydawnictwa Centralnego Ośrodka Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, Warszawa 2007; B.D. Gołębniak, H. Kwiatkowska (red.), Nauczyciele. Programowe (nie) przygotowanie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej, Wrocław 2012; D. Elsner (red.), Sieci współpracy i samokształcenia. Teoria i praktyka, Wydawnictwo Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2013; M. Czerepaniak-Walczak, Uczenie się w działaniu — emancypacyjna perspektywa uczenia się, w: F. Bereźnicki, J. Świrko-Pilipczuk (red.), Procesy uczenia się i ich efektywność, Print Group Daniel Krzanowski, Szczecin 2006; M. Czubak-Koch, Uczenie się w kulturze miejsca pracy, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej, Wrocław 2014; B. Muchacka, M. Witusiak-Kaleta, B. Walasek-Jarosz, Autorefleksja i analiza pracy własnej. Casebook ze wskazówkami dla praktykantów, Staropolska Szkoła Wyższa, Kielce 2013; J. Szempruch, Nauczyciel w warunkach zmiany społecznej i edukacyjnej, Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”, Kraków 2012.
Por. K. Hernik, (2014), K. Malinowska, R. Piwowarski, J. Przewłocka, M. Smak, A. Wichrowski, Polscy nauczyciele i dyrektorzy na tle międzynarodowym. Główne wyniki badania TALIS 2013, Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa
Nina Bateczko
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony Street, 15, 03042, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mykoła Mychajliczenko
Associate Professor,Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Educational Technologies, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony Street, 15, 03042, Kyiv, Ukraine
The article highlights the phenomen of academic integrity in the context of the synergy of scientific approaches: systemic and synergetic. It has been indicated that such an interpretation can serve as the theoretical and methodological basis of the phenomenon under study.
The definitional analysis of the problem of ensuring academic integrity, which is present in the scientific circulation both in Ukraine and abroad, has been carried out. It has been proved that academic integrity, on the one hand, is a complex interdisciplinary category that combines ethical standards and rules of human behaviour in the educational and scientific environment and the mechanisms and tools by which the latter are put into practice.
In the context of a systematic approach, the levels of implementation of the basic principles of academic integrity have been presented: international, national, state, higher education institution and personality levels. Understanding of ensuring academic integrity at various levels will allow taking into account the features of the phenomenon under study both at the level of society life and at the level of an individual. In the context of the synergetic approach, academic integrity has been considered as a nonlinear dynamic system capable of self-organization.
The best foreign and domestic practices of ensuring academic integrity at different levels have been provided.
The developed methodology can contribute to the creation of evolutionary models for the development of the system of academic integrity in Ukraine and the effective management of this process.
Key words: academic integrity, systematic approach, synergetic approach, level of ensuring academic integrity.
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Oksana Starostina
PhD., Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Communication, International Humanitarian University
The purpose of the article is to analyze the value foundations of the development of the school system in the UK at the primary and secondary levels of education. It has been found that the value basis for the development of the school system in the UK has not yet been the subject of research by Ukrainian scientists and is a gap in domestic science. The analysis of the value foundations of the development of the school system in the UK at the primary and secondary levels of education is carried out. It was revealed that each child with his personal characteristics was proclaimed the most important value for the modern society of Great Britain. The achievement of this goal is facilitated by such value orientations: personal development of the child, axiological orientation of the content of education, religiosity, citizenship, interpersonal communication, respect, tolerance and freedom of choice. It is noted that the education system in the UK has a complex hierarchical structure. It has been revealed that the student’s personal development at the initial and secondary stages of education is carried out here in a value context, forming a truly spiritual and moral person who seeks to act in accordance with virtues, is able to bear responsibility for his actions and actions, honor his country and its way of life, value cultural wealth of the nation. It is established that the UK education system is clearly aimed at the implementation of value guidelines by introducing the concept of value education in the activities of various educational organizations. It is concluded that in the UK, the valuable education of the younger generation through the programs of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students is a priority task of the educational process at the initial and secondary levels of education. The article also indicates a systematic approach to the organization of British education, as a structured and stable system of interconnected elements that ensure consistent and equitable development of students at all levels of training and education.
Key words: value education, value principles, school education, primary education, secondary education, personal development, spiritual development, moral development, social development, cultural development.
