2016 - №5 

DOI 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5


Philosophy and history of education

Kremen Vasyl. Transformative potential of the classical model of university

Levovitski Tadeush. Higher education model - university traditions, transformations, problems and suggested solutions

Ivanii Olena. Historical bases of the roman law revival and popularization of it by medieval universities

Dereka Tetjana. Tendencies of physical education development in ukraine at the beginning of ХХІ century

Slipchuk Valentina. Network of pharmaceutical education education institutions in Ukraine in 90s of the 20th century

Economics of education and educational management

Ognevyuk Victor. Education and competitiveness of society

Mospan Natalia. Regulation mechanisms of higher education and labour market in the European Union

Lynov Konstantin. Management of institution of secondary education on the basis of leadership paradigm

Nadiya Chernukha, Golovach Nataliia. Valuation of professionally important qualities formation for «Personnel management and labour economics» undergraduate students

Educational policy and educational law

Shafranska-Gajdzica Anna. Educational policy conditions in multicultural environment

Batechko Nina. Formation of the state education policy: synergetic aspect

Hryshchuk Yuliia. Adaptation of polish law on higher education to the European Union requirements

Integration processes in еducation

Sysoieva Svetlana. Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees in education in the Unated States: discussion

Vdovichenko Eugen. Integration into the global scientific community (examplified by the reforms in the Republic of China

Ivanytska Olga, Red’ko Sergey, Panchenko Alla. Development of educational environment of secondary school in conditions of the integration into the european education space

Sociology of education

Korchak Leandra. School environment as a problem of aggression and violence

Zjemba Beata. The crisis in the family as a factor causing problems in the education of children

Bartosiak Lukash. Father in the process of childcare in the families living in a village: weekdays with a baby

Karpinska Ahnieshka. Women identity formation with atypical body structure

Сulturology of education

Kvolek Katerzhyna. Education for the reception of mass culture

Wei Zheyuan. Intercultural education technology of students in extracurricular with music

Hrabovska Barbara. Sense of identity of poles in emigration

Pedagogical backgrounds of educology

Dichek Natalia. Adoption of personality oriented paradigm of school education in Ukraine: psychological and pedagogical aspects

Martynchuk Еlena. Inclusive pedagogy in the context of modern scientific knowledge about education

Oleksyuk Olga. Anthropological turn in artistic pedagogy - «gold» section centuries

Educology context of competence education

Minchanovska Oleksandra, Khruzd-Matushchyk Alisa. Pedagogical practice in the formation of professional skills of future teachers – results of research

Lozova Olga. Educational innovations in preparing practical psychologists on the basis of competence

Lysenko Oleksandra. Doctor’s competences system: forming on the postgraduate stage

Kulbashna Yaroslava, Astapenko Olena. Educational assesment in training of competent doctors in Ukraine: problems and their decision

Kremen Vasyl,
Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Full member (Academician) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Full Member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, President of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 52-D, 04053 Кiеv, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.813


The paper by Vasyl Kremen «Transformative Potential of the Classical Model of University» is devoted to the problem of the main challenges to university education in the ХХІ century. One of such challenges is innovative character of contemporary civilization and its high level of scientific and technological development. Research university is a kind of response to such challenge. Other important challenge is commercialization of university life in the context of globalization. Entrepreneurial and corporate universities could be regarded as a response to such challenge.
Key words: university;  research university;  entrepreneurial university;  corporate university;  commercialization;  innovative character of civilization.


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20. Rothaermel Frank T. University Entrepreneurship: A Taxonomy of the Literature / Frank T. Rothaermel, Shanti D. Agung, Lin Jiang // Industrial and Corporate Change. – 2007. – Vol. 16, no. 4. – P. 691–791. (eng)

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Levovitski Tadeush,
Professor, doctor habilitatus, honorable rector of the Higher Teacher Education School of the Polish Teachers` Union, foreign member of the NAPS of Ukraine, Higher Teacher Education School of the Polish Teachers` Union, st. Smulikovskoho 6/8, 00-389 Warsaw, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.1323

Thinking about higher education the author referred to university traditions. Social needs changes and development of universities have influenced the higher education model. Higher education has become differentiated and various types of schools of university level have to fulfill different functions. These transformations are not reflected in the overall approach to educational issues and they give rise to numerous problems. All this demands a new strategy in school education at the post-secondary level and a new approach to the higher education model. What becomes an important message of this study is drawing attention to the chances resulting from treating education as social good and from creating such a model of school education in which university level schools (fulfilling various dominating functions) support one another in their activity and development.
Key words: higher education;  university;  functions of universities;  educational transformations;  differentiated higher education model.


