To cite this article:
Zlociak, M. (2018). Prejudices and stereotypes in interpersonal relations of members of informal groups. Osvitolohiya, 7, 116–124. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.116124

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Zlociak Marcin,

ORCID iD 0000-0001-5038-6333 
Psychopedagogist, Social Worker, Municipal Social Welfare Center in Sieradz, 5 Polna Str., 98-200 Sieradz, Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Prejudices and stereotypes are present in the lives of each of us. Some of people are not even aware that they have fallen into a trap of stereotypical thinking. This article aims to present theoretical issues related to prejudices and stereotypes, what was done in the first part. There definitions of prejudices and stereotypes were explained. There were shown sources of prejudices and stereotypes, also their functions.

In the second part were shown methodological issues of own researches. For the purpose of article, the goal of research was defined and this goal was getting to know opinions of members of informal groups about prejudices and stereotypes in their relationships with other people. In the following research problems were formulated and research hypotheses were set up. Then research sample was specified. Next step was verification of previously made hypotheses and making a summary of the obtained results of researches.

Key words: stereotypesprejudices;  interpersonal relations;  informal groups.



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