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Vlasova Inna
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Docent, Doctoral Candidate, Institute of higher education NAЕS of Ukraine, 9 Bastionna Str., Kyiv, Ukraine
The analysis of legislative support of higher education and strategic documents of education and science development of Georgia is carried out. As a result, the strategic tasks of further development of higher education in Georgia are clarified. They are: modernizing and aligning higher education programs with labour market needs in order to improve the quality and learning outcomes to stimulate personal development and employability. It is necessary to develop a stronger development-oriented and results-based quality assurance system; strengthen the research base of universities and the links between teaching and research to make knowledge creation, transfer, innovation and technology as integral parts of study programs; modernize the research infrastructure; improve access to good quality education, particularly for students with financial problems and for students with special needs through scholarships (merit-based, need-based) and student loans; develop public funding with incentives for implementing above-mentioned objectives and for acknowledging for relative cost differences between various types of study programs or institutions. Sources of funding for higher education institutions of Georgia are revealed. They are: tuition fees which are covered by the state study grant and state Master’s study grant (only with regard to an accredited higher education programme); funds received through private grants, contributions; research grants awarded by the state on the basis of competition; programme financing allocated by the ministries of the relevant fields. The main mechanisms of state funding, in particular state grants (vouchers) for students and funding of educational places according to priority educational programs are determined. Mechanisms of students’ financial support, such as merit-based grants, needs-based grants, and free places for learning in priority areas are provided. The level of financial autonomy of universities is analysed.
Key words: voucher; sources of funding; state merit-based grants; state needs-based grants; university autonomy; university financial autonomy.
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Natalia Evtushenko
PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences and Information and Communication Technology in Education, Chernihiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after K. D. Ushynskyi, 83 Slobidska Str., 14000 Chernihiv, Ukraine
The proposed article analyzes the peculiarities of the basic structural elements of the training systems of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects in postgraduate education of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The notion of professional development of specialists in the educational space of the countries is defined — intentional, planned and continuous process, which results in the expansion of teachers’ professional competences, improvement of their professional level, re-qualification of specialists, and development of universal personality.
The principles on which the systems of professional development of specialists of Ukraine and Poland are built and developed are considered: humanization, differentiation, interactivity, unity of socialization and professionalization of personality, modularity and continuity of training. Also it is recognized among the principles of educational activities that are taken into account in the process of training of the Polish colleagues there are such as: the interrelation of theory and practice, variability, diversity of forms, continuity, multidimensionality, multilevelness, and openness.
Important functions (socio-cultural, developmental, educational, compensatory and adaptive) that the systems of teacher training fulfill as for continuous professional development and improvement of specialists are analyzed.
The author pays special attention to the analysis of functioning of the training systems of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects as multidimensional entities in postgraduate pedagogical education of the countries which are characterized by socio-state character, variability, flexibility, and construction considering different needs of teachers in their professional development.
The article analyzes the level structures of advanced training systems of postgraduate education of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland, which have their own subjects at each level of regulation (national, regional, local, and institutional), and use certain principles, tools and institutions for achievement of the overall goal.
It is noted that the systems of advanced training of teachers of natural and mathematical subjects in the postgraduate education of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland have a lot in common at the stage of formation of goals and tasks, defining principles and functions, choosing the directions of development of educational activity.
Differences are observed in the structure of education systems and teacher training financing.
A detailed study of the quality criteria for the improvement of specialists in accordance with the international standards is proposed for further research, which will improve the evaluation of the results of the educational process and enhance the motivation of teachers for their personal and professional development and self-improvement.
Key words: improvement of teachers postgraduate pedagogical education; teacher; teacher training system.
Voliarska, O.S., & Pastushok, O.S. (2017). Rozvytok osvity doroslykh v Ukraini: pryntsypy i napriamy [Development of Adult Education in Ukraine: principles and directions]. Profesiinyi rozvytok fakhivtsiv u systemi osvity doroslykh: istoriia, teoriia, tekhnolohii: materialy II-oi Vseukrainskoi naukovo-praktychnoi Internet-konferentsii. Kyiv, Ukraine, 36–37 (ukr).
Deiaki pytannia pidvyshchennia kvalifikatsii pedahohichnykh i naukovo-pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv [Some issues of improvement of qualification of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers].
Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 21.08.2019 r. № 800. Uriadovyi kurier. 2019. № 167 (ukr).
Zakon Ukrainy «Pro osvitu» [The Law of Ukraine On Education]. Retrieved from http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/2145-19/page3 (ukr).
Kliasen, N. L. (2014). Pisliadyplomna pedahohichna osvita: zarubizhnyi dosvid ta suchasna praktyka [In-service Teacher Training: Foreign Experience and Current Practice]. Nova pedahohichna dumka, (2), 187–190 (ukr).
Lukianova, L. B. (2017). Zakonodavche zabezpechennia osvity doroslykh: zarubizhnyi dosvid [Legislative Support for Adult Education: Foreign Experience]. Kyiv, Ukraine: DKS-Tsentr (ukr).
Mushketa, R. (2007). Pidhotovka vchyteliv fizychnoho vykhovannia u Polshchi do otsiniuvannia navchalnykh dosiahnen uchniv [Preparing Physical Education Teachers in Poland for Assessing Students’ Achievements]: Doctor’s thesis: 13.00.04. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Nychkalo, N. H. (2008). Transformatsiia profesiino-tekhnichnoi osvity v Ukraini: monohrafiia [Transformation of Vocational Education in Ukraine: monohraf]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Pedagogichna dumka (ukr).
Sydorenko, V.V. (2018). Metodychna diialnist u suspilstvi, yake navchaietsia: vyklyky, problemy, perspektyvy rozvytku [Methodical activity in the learning society: challenges, problems, prospects for development]. Metodyst, 2 (74), 14–27 (ukr).
Buczkowska-Gola, M. (2000). Wymagając od ucznia, wymagajmy od siebie [By demanding from a student, we demand from ourselves]. Edukacja i dialog, (6), 46–49 (pol).
Ognevyuk, V.O., & Sysoieva, S. O. (2015). Training of educational experts in Ukraine: experimental interdisciplinary program. The advanced science journal, (6), 98–103, DOI: 10.15550/ ASJ.2015.06.098 (eng).
Maria Chmielewska
Doctor of Sciences in Education, Teacher of Biology in Gymnasium, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock, 1 2 Jana Kilińskiego al., 09-402 Plock, The Republic of Poland
Aggression is a common phenomenon today in all areas of activities. At present, aggression is identified as an inherent element of life of a young person and it has serious consequences in his private and social life. There is no doubt that “in every person there is violence and aggression, only the conditions in which he or she is, determine to reveal this tendency.” The author wonders not about the possibility of eliminating aggression, but on limiting it and trying to control this phenomenon.
Key words: aggression; juvenile; perpetrator; forbidden act.
I. Wykaz aktów prawnych
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II. Wykaz aktów prawnych
· Ustawa z dnia 12 marca 2004 r. o pomocy społecznej, tekst jedn. Dz. U. z 2017 r., poz. 1769.
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Jarosław Charchuła
doktor nauk humanistycznych z zakresu socjologii Zastępca Dyrektora Instytutu Nauk o Wychowaniu ds. Dydaktycznych Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, ul. Kopernika 26, 31-501 Kraków, Rzeczpospolita Polska
The social concept of José Ortega y Gasasse was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century but still remains valid. This article highlights in a special way the importance of civic education as a foundation for building a democratic society and shaping elites. In the light of Ortega y Gasset’s liberalism, important assumptions regarding freedom, civic education as well as the formation of elites are being analysed. These issues will be analysed in the context of assumptions regarding the principles of shaping the privacy of each citizen, which is the centre and source of all activities of the individual. Properly shaped privacy is the main goal of civic education and guarantees the formation of elites in society.
Key words: Ortega y Gasset, civic education, privacy, elites, liberalism.