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Ivanii Olena,
candidate of pedagogical science, Associate professor, Associate professor of the World history Department, Sumy State Pedagogical Makarenko University, 87 Romenskaya str., 40002 Sumy, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.2327 

In the offered article the degree of influence of the Western Europe medieval universities on the process of the Roman law revival and popularisation of it are examined. We examine the history of the Roman law formation in the universities of Spain, Germany, France and the role in it of Bologna University as the centre of juridical science in the Medieval Europe. It has been shown that the Roman law, as any other factor of the Middle Ages, contributed to the overcoming of state and other territorial boundaries, to creation of unified organisation of European legal culture, juridical science and education. It has been made the conclusion that the revival of the Roman law studying is the main factor that contributed to the appearing of Roman-Germanic legal family; it is historically those countries where jurists and practice workers were getting juridical education in the universities, were perceiving legal conceptions, views and thoughts of the Roman law, which in the process of time lied in the basis of legislation of all European nations. It was shown that the role of the universities also lied down in the help of defining the transnational character of Western jurisprudence, as during three hundred years (from 1050 till 1350) the whole Europe was the united cultural organism. In the Western Europe countries the juridical thinking and typical juridical practice were formed, that also became the factor that united a lot of nations, the factor of community of their material and spiritual life.
Key words:  Bologna school;  the Middle Ages;  the Roman law;  university education development.


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  4. Ohneviuk V. O. (2012). Osvitolohiia: vytoky naukovoho napriamu: monohrafiia [Educology: sources of scientific course]. K: Edelveis, 264. (ukr).
  5. Tkachenko V. D. (2003). Porivnialne pravoznavstvo [Comparative jurisprudence]. Kharkiv: Pravo, 247. (ukr)
  6. Sydorchuk N. H. (2012). Serednovichnyi universytet: mystetstvo pedahohichnoi dii [The Middle Ages University: art of pedagogical action]. Visnyk Zhytomyrskoho derzhavnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka, 66, 123 – 126.
  7. Suvorov N. S. (1898). Srednevekovye universitety [Medieval Universities]. M: Tipolit, 254. (rus).
  8. Ivanii O. (2014). Professional legal awareness in the modelling of teacher behaviour / O. Ivanii // European Journal of Contemporary Education,. Vol.10, pp. 264-270. DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2014.10.265
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Dereka Tetjana,
PhD in physical education and sport, associate professor, The Head of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.2833

The article defines and describes the trends of modern physical education in Ukraine. The features of physical education step training system forming were analyzed. The opportunities of continuous professional training educational programs improvement in basic, biomedical, psychologically-pedagogical and pedagogically sports-teaching blocks of disciplines were designated. The content of the educational process formation must necessarily take into account national traditions and customs through the introduction of ethnic and cultural components in the content of physical education. The teaching aids and computer technologies usage in the specialists’ training educational process corresponds to real societal and social needs in a highly qualified competitive physical education specialists. An important part of the learning process and both a mean of direct feedback establishing between teacher and student are improving the control system of the physical education specialists’ training educational process. There are peculiarities of the future specialist identity formation process and also his professional skills that will ensure his ability to lifelong professional learning and formation of his own motivation to achieving the acme characterized. Factors that enable professionals to succeed in the physical education profession such as: the ability to carry out educational activities; creativity; intellectual ability; professional orientation; personal qualities; external and internal factors (favorable educational environment, the strong personalities impact) were defined. There are terms of improving guidance and the selection of future professionals determined. The special attention is focused on improving the system of students’ independent work and the transition to study at a research basis.
Key words: competitiveness;  competence;  educational programs;  development trends;  specialist;  physical education;  physical education specialist’ training.


  1. Danylko M. (2002). Tendenciji rozvytku vyshhoji osvity u ghaluzi fizychnogho vykhovannja i sportu [Higher education trends in physical education and sport field]. Teorija i metodyka fizychnogho vykhovannja i sportu, 2-3, 49-55. (ukr).
  2. Dereka T. Gh. (2016). Neperervna profesijna pidghotovka fakhivciv fizychnogho vykhovannja: akmeologhichni zasady [Physical education specialists’ continuous professional training: acmeological principles]  [monoghrafija]. S. O. Sysojeva (Ed.). Kyjiv : Vydavnyctvo VP «Edeljvejs», 514. (ukr).
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Slipchuk Valentina,
associate professor of the department of medical and general chemistry, Bohomolets National Medical University, 13 Shevchenka boulevard, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.3336


