№ 6, 2017




Sliverskyi Bohuslav
Pedagogy of the future

Bondar Volodymyr
Problems of interaction between philosophy and methodology of scientific knowledge in pedagogy

Sysoieva Svetlana
Interdisciplinary research in the context of the development of educology

Khoruzhyi Grygorii
Pedagogy of free time: social and philosophical analysis

Kaminska Malgozhata
Learning as an educational priority?

Kultayeva Maria
Philosophical pedagogy as critics and self- critics: German experience



Rafalsky Oleg
Education as factor of social modernization

Minchanovska Oleksandra
Subjectivity in education – reflections upon teacher-learner relations

Melnychenko Volodymyr
Mykhailo Hrushevsky: «Cossacks were ruining Moscow walls ...»

Ilina Halyna
The visual meaning of intellectual contemplation in the philosophy of J. G. Fichte

Dereka Tetiana
Acmeology development (from the 20-th years of the XX cen. to beginning of the XXI cen.): stages of development and their characteristics



Kurilo Vitaliy, Hutsol Alla
Role and place gender in education Republic of Belarus

Savchenko Serhii
The features of process of socialization of personality in conditions of hybrid warfare in Donbas

Klaimon-Lekh Urshula
Internet as a place of social activity for people with disabilities and their families

Bartosiak Lukash
Father in process of care for children in rural families: health care



Shafranska Anna
The transformation of the political system in Poland after the breakthrough in 1989

Tsekhmister Yaroslav, Lysenko Oleksandra
Medical law: professionals’ training prospects in Ukraine



Khojnacjka-Synashko Barbara
Getting to know the other during school intercultural exchanges - experiences of young people from polish-czech borderland in Cieszyn Silesia

Piekhachek-Oherman Habriela
Grandparents and grandchildren in the intergenerational transmission of knowledge, patterns and values

Gebel Tomasz
Youth subcultures in the world of popular culture

Oleksyuk Olga, Koval Anastasiia
Hermeneutic principles of musical education: interpretation discussion



Sokolova Iryna
The EUA education policy: quality assurance strategies

Khruzd-Matushchyk Alisa
Professional preparation and training of teachers – selected issues

Batechko Nina
Quality management in higher education sphere: methodological aspect



Gromov Yevhen
Actuality of experience study of non-philological disciplines future teachers’ foreign-languages training in higher schools of Poland and Czech Republic

Kharchenko Tetiana
Seminars, analysing practices, in the professional training of teachers in the countries of the Western Europe



Mospan Natalia
Skills demand and suply in the European Union

Samokhval Olesia
Peculiarities of forming and implementing public administration of vocational training of future specialists in tourism in Luxembourg


To cite this article:
Sliverskyi, B. (2017). Pedagogy of the future. Osvitolohiya, 6, 8-19. doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.819

To link to this article:

Sliverskyi Bohuslav,
ORCID iD 0000-0003-0263-8211

Professor, Honoris Causa Doctor, Chairman of the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of Poland, The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University, University of Lodz, 21/23 Mateiky Str., 90-237 Lodz, The Republic of Poland,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A view of pedagogy, at least in several possible contexts, is undoubtedly related to the sense of some states and the experience of those who are active creators of this discipline, the researchers or clients. The author suggests considering three aspects of the functioning of pedagogy in the academic field, the first two of which, lead to its relative «disability», destruction or anomaly with some negative consequences of the process. The similarity of the conditions of scientific work and the academic views of educators does not provide automatic cooperation in the last of the proposed dimensions of pedagogy - the pedagogy of hope or hope associated with pedagogy.

If we do not consider science as a professional, social, cultural and historical mission, with giving politicians and business representatives all the power to make decisions, we will cut the branches of the tree of generations, instead of promoting our achievements. The time has come to get up from knees, to create a new identity with usefulness for both scientific pedagogy and practice. It is possible that we should even change the language of communication with the outside world, preserving it in its structures and studying its tightness, highly specialized diversity.For example, if we want to write about social phenomena, we should present the widest possible approach to the topic: philosophy, anthropology, psychology – everything that can affect this issue. We are not able to carry out certain research in one or another field without careful study of the existing literature. Despite the fact that there are blurring boundaries in the field of humanities and social sciences as a result of interdisciplinary research, however, none of the positivist period selected scientific disciplines renounce its own identity. On the contrary, it tries to show a special contribution by metaphorizing the world of education.

Key words: hopeless pedagogy;  pedagogy of the future;  fundamentalism.


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To cite this article:
Bondar, V. (2017). Problems of interaction between philosophy and methodology of scientific knowledge in pedagogy. Osvitolohiya, 6, 20-25. doi:

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Bondar Volodymyr,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-5259-4870

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Psychology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pirogova Str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Problems of interaction between philosophy and methodology of scientific knowledge in pedagogy

The article presents the excursion of formation and phased development the methodology of scientific knowledge as a science, in close cooperation with the scientific philosophy: its status, functions, similarities and differences in their methodological significance.

It is rivaled the influence of philosophy, logic, science and scientific knowledge on the further development of the methodology as a science. Stages and the concept of its formation and development are regarded and comparative analysis of the object, method, structure and function of philosophy and methodology of science light up their role as a factor of mutual interpenetration. Discussions on these issues are going on till nowdays for benefit of these sciences and their application in the implementation of the theoretical, empirical and applied research.

The findings of the research show that any science should evolve under some general laws at the empirical and theoretical levels of research. Thus, the main task of Methodology of Scientific Knowledge, a science, is the study of general methods of cognition, ways and means of formation and development of new scientific knowledge (both empirical and theoretical), general laws of the development. Therefore, the study of general methods of cognition, ways and means of the formation and development of new scientific knowledge (both empirical and theoretical), general laws of the development of nature and society is the main task of two sciences - methodology of scientific knowledge and philosophy, while reproducing extra knowledge that is required for research in certainfields of science.

Key words: formal logic;  levels of methodological and philosophical knowledge;  methodology;  philosophy of mind;  scientific philosophy;  the logic of science.


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Shtoff, V. A. (1972). Vvedenie v metodologiju nauchnogo poznanija [Introduction to the methodology of scientific knowledge]. Leningrad, Russian Federation (rus).