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Oleksij Sysojev
Candidate of Economic Sciences Kyiv International University
The study provides an insight into administrative and legal aspects of licensing higher educational institutions, analyses changes in the licensing system of higher educational institutions and examines measures aimed at nhancing the role of this institution in addressing the problem of quality assurance of higher educational institutions. The author investigates the legal nature and administrative aspects of licensing in higher education and proves that licensing in higher education is an administrative procedure, which takes into account the specific nature and characteristics of the activities of an educational institution, that are stipulated by the corresponding regulatory documents. The paper determines licensing as a legal phenomenon, which means that licensing activity belongs to the system of state-executive relations, the core of which is the organizing the citizens and the legal entities’ activities in the spheres where steadfast adherence to definite requirements and certain legal behavior is expected. One of the key research questions of this paper was the ambiguity of the concept of licensing in scientific literature, which combines the norms of administrative and civil law. Social and legal functions of licensing higher education institutions with the aim of their effective functioning in social and legal environment are outlined. Further, the author identifies the characteristic features of licensing in education.
This article also address the research questions of licensing in education and offers the conclusions regarding the features of licensing as a legal phenomenon. The role of licensing activity in the system of state-executive relations and its contents and constituents are determined.
Key words: licensing, licensing in education, license, licensing as a means of the state regulation, administrative and legal aspects of licensing in education.
Bekirova, E. E. (2006). Pravove rehuliuvannia litsenzuvannia pevnykh vydiv hospodars’koi diial’nosti [Legal regulation of licensing of certain types of economic activity: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.04 – Commercial law, Commercial procedural law]. Donetsk, Ukraine (ukr).
Vitvitsky, S. S. (2004). Derzhavnyj kontrol’ u sferi litsenzijnoi diyalnosti: [State control in the field of licensing activity: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.07 – Management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law]. Kharkiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Zakon Ukrayini «Pro zatverdzhennya Licenzijnih umov provadzhennya osvitnoyi diyalnosti zakladiv osviti» [Law of Ukraine «On Approval of Licensing Conditions for Educational Activities of Educational Institution»]. (2015). Retrieved from https://ips.ligazakon.net/document/view/ KP151187?an=1&ed=2015_12_30 (ukr).
Lastovetskiy, A. S. (2005). Orhanizatsijno-pravovi zasady rehuliuvannia pidpryiemnyts’koi diial’nosti v Ukraini [Organizational and legal bases of regulation of business activity in Ukraine: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.07 – Management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law]. Irpin, Ukraine (ukr).
Kashpersky, O. V. (2011). Administratyvno-pravovyj status sub’iektiv litsenzuvannia hospodars’koi diial’nosti v Ukraini [Administrative and legal status of subjects of licensing of economic activity in Ukraine: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.07 – Management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law]. Kharkiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Pastuk, I. D. (2005). Orhanizatsijno-pravovi zasady litsenzuvannia hospodars’koi diial’nosti v Ukraini [Organizational and Legal Principles of Business Licensing in Ukraine: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.07 – Management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law]. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Shevarikhin, A. A. (2003). Administratyvno-pravovi problemy litsenzuvannia hospodars’koi diial’nosti orhanamy vnutrishnikh sprav [Administrative and legal problems of licensing of economic activity by law enforcement agencies: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.07 – Management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law]. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Shestak, L. V. (2005). Litsenzuvannia iak administratyvno-pravovyj instytut [Licensing as an Administrative Law Institute: Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.07 – Management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law]. Irpin, Ukraine (ukr).
Shpomer, A. I. (2011). Licenzuvannya gospodarskoyi diyalnosti: pitannya galuzevoyi identifikaciyi [Licenzuvannya gospodarskoyi diyalnosti: pitannya galuzevoyi identifikaciyi]. Universitetski naukovi zapiski, 1, 181–185 (ukr).
Shpomer, A. I. (2006). Licenzuvannya gospodarskoyi diyalnosti (gospodarsko-pravovij aspekt) [Licensing of business activities (economic and legal aspect): Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis: 12.00.04 – Commercial law, Commercial procedural law]. Kyiv, Ukraine (ukr).
Khomyshyn, I. Yu. (2018). Meta i zmist protsedury litsenzuvannia osvitn’oi diial’nosti. [The purpose and content of the licensing procedure for educational activities]. Porivnial’no-analitychne pravo № 2. S. 275–278 (ukr).
Victoria Pererva
assistant of Botany and Ecology Department of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Gagarin Av., 54, 50086, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
The essence and advantages of distance learning as a form of organization of independent work in the professional training of future specialists are revealed. Formation of a professional term system is considered as a prerequisite for the formation of professional-terminological competence of a future teacher.