Based on the analysis of archival material, the article presents a network of higher medical (pharmaceutical) educational institutions and medical (pharmaceutical) secondary schools in the 90s of 20th century;describes the plan of admission and features of the enrollment in the medical (pharmaceutical) secondary schools of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the specialty "pharmacy" for the professional training of the professional pharmacists in the regions of Ukraine in the 90s of 20th century;concludes that the amount of future pharmacists in medical (pharmaceutical) secondary schools in Ukraine on the basis of secondary school was twice as much as the amount of future pharmacists on the basis of junior secondary school;shows the network and the group of full-time course students in medical (pharmaceutical) secondary schools in the regions of Ukraine in the field professional training of health care industry specialists at the beginning of 1992-1993 academic year of 20th century; presents a network and group of medical (pharmaceutical) secondary schools on the specialty "pharmacy" in Ukraine in the 90s of 20th century;presents the network and a group of future professionals of pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine in the pharmaceutical faculties of medical (pharmaceutical) institutions of USSR at the beginning of the 1992-1993 academic year of 20th century; based on the analysis of archival sources it was concluded that in the 90s of 20th century the largest number of professionals of pharmaceutical industry (pharmacists) received the professional training at the Zhytomyr Protasevych College of Pharmacy, Stakhanov medical school and at the Kharkiv chemical and pharmaceutical medical school, and the largest number of professionals of pharmaceutical industry with higher pharmaceutical education received the professional training at the Zaporizhzhya medical institute and Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Academy.

Keywords: network of pharmaceutical education institutions; professional training; specialists of pharmaceutical branch.


  1. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 84, ark. 20. (ukr).
  2. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 129, ark. 1. (ukr).
  3. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 131, ark. 1-18. (ukr).
  4. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 128, ark. 1. (ukr).
  5. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 128, ark. 2. (ukr).
  6. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 128, ark. 3-56. (ukr).
  7. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 129, ark. 2-60. (ukr).
  8. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 130, ark. 1-52. (ukr).
  9. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 277, ark. 1-6. (ukr).
  10. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 131, ark. 1-18. (ukr).
  11. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 179, ark. 1. (ukr).
  12. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 272, ark. 23. (ukr).
  13. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 272, ark. 81. (ukr).
  14. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 272, ark. 124. (ukr).
  15. Centraljnyj derzhavnyj arkhiv vyshhykh orghaniv vlady ta upravlinnja Ukrajiny, f. 342, op. 19, spr. 90, ark. 1-4. (ukr).

 Full Text: PDF (ukr.)

Ognevyuk Victor,
Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Full member (Academician) of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,
st. Tabloid-Kudryavska, 18/2 04053, m. Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.3744

The article analyzes the international rating of Ukraine according to the Human Development Index, a global index of competitiveness, Knowledge Economy Index, the Index of innovation. The author has done comparisons of world rankings of Ukraine among the countries (education, IQ population factor of quality of life). There are universal principles of strengthening competitiveness through the priority development of education and science, primary investment in education to provide intellectual and technological bases of carriers of knowledge and competencies through which operates innovative economy; significant (at a level not less than 3% of GDP) increasing public and private investment in research and development. It is designed for forming closer and distant prospects of the national innovation strategy, which clearly marked priority areas of science and technology, training of relevant professionals, political and economic mechanisms of commercialization of scientific research, entrepreneurship and access to capital. The author points to recognition and fixation in the order in which universities can be co-financed by the state and business, which will enable to implement public-private partnership; launching new and effective support traditional scientific schools for intensifying the process of entering the market of high technology products and services; the focus of attention of the state and private organizations on programs to encourage universities and research institutions, various companies for the implementation of basic and applied research in new products and processes; the political will of the elites, party and parliamentary leaders to create the institutional framework of intellectual property protection, liberalization of tax legislation to improve the competitiveness of Ukrainian Education, less bureaucratic regulations and licensing procedures, recognition, certification, etc.
Key words: competitiveness; education;  innovative development.


1.            Derzhavna sluzhba statystyky Ukrainy [State Statistics Service of Ukraine]. [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/ (ukr).

2.            Kohut I. (2016). Biudzhet osvity ta nauky 2016: shcho pryinialy deputaty [The budget of Education 2016: Deputies have adopted] [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://www.cedos.org.ua/uk/osvita/biudzhet-osvity-ta-nauky-2016-shcho-pryinialy-deputaty (ukr).

3.            Meleshchuk S. (2016). Evoliutsiia ekonomichnoi skladnosti Ukrainy: bih na mistsi [Evolution of economic complexity of Ukraine: running in place]. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://www.epravda.com.ua/publications/2016/01/19/577309/ (ukr).

4.            Yakovyna I. (2015). Mriite pro bilshe. Naibilsh nadykhaiucha promova forumu YES, yakyi zakryvsia sohodni [Dreams of more. The most inspiring speech Forum YES, which closed today]. [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://nv.ua/ukr/publications/mrijte-pro-bilshe-najbilsh-nadihajucha-mova-zakrivsja-sogodni-jaltinskogo-forumu-68450.html (ukr).
5. Bloomberg Innovation Index [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-19/these-are-the-world-s-most-innovative-economies#media-5 (eng).
6. Rising to the Challenge: U.S. Innovation Policy for the Global Economy. National Research Council (US) Committee on Comparative National Innovation Policies: Best Practice for the 21st Century; Wessner CW, Wolff AW, editors. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2012. (eng).
7. Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution [Electronic resource] / Klaus Schwab. – 2015. – Available at: https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2015-12-12/fourth-industrial-revolution (eng).
Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond [Electronic resource] / Klaus Schwab. – 2016. – Available at: http://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond (eng).
9. The Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015. Full Data Edition.World Economic Forum. 2014, р. 6-7. (eng).