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To cite this article:
Sysoieva, S. (2017). Interdisciplinary research in the context of the development of educology. Osvitolohiya, 6, 26-30. doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.2630

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Sysoieva Svetlana, 
ORCID iD 0000-0003-2499-732X

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 52-А Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article shows that the widening of the subject field of modern pedagogy requires research that goes beyond the boundaries of discipline and acquires the features of inter- and multidisciplinarity; a new qualitative level of research in education can be provided on the principles of educology as a scientific direction of an integrated study of the field of education that focuses on objects and phenomena with a «rigid» and broad type of interdisciplinarity that goes beyond the established subject of pedagogy; the criterion for distinguishing pedagogical researches and studies in the field of educology (education sciences) is defined – «the type of interdisciplinary study». Pedagogical research in its essence always differs by the soft type of interdisciplinary, since the research of purely pedagogical phenomena and processes requires «narrow» interdisciplinarity: in such studies, the integration of close to the methodology and paradigms of scientific disciplines. Studies on education (education studies) can always be attributed to the «rigid» type of interdisciplinarity, since such studies have a «broad» interdisciplinarity: methods, concepts and / or theories of sciences that have little compatibility (philosophy of education, history of education, Cultural education education, education management, educational policy and educational law, economics of education, sociology of education, etc.). The stimulation of interdisciplinary research in education should take place through educational programs, the creation of various centers and the establishment of inter-institutional contacts, as well as the development of a financial policy to support such research, the creation of mechanisms for coordinating and supporting interdisciplinary projects in the field of education at the national and supranational levels. The leader in interdisciplinary research, according to most forecasts, will be social and humanitarian sciences as well as life sciences.

 Key words: educology;  interdisciplinary research;  pedagogical research;  type of the research interdisciplinarity.


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To cite this article:
Khoruzhyi, G. (2017). Pedagogy of free time: social and philosophical analysis. Osvitolohiya, 6, 31-37. doi:

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Khoruzhyi Grygorii, 
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4793-3065

Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, Professor, Kyiv National University of trade and economics, 19 Кіоto Str., 02156 Kyiv, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The author examines the concept of free time and such features as recreation, development of personality, fulfilling of needs, communication, transfer of experience. The attention is focused to the development of children and youth. In this connection the appearance and becoming of pedagogy of free time are investigated, in particular in Germany and Austria, and training for this area. It is an interesting reflection about sociocultural animation in France, Switzerland and some countries of Latin America. In the article the experience in implementation of «diversity concept» in the USA and Germany is studied.

The findings of the research show that critical understanding of leisure needs its philosophical reflection and adequate perception in the context of modern pedagogy, which means empowering efficiency for children and the young, as well as personal development. It is worth considering the emergence and formation of leisure pedagogy and training experience for the sector, gained in various European countries, in order to analyze the problem. Moreover, the practice of leisure activities should be considered as well. The study stresses the fact that sociocultural animation is widely used for education. Certain attempts to recognize the pedagogy of free time as an independent pedagogical discipline have not found sufficient support yet. Thus, it is considered an integral part of social pedagogy.

Key words: animation;  diversity;  free time;  leisure;  pedagogical science;  pedagogy of free time;  pedagogy of leisure;  social and cultural animation.



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Kharchenko, S. Ya., Bieletska, I. V., & Hamina, T. S. (2004). Orhanizatsiia vilnoho chasu shkoliariv [Organization of free time for schoolchildren]. Luhansk, Ukraine: Alma-mater (ukr).

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To cite this article:
Kaminska, M. (2017). Learning as an educational priority? Osvitolohiya, 6, 38-43, doi: 

To link to this article:

Kaminska Malgozhata, 
ORCID iD 0000-0002-1643-3949

PhD, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Płock, 12 Kilinskoho Str., 09-402 Płock, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


A man should learn at school how to learn, how to search for information, how to build knowledge and how to use it. Researchers and strategists who are responsible for the shape of a modern and efficient European education are convinced of this. Does education in Polish schools create favorable conditions for such learning

What should be changed to become involved in the process of adapting to the real needs, signaled in the social and economic area as soon as possible? What can be classified as the positive symptoms  of  reaction to changes in work and education of people in Poland, Europe and around the world? The author of the text attempts to formulate subjective answers to these questions not only by basing on her own reflections and resulting from observations of the surrounding reality, but also using  the results of educational research and interviews with analysts and pedagogy researchers.

Key words: educational priority;  European education;  learning.



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To cite this article:
Kultayeva, M. (2017). Philosophical pedagogy as critics and self- critics: german experience. Osvitolohiya, 6, 44-51, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.4451

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Kultayeva Maria, 
ORCID iD 0000-0001-9641-4694

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Chair Holder of Philosophy, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, 2 Valentynivska Str., 61168 Kharkiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In the article are regarded some evolutional tendencies of philosophical pedagogy in the German theoretical tradition. The turn from the normative theories to functional-structuring ones is analyzed on the factual material of Neo-Hegelianism (E. Spranger, T. Litt) and on Adorno’s half-education theory, where the half-education is represented as a form of  educational alienation und contributes its conversion to anti-education. One of the alternative theoretical variants proposed by A. Tremlis deduced from theory of the self-referent social systems. Is showed that critics and self-critics of different philosophical and pedagogical constructs is giving impulses for development of philosophical pedagogy as a reflection of the inside logic of learning and educational practices including the claims of globalization. 

Despite numerous publications devoted to the problem of philosophical and pedagogical comprehension of the challenges of globalization that education is challenged with, the issue is still at an early stage. Nevertheless, the analysis shows that it has already made a certain contribution to the study of real and possible pathologies for the development of modern education.

The findings of the research show that the reflection of the state and problems of education in philosophical pedagogy is, at the same time, always a test of the ability of pedagogical theories to fulfill their general civilization function. The activation of its ability to self-criticism is required to cope with that. Without the above mentioned factor, it can easily integrate into political ideology or adapt to the demands of the mass culture, turning from the guardian of the humanistic potential of education into its academically trained destroyer.

Key words: communication;  critics;  education;  globalization;  half-education;  inside logic;  philosophical pedagogy;  self-critics;  tendencies;  theory.


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Spranger, Eduard. (1928). Das deutsche Bildungsideal der Gegenwart in  geschichtsphilosophischer Beleuchtung. Leipzig, Deutschland: Quell und Meyer (ger).

Spranger, Eduard. (1973). Philosophische Pädagogik. Heidelberg, Deutschland: Klett Verlag (ger).
Treml, Alfred K. (2010). Philosophische Pädagogik. Die theoretischen Grundlagen der Erziehungswissenschaft. Stuttgart, Deutschland: Kohlhammer (ger).