Independent work Outside the classroom process is expanding the amount of material to be absorbed (both theoretical and applied), assisting in preparing for the tests and examinations in professional disciplines. Today, integration of modern pedagogical and information technologies, their wide introduction into the educational process is very important. In the system of vocational education, issues of the culture of professional communication, are of particular importance. Imperfect knowledge of the professional terminology leads to the appearance of a significant number of typical errors, reducing the level of the culture of speech. An important role in mastering students’ knowledge of the special course «Latina. Botany terminology» is given to independent work, which gradually becomes one of the leading forms. Application of new information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process, creation, and use of modern electronic teaching aids and distance courses solve complex tasks of forming a single educational information environment. Distance learning course «Latina. Botany Terminology» for future biology teacher is allows each student to work in an individual mode under the guidance of teachers. The content and structure of the distance e-learning course «Latin. Botany Terminology» for students of the Natural Department of Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education is shown. The purpose of the distance special course, is to enrich the personality language culture, understanding the semantics and etymologies of biological terms.
Key words: distance special course; professional and terminological competence; training.
Ghalecjkyj, S., Ghalecjka, T. (2018). Dystancijne navchannja jak element informacijno-komunikacijnykh tekhnologhij v osviti [Distance learning as products, information and communication technologies in education]. Zbirnyk naukovykh pracj Umansjkogho derzhavnogho pedaghoghichnogho universytetu. Vyp.1. S. 54-62 (ukr).
Ghrycaj, N. B. (2016). Systema metodychnoji pidghotovky majbutnikh uchyteliv biologhiji v edaghoghichnykh universytetakh [The system of methodical preparation of future teachers of biology in pedagogical universities]: avtoref. dys. ... d-ra ped. nauk - 13.00.02. K. 40 s. (ukr).
Kryvonos, O. (2015). Vykorystannya elementiv dystancijnogo navchannya u procesi vyvchennya suchasnyx informacijnyx texnologij studentamy-filologamy [Using the elements of distance learning in the process of studying modern information technologies by students-philologists]. Mizhnarodnyj naukovyj zhurnal, 7, SS. 48-55 (ukr).
Lavrentjjeva, O. (2012). Speckurs «Formuvannja profesijnoji tvorchosti vchytelja» jak zasib stanovlennja skladovykh profesijno-pedaghoghichnoji kuljtury majbutnjogho pedaghogha [Spetskurs «Formation of professional creativity of the teacher» as means of formation of components of is rofessional-pedagogical culture of the future teacher]. Vytoky pedaghoghichnoji majsternosti. Vyp. 10. S.170-175 (ukr).
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Prykhodko Veronika
Associate Professor, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Str., 65016, Odessa, Ukraine
Safranov Tamerlan
DSc. (Geology), Professor, The Head of Ecology and Environmental Protection Department, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Str., 65016, Odessa, Ukraine
Shanina Tetyana
PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Str., 65016, Odessa, Ukraine
Mykhailenko Vladyslav
PhD student, junior research assistant, Odessa State Environmental University, 15 Lvivska Str., 65016, Odessa, Ukraine
The article presents the educational component overview of the solid waste management and treatment system. The need for education in this area is caused by the crisis environmental situation in Ukraine and significant reforms in the legislative and regulatory sphere of waste management. The result of the educational process is the acquisition of relevant competences, in particular, in matters of municipal solid waste management and treatment.
The peculiarities of competence formation in the area of municipal solid waste management and treatment according to the updated list of the European Union countries key competences are outlined in paper. The process of competence formation begins with the knowledge and skills acquisition, on the basis of which the way of thinking is formed. The system model of environmental situation formation and the importance of personal contribution to the municipal solid waste problem solution are the basic foundation in teaching and mastering of this topic. Municipal solid waste education should be permanent and cover all categories of recipients - from citizens to professionals with a gradual increase in environmental competence and maturity. The paper presents the experience of the Odessa State Environmental University on education in the municipal solid waste management and treatment area. All types of education are implemented at the university: formal, non-formal and informal, involving all categories of educational recipients. The main subject of the educational process is the lecture interacting with other groups of educational seekers. This leads to the need for continuous teacher education, which is realized through participation in researches, conferences, seminars, trainings and, most importantly, through practical experience.
Key words: competence; educational seekers; municipal solid waste management and treatment.