Full Text: PDF (ukr.)


Durdas, A. (2017). Contemporary development tendencies of higher education in France. The Modern Higher Education Review, 2. DOI: 10.28925/2518-7635.2017.2.10 

Ivaniuk, H. (2018). Аксіологічний концепт нової освітньої стратегії підготовки педагогів. Освітологічний дискурс, 3-4. DOI:10.28925/2312-5829.2018.3-4.0867

Mospan Natalia,
PhD, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.4550


The author of the article presents an analysis of the policy of graduates employment of higher education institutions in the EU. The basis for the analysis is the reports of the European Commission, which are widely covering this issue. Studies examining issues related to the regulation  mechanisms of cooperation between higher education and labour market and the current state of their application in the European Higher Education Area. Among these mechanisms there are forecasting the labour market; involvement of employers in the management of higher education and evaluation of its quality; consulting services; practices and training; survey of graduates. The first component of the regulation mechanisms linked to graduate employability concerns labour market forecasting. This process involves estimating the expected future number of jobs available in an economy. Besides there are trends to involve employers in higher education institutions' governing bodies and in external quality assurance (QA) procedures.The results of this study may contribute to a better understanding of the current state of the process of cooperation between higher education and labour market in Ukraine.
Key words: employment;European Higher Education Area; higher education; labour market;  university graduates.


  1. Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications, OJ L 255, 30.9.2005. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32005L0036 (eng).
  2. European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2014. Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Access, Retention and Employability 2014. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. – 87p. http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/thematic_reports/165EN.pdf (eng).
  3. European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2015a. The European Higher Education Area in 2015: Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. – 300p. http://www.ehea.info/Uploads/SubmitedFiles/5_2015/132824.pdf (eng).
  4. European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2015b. Structural Indicators for Monitoring Education and Training Systems in Europe – 2015. Eurydice Background Report to the Education and Training Monitor 2015. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. – 72р. http://www.mecd.gob.es/dctm/inee/indicadores-educativos/monitor2015/eurydice-background-report-structural-indicators-for-monitoring-education-and-training-systems-in-europe.pdf?documentId=0901e72b81ee064c (eng).
  5. ESU (The European Students' Union), 2014. Student Advancement of Graduates Employability: Employability With Students’ Eyes. http://www.sage.esu-online.org/SAGE+results+and+publications (eng).

 Full Text: PDF (ukr.)
Lynov Konstantin,
Phd in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.5056

The author states that during the last century understanding of the phenomenon of leadership has changed rapidly, appearing new meanings and approaches. Those theories that arose identified leadership with the personality of the leader, or with social process. It is noted that in recent decades, scientists engaged in trying to integrate the two approaches, especially in education, where manifestation of leadership required providing both from the principal and from the teacher, the student, where it contributes the specificity of institution of secondary education. It is emphasized that social transformations generate the need for new management paradigm that is associated with changes both in educational institutions and in society in general. The object of transformation is not just an employee but a creative person with his needs in self-expression, self-realization, considering its interests and points of view. Leadership creates overall team culture in educational institutions on the basis of jointly produced vision and shared values. Just in triangle «leader followers management process» actualized need in leadership skills, competencies and behaviours development not only leader but followers too, and team interaction at school. Necessary changes in institution of secondary education based on personal, human and professional values. Based on this values head-leader begins the process of creation of the Concept of institution of secondary education, which is a powerful tool in the work of school staff, aimed at determining the idea of an educational institution, its understanding of the place in society. The author offers his own point of view on the management of school which is implemented on the basis of leadership and distinguishes success criteria for institution of secondary education activity and for its leader.
Key words:  institution of secondary education;  leader;  leadership.


