To cite this article:
Gebel, T. (2017). Youth subcultures in the world of popular culture. Osvitolohiya, 6, 128-136, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.128136

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Gebel Tomasz, 
ORCID iD 0000-0003-4649-2330 

MA, Assistant, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The autor discusse the issues of the symbolic and material world born out of subcultural currents. The activity of the most distinctive youth subcultures has also been presented over the last decades. 
The author describes the relations between the world of popular (widely accessible, mass) culture and counter culture. The examples of norms, patterns, values and products of particular subcultures show the way in which they contested popculture. Moreover, the author draws due attention to challenges and possibilities faced by education in the field of the culture of subcultures. The findings of the research show that the emergence of various youth movements and their individual manifestations is important in the process of cultural development of society rather than threaten culture, since it enriches it with new elements, making culture more complicated.In turn, the danger of subcultures is connected with creating a particular threat to the existing social order. Subcultures bring sufferings to those who want to push the one true vision of reality. Culture is an incredible instrument for people making decisions to understand their audience.The history of the twentieth century is a history of subcultures. They were a reflection of the enormous social and cultural changes that took place throughout the world.It was the young people who frankly reacted to the reality that was different from ideas and dreams.Subcultures have been a reflection of their aspirations, a part of the world that can be managed the way they want. The presence of the youth subcultures in the world seems to be a great opportunity to instill the idea of dialogue, to ensure tolerance to the Other.They are an indescribable challenge to education in today's multicultural world.

Key words: culture;  subcultures;  youth. 


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