Treml, Alfred K. (2000). Allgemeine Pädagogik. Grundlagen, Handlungsfelder und Perspektiven der Erziehung. Stuttgart, Deutschland: Kohlhammer (ger).

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To cite this article:
Rafalsky, O. (2017). Education as factor of social modernization. Osvitolohiya, 6, 52-58, doi: 

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Rafalsky Oleg,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-5161-047X

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Director of I. F. Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,  8 Kutuzova Str., 01011 Kyiv, Ukraine,   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The effectiveness of education is determined by the level of preparation of an individual to make the productive effects in order to provide personal and social development.  In a great scheme of things, each educational system is designed to create the conditions for successful adaptation of an individual to the social and cultural realities of the society of a specific historical context.

The worldview basis of the development of education turn out to be convincing, thus, the educational paradigm will acquire the effective characteristics, if it makes allowances for and uses professionally mutually potential action of the shaping factors of the development of education in particular and society in general.

Each national educational system has to make allowances for the realistic resource limits of a country. If different conceptual models of education are based on different priorities for functioning and development of education, it proves either one thing or the other: either the lack of knowledge about the specific historical realities and perspectives of its society, or the intentions to make a tool for the satisfaction of other needs of the national education.

Key words: cause and effect connections;  conceptual basis;  education;  genesis;  innovative type of development;  mission of university;  social modernization;  system interaction. 



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To cite this article:
Minchanovska, O. (2017). Subjectivity in education – reflections upon teacher-learner relations. Osvitolohiya, 6, 59-64, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.5964

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Minchanovska Oleksandra,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-5833-4300

Dr., Associate Professor, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In the presented study, the educational dialogue is understood as a model of subject-oriented interaction, as a kind of idea which specifies the way of thinking about education. By creating the possibilities of self-expression for its participants, this process shapes the orientation towards the subject of all the participants. However, this can take place only if appropriate conditions are provided for the participants and the teachers are aware of their being role models for their learners.

The article deals with the basic models of educational cooperation, namely the model of spontaneous actions of students and their adaptation activity – quasi-objective model; the model of teacher planned events and actions – the object model; the model of coordinated activities of teacher and students – the subjective model.The main criteria for defining those models are: the type of student / teacher activity – from natural, due to their own internal reasons, and inspired to the actions that are directed by the teacher only; correlation between the level of activity of students and teacher – there is a close relationship among them, i.e. the more active teacher is, the less space is left for student activities and vice versa; the nature of relationship between teacher and students as between the two partners.It should also be noticed that due to the nature of the subjective educational communication – direct (student-teacher interaction) or indirect (teacher directs student relationship in class) – there is a possibility of effectively influence on the development of the subjective orientation of every student. This is a teacher's personal example given in personal relations that has an impact on the extent to which children develop consciousness.

Key words: interactions;  subjectivity in educational dialogue;  teacher-learner relations.


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To cite this article:
Melnychenko, V. (2017). Mykhailo Hrushevsky: «Cossacks were ruining Moscow walls ...». Osvitolohiya, 6, 64-70, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.6470

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Melnychenko Volodymyr, 
ORCID iD 0000-0002-5772-0100

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine,Laureate of theShevchenko National Prize, 52-А Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This article deals with Taras Shevchenko’s and Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s perception and evaluation of the unique and little known page of the national and international history – the attack of the Moscow Kremlin by the Cossack army of Hetman Sahaidachnyi in autumn 1618. There are certain pages from the Ukrainian history that are forgotten or not well-known in the civil society that, in fact, require the emphasis in the educational process, the patriotic upbringing of youth, the formation of national pride and even a new genetic matrix of historical memory. They include the assault of the Moscow Kremlin by the Cossack army of Petro Sahaidachny, the Ukrainian hetman, on the Pokrov in 1618, that is four centuries ago. The author reminds of the heroic page with the help of Mykhailo Hrushevsky, a prominent Ukrainian historian and statesman, who took over the attention and respect for it from Taras Shevchenko. Hrushevsky signaled the nation that those were not Shevchenko's works that the history of Ukraine should be studied from, but it is impossible to know it in all its colors and completeness of the national bitterness without Kobzar’s poetic words. Shevchenko's understanding of the history of Ukraine, that he had melted to become his poetry, has had a much greater impact on readers than any scientific works do.

The findings of the research show that the unique and complicated episode of the Ukrainian-Russian relations and political-leadership biography of Sahaydachny requires further serious study and objective evaluation. Moreover, that was not specifically and profoundly done by either Mykhailo Hrushevsky or Dmytro Yavornytsky who did not analyzeit generally and in details. Certain interesting attempts taken by contemporary historians have not materialized in the original study yet.

Key words: political-leadership activity of P. Sahaydachny;  the attack of the Moscow Kremlin;  Ukrainian-Russian relations.


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Yavornytskyi, D. I. (1991). Istoriia zaporizkykh kozakiv [History of Zaporozhye Cossacks]: in 3 t. T. 2. Lviv, Ukraine: Svit (ukr).


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To cite this article:
Ilina, H. (2017). The visual meaning of intellectual contemplation in the philosophy of J. G. Fichte. Osvitolohiya, 6, 70-75, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.7075

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Ilina Halyna, 
ORCID iD 0000-0001-8409-0696

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 64/13 Volodymyrska Str., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


The article examines the visual perspective of the J. G. Fichte’s philosophy of transcendental idealism. He paid most attention to visual paradigm compared to other representatives of the German classical philosophy. The author notes that J. G. Fichte developed the original concept of a transcendental-phenomenological vision, in which the subject does not contemplate actually existing objects, but their reflection in subject’s consciousness. He does not see things, but the result of his own process of vision, the effects of his acts of contemplation. Because what is seeing, and the subject of the vision are identical, the contemplation of an object by a subject can give rise to adequate images of reality. Self- consciousness of the subject doesn’t dependent on reality,it is a pure activity that lays itself, and laying is simultaneously contemplation of itself. This contemplation, as is shown in the article, is the intellectual contemplation that forms the basis of every knowledge, and is also the main point of view for each philosophy. Intelligent contemplation as a reflection of one's consciousness combines creation and knowledge of oneself. Reliability of the results of intellectual contemplation is based on the authenticity of self-consciousness. The law of the development of the spirit is the self-limitation of the process of self-consciousness, which became the basis for the formation of the idea of historicism, which is a prerequisite for overcoming dogmatism and creating a new vision of the world.

Key words: consciousness;  intellectual contemplation;  reflection;  self-consciousness;  subject;  transcendental;  visual.