  1. Bass B. (2008). The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Applications. Free Press, 1536 (eng).
  2. Bush, T. (2011). Theories of Educational Leadership and Management. London: SAGE Publications, Inc., 232 (eng).
  3. Conger J. (1989). The Charismatic Leader: Behind the Mystique of Exceptional Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 211 (eng).
  4. Day D. (2012). The nature of leadership / D. V. Day, J. Antonakis (Eds.). SAGE Publications, 608 (eng).
  5. Grint K. (2010).Leadership: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: University Press, 160 (eng). DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780199569915.001.0001
  6. LCLL Publications. Available at: http://www.lcll.org.uk/publications.html
  7. Leithwood K. (1999). Changing Leadership for Changing Times / K. Leithwood, D. Jantzi, R. Steinbach. Buckingham: Open University Press, 266 (eng).
  8. Lynch M. (2012). A Guideto Effective School Leadership Theories. NY: Routledge, 232 (eng). DOI: 10.4324/9780203181010
  9. Northouse P. (2015). Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. SAGE Publications, Inc., 352 (eng).
  10. Rost J. (1993).Leadership for the Twenty-first Century. Greenwood Publishing Group, 220 (eng).
  11. Spillane R. (2015). Philosophy of leadership: the power of authority / Robert Spillane, Jean-Etienne Joullié. Palgrave Macmillan, 235 (eng).
  12. Western S. (2012). An Overview of the Leadership Discourses / S. Western; M. Preedy, N. Bennettand, C. Wise (Eds.) // Educational Leadership: Context, Strategy and Collaboration. SAGE Publications, P. 23–35 (eng).
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  14. Kalashnikova, S. (2010). Osvitnia paradygma professionalizaciyi upravlinnia na zasadah liderstva [Educational Paradigm of Professionalization of Management on the Basis of Leadership]. Kyiv: Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 380 (ukr).
  15. Lynov K. (2016). Concepciya rozvytku zakladu serednoyi osvity na zasadah liderstva [The Concept of Institutions of Secondary Education Development on the Basis of Leadership]. The Pedagogical Process: Theory and Practice, 2 (53), 26-31 (ukr).
  16. Lynov K.O. (2016). Liderstvo u konteksti evoluciyi pidhodiv do osmyslennia fenomenu v osviti [Leadership in the Context of Evolution of Aproaches to Understanding the Phenomenon in Education]. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, August 2016, Volume 8 (4), 29-34, DOI: 10.15587/2519-4984.2016.76221
  17. Nova shkola: prostir osvitnih mozhlyvostey. Proekt dlia obgovorennia [New School: Space of Educational Opportunities]. August 2016. Available at: http://mon.gov.ua/Новини %202016/08/21/2016-08-17-3-.pdf  (ukr).
  18. Owen H., Hodgson V., Gazzard N. Prizvanie – lider: Polnoe rukovodstvo po effectivnomu liderstvu / Per. s angl. – Dnepropetrovsk: Balance Business Books, 2005. – 384 p. (rus).
  19. Project Law of Ukraine “About Education” (2016). Verhovna Rada Ukrai'ny, 974-VIII. Available at: http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=57141
  20. Project Concept of Education Development for the period 2015–2025 years. Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrai'ny. Available at: http://old.mon.gov.ua/ua/pr-viddil/1312/1390288033/1414672797 (ukr).

  Full Text: PDF (ukr.)

Nadiya Chernukha,
Doctor of education, Professor, Head of the department of Management of educational institutions, Interregional Academy of personnel management, st. Frometovska, 2, 02039 Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Golovach Nataliia,
Postgraduate department of Theory and methodology of professional education, Senior lecturer of the department of Personnel management and labour economics, Interregional Academy of personnel management, st. Frometovska, 2, 02039 Kiev, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.5662


The paper devoted to the problem of integrated valuation of professionally important qualities formation index for undergraduate students in the field of «Personnel management and labour economics». The group of undergraduate students (bachelors of science) at the «Personnel management and labour economics» institute department were selected to carry out investigation of professionally important qualities formation index. The selected experts at the institute like professors, student’s operation supervisor were involved in the current investigation. The basic components of professionally important qualities formation for the students in the field «Personnel management and labour economics» were determined in the presented research. The current investigation consists of few stages. On the first stage the level of test significance – content group of professionally important qualities were determined. On the second stage the investigation the faculty members estimate theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the undergraduate students. On the third stage the student’s operation supervisors estimate the level of practical skills directly on the enterprises and companies the place of students practices. The algorithm for performance of integrated valuation which includes valuation from faculty members and student’s operation supervisors has been determined.Implementation of integrated valuation into the routine of institution process permits to take account of the employer needs related with professionally important qualities of undergraduate students. Realization of the integrated valuation of professionally important qualities once a year permits estimate the students’ knowledge and practical skills level and correct variation component of training program. Proposed method of integrated valuation could be applied to the estimation of educational process efficiency.
Key words:  integrated valuation;  labour economics;  level of professional training;  personnel management;  professionally important qualities.


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  7. Shadrikov V. D. (2004). Novaja model' specialista: innovacionnaja podgotovka i kompetentnostnyj podhod  [New model of specialist: an innovative training and competence-based approach] Vysshee obrazovanie segodnja, 8, 17–19 (rus).
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  9. Heppner Р. Р. (1982). Development and Implication of a Personal Problem Solving Inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, 66-75, 0022-0167.    DOI: 10.1037/t00913-000
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Shafranska-Gajdzica Anna,
doctor habilitatus, associate professor, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, st. Bielska, 62, 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.6369


Policy is a concept that is constantly in the science review. The policy is described as the art of managing and reconciling the interests of different social groups and at the same time seen as a kind of strategy game, which is the foundation of victory and defeat. It is important to understand that there is no political system, even quite democratic, which can provide all things to all people. Realizing certain political action is always preferred one over the other interests. An important element of the policy is its axiological component associated with the creation of specific ideas, ideologies and political doctrines that define the world view of a particular point of view. The functioning of political power often provokes conflicts which arise from the need to protect their own dignity, their own belief systems and beliefs of others. Educational policy is based on adequate knowledge to implement arts education management that enables consideration of interests of different social groups. The mechanisms for implementing educational policy in a multicultural environment are required special attention.
Key words: educational policy; intercultural education; multicultural environment; policy.