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Yuliia Zaitseva
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Poltava V.G. Korolenka National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrogradskogo Str., 36000, Ukraine
Serhii Novik
Novik Sergii, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Poltava V.G. Korolenka National Pedagogical University, 2 Ostrogradskogo Str., 36000, Ukraine
The content and forms of educational process of the physical education faculties students were analyzed in this article to organize physical culture and sports work. Pedagogical condition of formation of readiness to organize physical culture and sports work at comprehensive schools by future teachers of Physical Education was justified on the basis of isolated problems. This is directing of the combined efforts of Lecturers of professional disciplines and physical education teachers to support the professional development of future physical education teachers. The pedagogical condition is based on the three-personal interaction within the framework of equal relations in the system «teacher — student — teacher of physical culture», which is directional on the formation of readiness to organize physical culture and sports work by future teachers of Physical Education and provides for the linking of the faculties of physical education with comprehensive schools and another physical culture and sports institutions, where the students join the organization and holding different forms of the physical culture and sports work.
Specialists in the field of physical culture and sports role in gaining professional experience by future teachers of Physical Education was found out. Lecturer, this is a person, who has a leading place in the three-personal interaction, who controls this process and directs it.
The student is an active participant in the educational process, who has opportunity to form his own professional readiness and gains experience in organization of physical culture and sports work.
Physical education teacher and other specialists in this field help to students to see and understand the essence of professional activity «from inside». They coordinate student activities in the organization of various forms of physical culture and sports work in the conditions of comprehensive schools and another physical culture and sports institutions.
Key worlds: Lecturer, pedagogical condition, physical culture and sports work, Physical education teacher, student, three-personal interaction.
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Olga Cherepekhina
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, ave. Gagarina, building. 25, 49005 Dnipro, Ukraine
The problem of pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology is investigated in the article. In the context of the relevance of the development of pedagogical competence as a component of the professionalism of the future psychology teacher in higher education institutions, the content of the components of the corresponding pedagogical competence is revealed. It is emphasized that the basic competences reflect the specificity of a certain professional activity, and the special ones - the specificity of a specific visual or supra-curricular sphere of professional activity and correlate with the implementation of key and basic competences in a specific sphere of professional activity.
Key words: competence; pedagogical competence; pedagogical competence of the teacher; pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology; structure pedagogical competence of the teacher of psychology.
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Svetlana Zaskaleta
Doctor of Sciense (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of English Language and Literature Department, Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, 24 Nikolska Str., 54030 Mykolaiv, Ukraine
The article analyzes the problem of ensuring the quality of higher education. Ukraine aims to be in the European trend towards modernization of higher education. Ensuring the quality of higher education is much planned and at the same time the availability of the necessary resources (academic and administrative staff, students, academic and administrative leaders; financial, material, informational, scientific, educational resources etc.); organization of educational process that most adequately reflect modern trends in the development of national and world economy and education; the control of educational activities at the higher education sector and the quality of training of specialists at all stages of training and at all levels: the higher education institution, for higher education in different national and international (European) level. Quality assurance requires a lot of preparatory work. This is an extended process that requires continuous improvement of the achieved performance.
The general tendency of professional training of specialists in the countries of the European space is determined.
It is to ensure the quality of higher education.
The quality assurance of higher education is governed by the legal framework of the countries (the Law on Higher Education and related by-laws). Higher education quality assurance tasks are carried out by the Agency for the Supervision and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, in accordance with EU legislation and recommendations in the field of higher education quality. It is noted that the mechanisms of quality assurance of higher education are constantly being improved, which is the key to the development of higher education systems in the countries of the European area. Quality assurance is a priority of the Bologna Process, but its mechanisms are not seen as a goal. Their ultimate goal is to improve the quality of teaching and research. The quality assurance bodies support the institutions in their further development and, equally, play a key role as defenders of the public interest.
Key components of the quality assurance system of higher education is to ensure the quality of education at the Universities, processes of quality assurance in education teaching and learning; approval monitoring and periodic review of programs for assessing the quality of teaching staff, educational resources and support for students of information systems.
Key words: national system of education; quality of education, ensuring the quality of higher education, organization of educational process, internal quality assurance system, international experts, principles and procedures for ensuring the quality of higher education.
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