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To cite this article:
Dereka, T. (2017). Acmeology development (from the 20-th years of the XX cen. to beginning of the XXI cen.): stages of development and their characteristics. Osvitolohiya, 6, 76-80, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.7680

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Dereka Tetiana,
ORCID iD 0000-0003-0998-1821

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Physical Culture Theory and Methodology Department, Sumy State Pedagogical University A. S. Makarenko University, 87 Romenska Str., 40002 Sumy, Ukraine


The article describes and characterizes the development of acmeology as a science. The peculiarities of acmeology development starting from the 20-th years of the 20-th century and to the beginning of the 21-st century. There are following stages of acmeology formation defined: fundamental, synergetic-technological, professional-applied, academic-scientific and creative-integrative. The peculiarities of the acmeology formation are characterized as well as the stages of development as a science that studies the patterns and phenomena of human development in the process of self-improvement, the purposeful movement to the professional and personal acme are defined.

The article outlines the stages of acmeology development on the territory of Ukraine. The fundamental stage (1928 - 1950) is characterized by the definition of «acmeology» concept and its place in the system of human sciences. Synergetic-technological (1951 - 1966) stage is characterized by the definition of laws and methods of human perfection achieving. Professional-applied stage (1967 - 1984) is characterized by the professional environment studying methods development, the advanced training system development as well as specialists’ achievement of professional skills. Academic-scientific stage (1985 - July 1991) is characterized by registration in the USSR State Committee of Science and Technology  acmeology as a branch of science, forming of acmeology departments in higher educational institutions and foundation of the scientific and practical journal «Acmeology». The creative-integrative stage (from August 1991 to the present) is characterized by acmeology development in independent Ukraine, the study of macro- and micro-akme formation peculiarities as well as investigation of social, professional and personal acme ways of achievement. The peculiarity of this stage is the first Ukrainian organization «Ukrainian Academy of Acmeology» foundation  (01.07.2006).

Key words: acme;  acmeology;  stages of formation;  professional acmeology;  self-improvement.



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To cite this article:
Kurilo, V., & Hutsol, A. (2017). Role and place gender in education Republic of Belarus. Osvitolohiya, 6, 81-85, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.8185

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Kurilo Vitaliy, 
ORCID iD 0000-0001-8566-476X

Doctor of Education, Professor, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman of the Scientific Council, «Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University», Pl. Gogol, 1, 92703 Starobelsk, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hutsol Alla, 
ORCID iD 0000-0001-6409-5991

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Assistant professor of tourism, hotel and restaurant business, «Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University», Pl. Gogol, 1, 92703 Starobelsk, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article highlights the legal framework for introducing a gender approach in the education system of the Republic of Belarus, analyzed documents related to the implementation of the gender component in the activities of educational institutions, namely the national action plans for gender equality, the document «Main Directions of the State Family Policy», the National Action Plans The National Program for Demographic Security, the Presidential Program «Children of Belarus», the State Employment Program, the Concept of Continuous Education of Children and Students in the Republic of Belarus.

The article highlights the importance of gender issues for the development of society as a whole and of the individual in particular. The definition of the concept of «gender education» is given and emphasis is placed on the process of socialization as a leading factor in the development of gender identity and progressive views on gender issues.

Stressed that should clearly distinguish between two levels of implementation of gender policy in the educational system of the Republic of Belarus – declarative and implementation. In declarative level made a significant number of regulations that ensure the development of gender education. In impelentatsiynomu level there are a number of problems are overcome only possible to achieve full.

Key words: gender;  gender education;  gender installations;  gender policy instruments;  public policy;  socialization.



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Postanovlenie Soveta Ministrov Respubliki Belarus ot 16.08.2011 № 1101 «Ob utverzhdenii Natsionalnogo plana deystviy po obespecheniyu gendernogo ravenstva v Respublike Belarus na 2011 - 2015 godyi» [Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 1101 of August 16, 2011 «On the Approval of the National Action Plan for Ensuring Gender Equality in the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015»]. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.levonevski.net/pravo/norm2013/num08/ d08148.html (rus).

Postanovlenie Soveta Ministrov Respubliki Belarus ot 17 fevralya 2017 g. № 149 «Ob utverzhdenii Natsionalnogo plana deystviy po obespecheniyu gendernogo ravenstva v Respublike Belarus na 2017–2020 god» [Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 17, 2017 № 149 «On approval of the National Plan of Action for Ensuring Gender Equality in the Republic of Belarus for 2017-2020»]. (2017). Retrieved from     http://www.pravo.by/document/?guid=12551&p0=C21700149&p1=1&p5=0 (rus).

Shtyleva, L. V. (2008). Gendernyj podhod v pedagogike i obrazovanii. Faktor pola v obrazovanii: gendernyj podhod i analiz [Gender approach in pedagogy and education. The gender factor in education: the gender approach and analysis]. Moscow, Russian Federation: PER SJe, 165–188 (rus).

OECD (2015). The ABC of Gender Equality inEducation: Aptitude, Behaviour, Confidence, PISA, OECD Publishing. DOI : 10.1787/ 9789264229945-en (eng).


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To cite this article:
Savchenko, S. (2017). The features of process of socialization of personality in conditions of hybrid warfare in Donbas. Osvitolohiya, 6, 86-91, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.8691

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Savchenko Serhii,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-7245-6128

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Rector of the Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University, 1 Gogol Square, 92703 Starobilsk, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article reveals the features of process of socialization of personality in conditions of hybrid warfare in Donbas;proved ideas for developing the theory of socializationof personality in conditionsof hybrid warfare by updating and clarifying concepts and terminology. The article presents examples of external social and institutional regulators, including: mass media, national and cultural traditions, norms, customs (in our case, false, misleading, distorted, external values, and perceptions of the surrounding world). All this together becomes a regulator of personality behavior. And the more personalities are uncultured, the less attention they devote to their own development, the more they are socially irresponsible and not capable of self-determination, amateur actions and rule-making, and thus more convenient for external manipulation.

It is proved that the most well-aimed to determine the negative transformations in the personality as a result of a hybrid warfare in East Ukraine is the concept of «aberrational socialization», which means negative, false socialization of the personality as a result of aggressive and distorted by external influences, and «aberrational activity», the essence of which is the activity of such personality, antisocial aimed at achieving the objectives. The proposed new treatment process of socialization of personality, which is presented as a three-level model, the main components are: the assimilation of social norms, practices, values, roles, relationships, patterns of behavior, etc; playing them through their own activity; creating a new in social environment (the capacity for social innovation).