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  22. Wnuk-Lipiński E. (2000), Polityka, W: Encyklopedia socjologii, Oficyna Naukowa, Warszawa. (pol.).
  23. Wojakowski D. (2000), Wielokulturowość pogranicza wyzwaniem dla edukacji (z badań na pograniczu polsko-ukraińskim), W: T. Lewowicki, E. Ogrodzka-Mazur, A. Szczurek-Boruta (red.), Edukacja międzykulturowa w Polsce i na świecie, Wyd. UŚ, Katowice. (pol.).
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Batechko Nina,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Scientific and Research Laboratory of Education Studies of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko Street, 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.6975


The article is dedicated to the problems of formation of the state education policy. The trends of the evolution of views on the nature and the concept of the «state education policy» in the light of the processes of educational reform in Ukraine have been outlined. It has been proved that in the current context of globalization and internationalization, when education acquires the traits of openness and non-linearity, the principles of educational environment management and the nature of the interaction between participants of the educational process are changing, and there is an urgent need to overcome the simplistic and outdated view of the state education policy. Based on the synergetic theory of the complex open systems, there have been substantiated theoretical and methodological grounds of the process of formation of the state education policy. The essence of the application of the synergetic approach to the studied phenomenon has been considered, relying on the basic laws of synergy, openness, non-linearity, disequilibrium, chaos postulating, bifurcational states, fluctuation phenomena and the theory of self-organization. The state education policy has been considered as an open, non-linear system, which is self-organizing and self-developing and depends on the external environment and internal specifics of the development of higher education sphere in Ukraine.
Key words: state education policysynergetics;  synergetic approachopennessnon-linearitynon-equilibriumbifurcational stateself-organization.


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2.      Andrushchenko V. P. (2016). Suchasna derzhavna osvitnia polityka Ukrainy: sproba prohnostychnoho analizu [Modern national educational policy Ukraine: attempt to predictive analysis]. Proceedings of the II International Conference «Formation of the national education policy: philosophical, theoretical and applied aspects». Kyiv, 4-12. (ukr)

3.      Andrushchenko V. P. (2010). Osvitnia polityka (ohliad poriadku dennoho) [Education policy (review of the agenda)]. K.: «MP Lesia», 386. (ukr)

4.      Entsyklopediia osvity [Encyclopedia of education]. V. H. Kremen (Ed.). K.: Yurin-kom Inter, 2008, 1040. (ukr)

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6.      Kremen V. H. (2005). Osvita i nauka v Ukraini: innovatsiinyi aspekt. Stratehiia. Realizatsiia. Rezultaty [Education and science in Ukraine: innovative aspect. Strategy. Realization. Results]. K.: Hramota, 448. (ukr)

7.      Kremen V. H. (2012). Synerhetyka v osviti: kontekst liudynotsentryzmu: Monohrafiia [Synergetics in Education: Monograph]. K.: Pedahohichna dumka, 368. (ukr)

8.      Kushnir V. A. (2001). Systemnyi analiz pedahohichnoho protsesu: metodolohichnyi aspekt: Monohrafiia [A systematic analysis of educational process: methodological aspect: Monograph]. Kirovohrad: Vydavnychyi tsentr KDPU, 338. (ukr)

9.      Lukina T. O. (2004). Derzhavne upravlinnia yakistiu zahalnoi serednoi osvity v Ukraini: [monohrafiia] [State administration of quality of secondary education in Ukraine: [monograph]]. K.: Vyd-vo NADU, 292. (ukr)

10.    Osvitni reformy: misiia, diisnist, refleksiia: monohrafiia [Educational reforms: mission, reality, reflection: monograph]. K.: TOV «Vydavnyche pidpryiemstvo» «EDELVEIS», 2013, 460. (ukr)

11.    Riabov S. H. (2005). Politychni nauka v Ukraini XXI stolittia: Stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Political science in Ukraine in XXI Century: Status and Prospects]. K.: Navchalno-metodychnyi tsentr «Konsortsium iz udoskonalennia menedzhmentu osvity v Ukraini», 103. (ukr)

12.    Synerhetyka i tvorchist: monohrafiia [Synergetics and creativity: monograph].V. H. Kremen (Ed.). K: Instytut obdarovanoi dytyny, 2014, 314. (ukr)

13. Stepin V. S. (2003). Samorozvivajushhiesja sistemy i postneoklassicheskaja racional'nost' [Self-developing system and postnonclassical rationality]. Voprosy filosofii, 8, 5-19. (rus)

