To cite this article:
Kobzieva, I. (2018). Harmonic aspects of kalokagathia: historical and philosophical analysis. Osvitolohiya, 7, 22-28. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.2228

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Kobzieva Iryna,

ORCID iD 0000-0001-8543-6599
PhD in Pedagogy, doctoral student of Department of Philosophy at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 2 Valentynivska Str., 61168 Kharkiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


The paper considers to philosophically analyze the harmony and harmonious development of man, their interpretation from Antiquity to our days. Human life on perpetual search for inner and outer harmony. The author of the article analyze the statements of the greatest philosophers about the harmonious development of the person. Тhe idea that the ideal of a developed harmonious person is substantial basis of the ancient ideal of kalokagathia throughout the history of development and transformation іt is discussed.

For many centuries from antiquity to the present day, representatives of philosophy have tried to explain who the person is.  And a harmonious development person, should be in the priority for the development of any state. In the historical dynamics, the accents of these philosophical problems were repeatedly changed, their basic principles and thesis were rethought. Accordingly, the views of people changed, and consequently the ideas of kalokagathia, harmony and harmonious development. But only the main feature ‒ components ‒ did not change. Specificity of harmony and harmonious development is revealed on the basis of an analysis of philosophical and scientific material. These widespread terms are kalokagathia, one of the key concepts and basic methodological principles of ancient Greek philosophy. They make it possible for a person to realize his outer and his inner world as a single whole, and is in certain eternal inner relationships.

The findings of the research show that the harmonious development, as an idea of kalokagathia always aimed at the development of external and internal abilities and instilling a sense of beauty, goodness, justice, truth and their harmonious harmony. The philosophical thought of harmonious development, after going through the ages, acquired new interpretive meanings and national specifics. And in the history of each culture there were periods when accents were drawn on kalokagathia meanings and their reading in the system, ethical and philosophical, aesthetic concepts. The idea of harmonious human development connects the past with our modernity. Moreover, this idea is constantly directed to the future, because it is in a state of continuous development.

Key words: harmony;  the harmonious development;  kalokagathia.



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