Key words: aberrational activity;  aberrational socialization;  hybrid warfare;  social innovation;  socialization of personality.



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To cite this article:
Klaimon-Lekh, U. (2017). Internet as a place of social activity for people with disabilities and their families. Osvitolohiya, 6, 92-97, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.9297

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Klaimon-Lekh Urshula,
ORCID iD 0000 0003-4195-2094

Dr., Associate Professor, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For families of people with disabilities Internet is a place of communication, information about treatment and therapy. The Internet is also a space for social support. In this article I present online groups bringing together parents of children with disabilities. I believe the activities of such groups are a form of support and kind of education for people with disabilities and their families.

An important aspect of teaching is both a learning process associated with a disabled child and their surrounding environment and educating tolerance to people with disabilities among the general public. The aspect is especially important regarding children with Down syndrome (such children are often determined on the basis of external features, typical of people with the syndrome). There have been more than 21 successful attempts to promote the idea of a so-called open th society for people with Down syndrome through publications, leaflets, lectures etc. so far today.

Blogs created by people with disabilities or their families are becoming a more common form of social activity in the community. Analyzing the motivation of such form of communication reveals two main reasons that should be noted. The first one is connected with the need to raise funds for treatment. Whilesharingan online diary on the Internet, there is a chance to reach a larger number of people reading the blog who are concerned withfinding asolution to the problems of people with disabilities and, therefore, who can help them with financial support. Almost every blog has a request for such support (bank account entry, list of procedures to be funded, etc.). The second most common reason is the need to share personal experiences with the others, the request for externalization of, as a rule, very painful experience in front of the individual who is met face-to-face.  The media, allowing transcendence of culture, certainly play an important function in the process.

Key words: disability;  family;  group;  Internet.


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To cite this article:
Bartosiak, L. (2017). Father in process of care for children in rural families: health care. Osvitolohiya, 6, 97-102, doi:

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Bartosiak Lukash,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-2980-7380

Dr., graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogic, University of Warsaw, Krakow suburbs 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, The Republic of Poland


The article constitutes a part of research project entitled «Paternal attitudes in the rural environment». The research presented in this article, based on qualitative methodology, was conducted in nineteen randomly chosen villages of Plock district. 37 respondents participated in it. The purpose was to determine paternal attitudes in a rural environment. The research does not meet the characteristics of representativeness. The collected research material deepens the scientific knowledge of the essence of a given phenomenon rather than its social scope.  The data obtained during the analysis were compiled for a number of concepts that scientifically explain the correctness of the behavior and functioning of a man as a father and his attitudes. The social-scientific personality theory of J. Rotter, U. Bronfenbrenner's human ecology theory, the socio-cognitive theory of A. Bandury and the most important theoretical reference to the problem – «Cognitive concept of attitudes» by D. Crech, R.S. Crutchfield, E.L. Ballachey were taken into consideration. The study covered many issues. According to methodological assumptions, the selection of the sample was deliberately - random. This article is devoted to a small fragment about the father in the childcare process. In accordance with the accepted assumptions, childcare is one of the components of the father’s role in the process of parenting. The actions that are linked to organizing the everyday life conditions may be classified as criteria that allow to determine the participation of fathers in childcare processes. The qualitative analysis of collected research material, which is preceded by a theoretical introduction, demonstrates current knowledge on performing first childcare actions, the father’s contribution to the child’s healthcare, preparing meals, and other.    

Key words: care;  child;  family;  father;  upbringing.



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To cite this article:
Shafranska, A. (2017). The transformation of the political system in Poland after the breakthrough in 1989. Osvitolohiya, 6, 103-109, doi: 

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Shafranska Anna, 
ORCID iD 0000-0002-1504-5602

Doctor habilitatus, Associate Professor, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, st. Bielska, 62, 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The transformation of the political system in Poland after the breakthrough in 1989 was expected to change the Polish school. As an effect of the reforms carried out in the late 1980s, the existing hierarchical order, with strongly centralized power and the well-developed system of control and supervision was replaced by the democratic order. It was expected that the results of those transformations would be seen in all spheres of life, including education. Therefore, the changes were meant to affect the existing professional model of teachers, which could  contribute to the implementation of many wide changes in their professional sphere. However, not all transformations turned out to be well-aimed and they brought about a lot of new, often worrying, phenomena. The situation of teachers in Poland is largely determined by political activities. Although the political system has changed, the introduced reforms are mostly of political nature.

The findings of the research show that a number of facts are regarded as a prerequisite for successful reform in the developed models of change and modernization. However, due to complexity of reforming changes in education, they rarely succeed. Should education be allowed to be spontaneously changed? Should the process of educational change be given to politicians for them to be able to carry out their own experimental educational vision? Of course not. There should be an optimal model to implement change and innovation, being looked for. The only thing is certain: the success of any reform is in the hands of teachers. As long as politicians do not understand that, they will try to implement reforms designed in their offices. Such kind of changes fail, which is shown by the analysis of the ongoing reforms implemented in Poland. Assessing the effects of changes in education, no one looks at those who actually followed them, carrying out the unwanted, unprepared reforms.

Key words: change of education;  teacher;  transformation of the political system.


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To cite this article:
Tsekhmister, Y., & Lysenko, O. (2017). Medical law: professionals’ training prospects in Ukraine. Osvitolohiya, 6, 110-114, doi: 

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Tsekhmister Yaroslav,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-7959-3691
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, First Pro-Rector on Scientific-Pedagogical Activity, Bogomolets National Medical University, T. Shevchenko Boulevard, 13, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lysenko Oleksandra,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-9356-1306
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University, T. Shevchenko Boulevard, 13, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In order to implement educational programs for sustainable development among doctors who are representatives of one of the most socially important professions, it is necessary to increase the level of their legal culture, in particular in the sphere of relations arising during the medical activity. The content of education for sustainable development should be relevant to the needs of the modern society with the emphasis on both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of learning. Thus, it is due to the programs of education for sustainable development that include global civil education on the issues of peace, human rights, as well as intercultural and international relations, the need of the population for the knowledge, skills, values and attitude is satisfied,which is necessary for the adoption of reasonable decisions and active participation in solving both local and global problems of our time. These provisions are of particular importance given the characteristics of the medical profession. After all, health care, as one of the most socially meaningful fields of activity, is associated with the emergence of specific legal relations regulated by regulatory and legal acts.

