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Kharchenko, T. (2017). Seminars, analysing practices, in the professional training of teachers in the countries of the Western Europe. Osvitolohiya, 6, 169-175, doi: 

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Kharchenko Tetiana,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4480-1585

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Roman Philology and Comparative-and-Typological Philology Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


There have been displayed the researches of Western-European theorists and practitioners of pedagogical education about global clinic training which, in accordance to their view, should become the basis of all complex of modern program of professional teacherstraining in the article. Proceed from the fact that theoretical knowledge, accumulated out of action context, cannot be the one that is being mobilized for solving professional tasks, Western-European scientists consider teachers’ training as intensive analysis training of pedagogical reality by means of theoretical ideas. Within clinic form of study organizing, practice of the intending teacher is simultaneously the activity in composing theoretical concepts and new knowledge as well as the activity directed toward integration and mobilization and the acquired skills and competences.

Pointing out that clinic training is impossible to imagine in one unique scheme of methods, they point out five basis components in its organization. This research narrates about peculiarities of analysis practice seminars’ organizing as one the methods of the development and transformation of teacher’s individuality – reflexive practitioner.  Having come to the conclusion that reflexive practice is more a matter of state than a distinct methodological competence, theorists and experts of pedagogical education of Western Europe state thatthe development of teachers’ individuality – reflexive practitioner occurs as a result of practice and intensive training where a student teacher has a number of cases to self-create general schemes of reflection and regulation, to find answers to all problematic questions. Educational supervisor plays coaching role in which he observes, sets goals, directs mental processes of the intending teacher. His functions are directed toward support and work regulation in self-analysis; these functions give intending teachers  the opportunity to interpret their practices and professional behavior, and, in such a way, to gradually create, organize specific skills and competences, while taking into account everybody’s personal experience.

Key words: clinic training;  practices’ analysis;  reflexive practitioner;  teacher’s individuality.  


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