14. Hoy W., Miskel C. Educational administration / Theory. Research and Practice. – McGraw – HillInc. – 1996. – 495 p. (eng)

15. Teodorovic J. Why education policies fail: multiple streams model of policymaking / Jelena Teodorovic // Зборник Института за педагошка истраживања. – Јун 2008. – Р. 22-36. DOI: 10.2298/ZIPI0801022T

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Hryshchuk Yuliia,
research worker of Scientific-Research Laboratory of Educology, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.7580


The article examines the process of adapting Polish Law on Higher Education to the requirements of the European Union. It analyzes the main methods of adapting Polish law to European (Translation of European law into Polish, checking compliance of regulations to European law, work on laws aimed at adapting Polish law to European) and the role of public authorities in this process. An important novelty of Higher Education of Poland was the introduction of European standards and State qualifications that lead to fundamental changes in the methods and design of training programs based on learning outcomes. Created effective mechanisms of integration into the European community contributed to the development of higher education in accordance with the applicable EU legislation. The updated Law on Education regulates compliance system of higher education in the Bologna process. Provisions of the law allowed to switch the two cycle training scheme bachelor - master and implement the European credit transfer system. The main provisions of European programs and documents have been successfully implemented in Polish legislation that contributed to the development of partnerships in European higher education space. It is concluded, that for the 1991-2004 period almost complete compliance of national legislation with the acquis communautaire has been achieved in the field of education. International recognition, investment increase in the education sector, the European Community support suggest the successful implementation of the Republic of Poland of its obligations, as a member of the EU, in higher education transnational policy.
Key words: legislation adaptation;  higher education legislation;  legislation adaptation methods.


1. Bocharov S. (2009). Adaptatsiia polskoho prava do pravovykh standartiv Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu [Polish law Adaptation to EU Legal Standards. Zhurnal «Skhid», 2 (93), 98-102. (ukr).

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4. Demokratyzatsiia i Yevropeiskyi Soiuz: krainy Tsentralnoi i Skhidnoi Yevropy v pershomu desiatylitti XXI st. [Democratization and the European Union, Central and Eastern Europe in the first decade of the XXI century]. [Adam Bodnar ... ta in.]; pereklad z anhliiskoi Oleksandra Kysliuka]. Kyiv : Ukrainskyi pysmennyk, 2012, 267. (ukr).

5. Yevhlevska O. L. (2009). Adaptatsiia zakonodavstva yak umova maibutnoho chlenstva Ukrainy v Yevropeiskomu Soiuzi [Adaptation of legislation as a condition for future membership of Ukraine in the European Union]. Derzhavne budivnytstvo ta mistseve samovriaduvannia : zb. nauk. pr. ; Yu. P. Bytiak (Ed.). Kh. : Pravo, Vyp. 17, 123. (ukr).

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13.Yankovych I. I. (2016). Pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv u vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladakh Polshchi do vykhovnoi roboty z uchniamy [The training of teachers in higher education in Poland to educational work with students]: Candidate’s thesis. Ternopil: Ternopilskyi nats. ped. un-t im. V. Hnatiuka, 259 . (ukr).

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Sysoieva Svetlana,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Educational Research Laboratory, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, st. Tymoshenko, 13 b, 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.8187


On the basis of study of dissertation research by American scientists the author analyzed the content of two equal degrees - Ph.D. (PhD in Education) and Ed.D. (Doctor of education) - in the US, common and different between them controversial aspects about the existence of two degrees in the United States. The analyzed studies raise the value of higher education as provide reasonable information on the differences between his doctorate and presentation of such programs and departments that carry out such training. Information on training programs of future doctors provides an opportunity to make effective changes in the delimitation of Ed.D. and Ph.D degrees, help higher education leaders make informed decisions about the introduction of new doctoral programs and improve existing ones. Studies also have an impact on different areas of learning, especially in education because the program can be evaluated not only educators, but also by other professionals. Analytical review of research, learning theory and practice on the issue of the existence of two degrees Ph.D. and Ed.D., has allowed researchers to develop reasonable guidelines for promoting doctorates in education in the United States and resolving existing contradictions. It should be emphasized that these studies help universities understand the importance of the reform of academic degrees, as well as provide practical actionable steps to its efficient and effective implementation. It is concluded that implementation of Ph.D. and Ed.D. levels in education in Ukraine requires diligence in determining their content and target audience of consumers, and therefore at this stage of reforming of higher education is feasible only implementation of Ph.D. education without limiting access to scientific research in practical education.
Key words: degree;  Doctor in Education; PhD in education.

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  9. Kennedy M. D., Jr. Practictioners or researchers: ED.D. or PH.D.? Ananalysis of educational leadership doctoral programs / M. D., Jr. Kennedy. – The University of Southern Mississippi, 2012. – 167 p. (eng).
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  11. Osguthorpe R. T. The Ph.D. versus the Ed.D.: Time for a decision / R. T. Osguthorpe, M. J. Wong // Innovation Higher Education. – 1991. – 18 (1). – P. 47-63. (eng).
  12. Ph.D. vs. Ed.D. Programs: What’s the Difference? [Electronic resource]. – Available at: http://study.com/articles/PhD_vs_EdD_Programs_Whats_ the_Difference.html (eng).