In our opinion, in order to create the preconditions for further development and strengthening of the social significance of medical law, it is necessary to amend the List of branches of knowledge and specialties, which are training applicants for tertiary education, approved by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 29, 2015, No.266, namely, to make an addition of a list of names of specialties in the field of knowledge 08 «Law» with the specialty «Medical Law». The proposed innovation will not only provide opportunities for the development of a given legal field, but will also provide the opportunity to introduce tertiary education programs for the simultaneous training for two specialties in the fields of knowledge 22 «Health» and 08 «Law», which, in our opinion, will contribute to increase the level of professional competence of medical workers.

Key words: double diploma; education for sustainable development;  medical law;  training of doctors;  tertiary education for two specialties.


Deshko, L. (2006). Pro haluzevu nalezhnist' medychnoho prava Ukrayiny [On the affiliation of medical law of Ukraine]Pravo Ukrayiny, 1, 120–124 (ukr).

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Education 2030 Framework for Action. Retrieved from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/ images/0024/002456/245656E.pdf (eng).


 Full Text: PDF (ukr.)

To cite this article:
Khojnacjka-Synashko, B. (2017). Getting to know the other during school intercultural exchanges - experiences of young people from polish-czech borderland in Cieszyn Silesia. Osvitolohiya, 6, 115-123, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.115123

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Khojnacjka-Synashko Barbara,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-5591-3331

Dr., Associate Professor, Department of Social Pedagogy and Intercultural Education, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Living in a multicultural environment helps a person to take advantage of their potential. Different situations require adaptation and demand constant learning. The incentives to learn can also be social problems, which arise from the lack of understanding of differences and tendency to the emancipation of minority groups who want to maintain their own identity.

Education, which provides opportunities for contact with other cultures, helps to identify these problems. It is about intentional intercultural educational situations, is meeting others, learning through experience - in the form of a visit, the participation of students in youth exchanges. The text indicates the essence of intercultural youth meetings - deepening knowledge of ourselves and our culture, making contact with others, interacting and discovering diversity, and dealing with differences. The research was presented concerning the attitude of young people to participate in school intercultural exchanges and their opinions on the benefits that they have brought / can bring to such meetings.  The study was carried out in the school year 2014/2015 among young people from the Polish-Czech border area in Cieszyn Silesia.

Key words: intercultural exchanges;  Other;  Polish-Czech border region;  school partnership;  young people.



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To cite this article:
Piekhachek-Oherman, H. (2017). Grandparents and grandchildren in the intergenerational transmission of knowledge, patterns and values. Osvitolohiya, 6, 123-128, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.123128

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Piekhachek-Oherman Habriela, 
ORCID iD 0000-0003-4425-7732

Dr., Associate Professor, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


According to Mead’s concept, the vision of the world based on the authority of the older generation and patterns provided by grandparents is not valid any longer. At the same time, the elements of post-figurativeness and pre-figurativeness co-occur in the cross-generation cultural transmission. By being born and educated in the environment of older family members, a child acquires knowledge and gets acquainted with the values considered as traditional in the community. On the other hand, seniors’ learning new technology from the young enables being together of grandparents and grandchildren. This enhances talk, transmission of values and experiences as well as getting both generations emotionally and mentally closer.

The article deals with the study the findings of which show that the old bring religious, historical and moral values for family life. In this respect, seniority is an important human potential, indispensable in the upbringing of the younger generation. A large part of grandparents' behavior patterns is a reference to the behavior of grandchildren, determining their belonging to a particular group or community.

On the other hand, the emergence of new realities of life, the development of new models of lifestyle does not clearly indicate the devaluation of the authority of grandparents.In the research group, grandchildren use the experience, skills and knowledge of the older generation. Moreover, the phenomenon of post-visualization can be found when grandchildren become parents. In turn, training older people by the younger ones  mainly occurs regarding practical skills related to using computers, tablets, cameras, smartphones etc. The phenomenon possesses an indispensable educational sense. It enables grandchildren to have time with her grandparents - communicating, transferring values and experience.

Key words: intergeneration transmission;  post-figurative experience;  pre-figurative culture.



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To cite this article:
Gebel, T. (2017). Youth subcultures in the world of popular culture. Osvitolohiya, 6, 128-136, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.128136

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Gebel Tomasz, 
ORCID iD 0000-0003-4649-2330 

MA, Assistant, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The autor discusse the issues of the symbolic and material world born out of subcultural currents. The activity of the most distinctive youth subcultures has also been presented over the last decades. 
The author describes the relations between the world of popular (widely accessible, mass) culture and counter culture. The examples of norms, patterns, values and products of particular subcultures show the way in which they contested popculture. Moreover, the author draws due attention to challenges and possibilities faced by education in the field of the culture of subcultures. The findings of the research show that the emergence of various youth movements and their individual manifestations is important in the process of cultural development of society rather than threaten culture, since it enriches it with new elements, making culture more complicated.In turn, the danger of subcultures is connected with creating a particular threat to the existing social order. Subcultures bring sufferings to those who want to push the one true vision of reality. Culture is an incredible instrument for people making decisions to understand their audience.The history of the twentieth century is a history of subcultures. They were a reflection of the enormous social and cultural changes that took place throughout the world.It was the young people who frankly reacted to the reality that was different from ideas and dreams.Subcultures have been a reflection of their aspirations, a part of the world that can be managed the way they want. The presence of the youth subcultures in the world seems to be a great opportunity to instill the idea of dialogue, to ensure tolerance to the Other.They are an indescribable challenge to education in today's multicultural world.

Key words: culture;  subcultures;  youth. 


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To cite this article:
Oleksyuk, O., & Koval, A. (2017). Hermeneutic principles of musical education: interpretation discussion. Osvitolohiya, 6, 136-142, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.136142

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Oleksyuk Olga,
ORCID iD  0000-0002-7785-1239

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Chair of Theory and Methods of Musical Art, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Shamo, 02100 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Koval Anastasiia,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-5622-3391

Postgraduate Department of  Theory and Methods of Musical Art, 
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Shamo, 02100 Kyiv, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The educational process at a Higher Educational Institution of Arts is closely connected to the understanding of artistic texts. Teachers together with students fill their own understanding of the texts of musical works, comprehend their manifestation in teaching practice. Cultural breakthrough can only take place, if a teacher and a student coexist in the interpretative activity. Hermeneutics aspires to the spiritual interpretation of the text, revealing its sense and meaning in the universe of culture. Based on the hermeneutic doctrine, understanding serves as the fundamental basis for each stage of the interpretation process of the musical work.

The article is devoted to the substantiation of the hermeneutic interpretative principles of the musical work in the educational process of the Higher Educational Institution of Arts. The following principles are included: any piece in the text can be understood only through the whole text based on the given context (hermeneutic circle); hermeneutic interpretation is developed from the understanding of the musical work and its application in your own experience; the interpretation of the text is carried out in order to realize its meaning and function. When interpreting a musical work based on hermeneutical principles, a musicianperforms personal emotions, feelings, aspirations, ideals, values through the expression of universal human values. Interpretation of the musical work as the basis for the professional activity of the future specialist in the field of Arts should be regarded as a process and result of spiritual and intellectual knowledge, understanding and interpretation of the sense-bearing aspects of the content of the musical work.

Key words:art education;  hermeneutic approach;  hermeneutic circle;  hermeneutic principle;  hermeneutics;  interpretation;  musical art;  understanding.


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To cite this article:
Sokolova, I. (2017). The EUA education policy: quality assurance strategies. Osvitolohiya, 6, 143-149, doi: 

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Sokolova Iryna,
ORCID iD 0000-0003-4425-1859
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Education, Mariupol State University, 129 a, Budivelnykiv Ave., 87500 Mariupol, Ukraine,
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The Bologna Reform Process, which became the focal point of reform in most European countries, brought a wide range of quality concerns into the central arena of higher education discourse. Quality Assurance processes were supposed to support an increased institutional attention. The aim of this paper is to create a better the EUA's Input to EHEA Policy Making.  EUA carries out a variety of activities that are underpinned by the belief that the main responsibility for quality assurance lies within higher education institutions. EUA Policy Statement on Quality and Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area аre identified and described in the article.It is determined the impact of the EUA in shaping European quality culture through the development of educational policy and decision-conceptual documents, the annual European Quality Assurance Forums to consolidate internal and external stakeholders, expand the dialogue format in the context of the EHEA changing landscape and the best practices implementation for quality assurance. The keynote presentations of the EQAF (2006-2016) focused on current trends in quality assurance. The quality culture approach promoted by EUAdiffers clearly frommore traditional quality management strategies, shifting attention to more development-oriented and value-based aspects.

Based on the results of the projects different approaches towards quality, quality culture, or formal quality assurance and accreditation procedures are focusedin the paper. The Institutional evaluation programme in higher education, realizedin 45 countries, is described. Other programs and projects that define the tasks of quality management are characterized in thepaper. Trends in quality assurance are presented in the article taking into account the national and European contexts. This paper outlines EUA key objectives for 2017-2019. Support the creation of thequality culture in higher education institutionsis one of them.

Key words: European University Association; quality assurance; quality culture;  quality management. 



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Quality and trust: at the heart of what we do (2012): a selection of papers from the 6th EQAF, 17–19 November 2011, Belgium. EUA (eng).

Quality Culture in European Universities: A Bottom-Up Approach Report on the Three Rounds of the Quality Culture Project 2002 – 2006 (2006). Brussels, Belgium. EUA (eng).

Working together to take quality forward (2014). A selection of papers from the 8th EQAF, 21–23 November 2013, Sweden. Dan, Derricott, Helka, Kekäläinen, & Maria, Kelo. EUA CASE STUDIES (eng).


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Batechko, N. (2018). Conceptual bases of adaptation of Ukraine’s higher education to the standards of education quality of the European area. The Pedagogical Process: Theory and Practice, 1-2. DOI: 10.28925/2078-1687.2018.1-2.2331


To cite this article:
Khruzd-Matushchyk, A. (2017). Professional preparation and training of teachers – selected issues. Osvitolohiya, 6, 149-155, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.149155

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Khruzd-Matushchyk Alisa,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-7731-7979

MA, assistant, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies in Cieszyn, University of Silesia in Katowice, 62 Bielska Str., 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The subject of teachers’ professional training and improvement requires particular care and attention, it provides inspiration to think over the current potentialities of teachers’ professional development and preparing them for work. Becoming a good educator requires time, which is not the most important factor of professional development. During university studies and over the consecutive years of their professional work, teachers collect experiences. However, their workshop should not be constructed only on the basis of experience. Professional teacher training is the field owing to which teachers supplement their knowledge and acquire new skills, indispensable in the dynamic and demanding work of an educator.

What is undertaken in this study are the issues of functioning in the teacher’s profession – from educating university students to the challenges of professional work. The article consists of several parts. The first is dedicated to the educating of teachers, the next to the significance of teaching internships in the process of preparing for professional work. The third part comprises the characterization of some selected fields of teacher training and different possibilities of developing professional and personal competences are indicated here. The study is completed with a recapitulation.  

Key words: educationteacherteaching; professional training.



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To cite this article:
Batechko, N. (2017). Quality management in higher education sphere: methodological aspect. Osvitolohiya, 6, 156-162, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.156162

To link to this article:

Batechko Nina,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-3772-4489

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In the article the problem of education quality management was considered in the context of general scientific methodology. The modern tendencies of implementation of higher education quality and quality management in particular, were highlighted. It is shown that the practice of implementation of quality management systems, such as the Total Quality Management, positively affects the organizational, market and financial strategies for the formation of long-term competitive advantages in higher education sphere.

The modern interpretation of the essence and basic principles of education quality management was revealed. The methodological substantiation of the phenomenon of education quality management in the context of general scientific approaches was carried out: systemic, synergistic and acmeological. Such an approach makes it possible to substantiate the quality management as a complex, open system characterized by nonlinearity of transformations, allows to predict its development, proceeding from the development of each individual to the whole system as a whole.

It is proved that methodological substantiation of quality management on the basis of general scientific approaches can become the foundation on the basis of which the national system of education quality assurance will develop its own model, inherent only to it, taking into account the system of public administration in the field of Ukraine’s higher education, educational policy, academic traditions.

Key words: higher educationquality of educationquality of higher education education quality managementprinciples of education quality management.



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To cite this article:
Gromov, Y. (2017). Actuality of experience study of non-philological disciplines future teachers’ foreign-languages training in higher schools of Poland and Czech Republic. Osvitolohiya, 6, 163-169, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.163169

To link to this article:

Gromov Yevhen,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-0234-606X

PhD in Pedagogics, Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, 
32 Ostrozhsky Str., 21100 Vinnytsia, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Actuality of experience study of non-philological disciplines future teachers’ foreign-languages training in higher schools of Poland and Czech Republic

 The author asserts that realization of principal theses of pan-European recommendations for linguistic education stipulates necessity to revise settled views on the process of future teachers’ foreign-languages preparation taking into account modern society demands and requirements on level and extent of knowledge which every higher pedagogical institution graduate must possess. Thus we face the pressing demand of making adjustment of future pedagogues’ linguistic training in correspondence to actual challenges which presume conversion from traditional to innovative methods of individuals’ professional formation, from priorities of narrowly specialized tasks to holistic development of future teachers, pedagogical interaction, joint creativity and cooperation which provide Ukraine’s integration into European educational space. It has been supposed in the article that investigation of modern tendencies in foreign-languages training of non-philological disciplines future teachers in higher schools of Poland and Czech Republic is an actual pedagogical problem.

Main directions of possible scientific research have been outlined; unsolved aspects, principle objectives, methodological groundings, research approaches, as well as practical and theoretical importance for native pedagogical science have been determined. It has been shown that scientific investigations which are aimed at ascertainment of basic peculiarities of non-philological teachers’ professional formation in conditions of united European educational space formation will designate further perspectives for implementation of Eastern-European countries positive experience into Ukrainian pedagogical practice.

Key words: Czech RepublicEuropean educational spaceexperience study;  foreign languages training;  future teachers;  non-philological disciplines;  Poland.



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To cite this article:
Kharchenko, T. (2017). Seminars, analysing practices, in the professional training of teachers in the countries of the Western Europe. Osvitolohiya, 6, 169-175, doi: 

To link to this article:

Kharchenko Tetiana,
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4480-1585

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of Roman Philology and Comparative-and-Typological Philology Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Timoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


There have been displayed the researches of Western-European theorists and practitioners of pedagogical education about global clinic training which, in accordance to their view, should become the basis of all complex of modern program of professional teacherstraining in the article. Proceed from the fact that theoretical knowledge, accumulated out of action context, cannot be the one that is being mobilized for solving professional tasks, Western-European scientists consider teachers’ training as intensive analysis training of pedagogical reality by means of theoretical ideas. Within clinic form of study organizing, practice of the intending teacher is simultaneously the activity in composing theoretical concepts and new knowledge as well as the activity directed toward integration and mobilization and the acquired skills and competences.

Pointing out that clinic training is impossible to imagine in one unique scheme of methods, they point out five basis components in its organization. This research narrates about peculiarities of analysis practice seminars’ organizing as one the methods of the development and transformation of teacher’s individuality – reflexive practitioner.  Having come to the conclusion that reflexive practice is more a matter of state than a distinct methodological competence, theorists and experts of pedagogical education of Western Europe state thatthe development of teachers’ individuality – reflexive practitioner occurs as a result of practice and intensive training where a student teacher has a number of cases to self-create general schemes of reflection and regulation, to find answers to all problematic questions. Educational supervisor plays coaching role in which he observes, sets goals, directs mental processes of the intending teacher. His functions are directed toward support and work regulation in self-analysis; these functions give intending teachers  the opportunity to interpret their practices and professional behavior, and, in such a way, to gradually create, organize specific skills and competences, while taking into account everybody’s personal experience.

Key words: clinic training;  practices’ analysis;  reflexive practitioner;  teacher’s individuality.  


The Law of Ukraine «On Education» of 1 April 2004 № 1060-XII.  Retrieved from http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1060-12 (ukr).

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To cite this article:
Mospan, N. (2017). Skills demand and suply in the European Union. Osvitolohiya, 6, 176-180, doi: 

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Mospan Natalia, 
ORCID iD 0000-0001-8610-7965

PhD, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The author of the article presents an analysis of the current situation of demand and supply of specialists in the European Union. The basis for the analysis is the reports of the European Commission, which widely cover this issue. It is worth noting that different EU countries feel the problems of supply and demand in different ways. Their conformity is observed only in Germany, where the number of students graduate each year and enter the labor market in search of work coincides with the requirements of employers in terms of the number of specialists. Other EU countries are in demand for specialists in the scientific, engineering and technology sectors and a quantitative shortage of teachers and doctors. The study is devoted to the questions related to factors that affect the matching between the demand and supply of teachers and doctors. Among such factors is the increase in population, health and education costs. The number of school children is the dominant factor in the demand for teachers. Another factor is educational programs that determine the demand for subject teachers. The policies and priorities of the curriculum have a dominant influence in determining the different types of teachers as well. The demand for physicians depends on the health system. The offer of doctors may differ due to differences in the industry, in particular, the accessibility of education and training for doctors, as well as the conditions of medical service. The results of this study can contribute to a deeper understanding of the current state of the regulating process of higher education interaction with the labor market in Ukraine.

Key words: demand;  higher education;  labor market;  offer;  specialists.



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To cite this article:
Samokhval, O. (2017). Peculiarities of forming and implementing public administration of vocational training of future specialists in tourism in Luxembourg. Osvitolohiya, 6, 181-186, doi: 10.28925/2226-3012.2017.6.181186

To link to this article:

Samokhval Olesia,
ORCID iD 0000-0001-7958-945X

Ph.D.,  Postdoctoral Student, Department of Innovation and Information Technologies in Education, Vinnytsya Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University, 32 Ostrozkogo Str., 21100 Vinnytsya, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The article deals with the structure of forming and implementing public administration of professional education of future specialists in tourism in Luxembourg as a prerequisite for optimal functioning and development of the national economy, the realization of its objectives, the transition to a new state and integration into the European educational space. The basic trends in the development of public administration and features of implementing government and non-government regulation of vocational education in Luxembourg are defined here. Legislative and regulatory documents aimed at ensuring the adaptation of the management of national vocational training to economic and educational requirements of today`s are analyzed in the article.

It is noted that the cooperation between the government and social partners is a key principle of organization of vocational training of future specialists in Luxembourg. It is also underlined that vocational training in Luxembourg, despite a long tradition, is in a state of reforming. It can be proved by the following facts: the opening of the first university in the country in 2003, the adoption of the Law on the reforms of vocational and practical training in 2008, having made a significant number of amendments to the Constitution regarding primary and secondary education, and the organizing the activity of specialized chambers in the process of vocational training of future specialists.

Nevertheless, it can be defined that vocational education and training of future specialists, including specialists in tourism is quite of high quality and popular among the apprenticeship in Luxembourg.

Key words: Bologna process;  educational policy in Luxembourg;  education system of Luxembourg;  German-speaking countries; governance;  practical training;  professional education;  specialists in Tourism;  vocational training.


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