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Vdovychenko Eugen,
Ph. D. in History, Assistant Professor of the Philosophy and social-humanitarian disciplines Department, Kherson State Agricultural University, 23 Rozy Ljuksemburgh st., 73006 Kherson, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.8893


The paper looks at the reasons and the process of reforming the system of higher education in the Republic of China under conditions of globalization and implementing market economy. It highlights the astonishing success of this country in the modernization of education for a short period of time. The study focuses on the importance of the government social support for the development of science and the prestigiousness of a lecturer’s and a scientist’s jobs. The paper specifies the main aspects of decentralization in Chinese higher education resulting in the formation of two levels of educational policies – governmental and regional. The governmental level deals with developing general principles and rules of regulating higher education; creating and implementing projects oriented towards achieving the world level of education. The regional level deals with solving the problem of training qualified workers aimed at enhancing the innovative economic development of the territories. The study stresses upon the measures taken by China’s government to improve scientific activities at the universities. Great importance has been assigned to the development of students’ analytical, critical, creative thinking, intellectual independence and the ability to gain, extract and transform information. The paper analyzes the policy of the eastern country regarding the reforms of managing personnel in the educational institutions. The closed appointment procedure has been eliminated – now it is public, announcing a vacancy and sharing the information about new vacant positions and applicants for them – for both academic and administrative staff. The programs promoting the creation of a competitive environment for the teaching staff have facilitated its continuous improvement. Now it is impossible to advance to higher positions only owing to one’s experience and academic qualification.The conclusion can be drawn that if the government sets itself the task to take leading positions in the area of education, this task will not be solved without transformations in the economy and the system of government.
Key words: modernization;  globalization;  corruption;  university;  higher education;  philosophy of education.


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Ivanytska Olga,
Doctor of Public Administration, Professor, Professor of Theory and Practice Management NTU «KPI», Victory Avenue, 37, 03056 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Red’ko Sergey
assistant professor of department of management Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD of psychological sciences. st. Bulvarno-Kudriavska, 18/2, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine,   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Panchenko Alla,
assistant professor of department of management Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD of Public Administration, st. Bulvarno-Kudriavska, 18/2, 04053 Kyiv, Ukraine,   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.9499


The article analyzes the development priorities of the educational environment of secondary education schools in Ukraine as the basis of integration into the European educational space. The article lists priority tasks of modern Ukrainian secondary education, which execution will contribute to the successful integration into the European educational space. Directions of the state policy Ukraine on development of secondary education in accordance with the law was considered. It is need to promote the development of multiculturalism in general secondary education, which helps prepare modern youthto intercultural cooperation and communication with different cultures, religions, nationalities in terms of integration into the global educational space. However, this process requires improvement of regulatory support and development practical recommendations for its implementation. In the multicultural society to Ukraine appearsthe task before modern school of preparation of young people for cooperation and intercultural communication with people of different cultures, religions, nationalities. The condition of a continuous process of purposeful socialization of individualin the modern globalized world became multicultural education. It was determined that one of the directions of realization of polycultural education as a continuous process of purposeful socialization of individual in the European is the implementation of bilingual learning in institutions of secondary education in Ukraine. The results of carried out experiment regarding the introduction the bilingual learning, which confirmed the hypothesis that bilingual learning contributes not only to improve the overall students' language competence, but also increases the level of educational achievements.
Key words:  Institutions of secondary education;  European space of education;  educational environment;  development of educational environment; multiculturalism;  bilingual learning.


  1. Kovalyns'ka, I.V. (2016). Vymohy do profesijnykh kompetentnostej vykladacha v konteksti polikul'turnoi osvity [Requirements for teacher professional competences in the context of multicultural education], Pedahohichna osvita. Scientific Journal «ScienceRise». DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2016.60889
  2. Kremen', V.H. (2005). Osvita i nauka v Ukraini – innovatsijni aspekty. Stratehiia. Realizatsiia. Rezul'taty [Education and science in Ukraine - innovative aspects. Strategy. Realization. Results.]. Kyiv, Hramota. (ukr)
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  5. Saukh, P.Yu. (2011). Suchasna osvita: portret bez prykras (mizh nehatyvnoiu kreatyvnistiu idej i ukrains'koiu vesternizatsiieiu) [Modern education: unadorned portrait (between negative ideas and Ukrainian westernization)]. Rozvytok suchasnoi osvity: osvitolohichni naholosy: nauk.pr. za mater. Pershoi Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. “Osvitolohiia – naukovyj napriam intehrovanoho piznannia osvity”. Kyiv. un-t im. B. Hrinchenka. (ukr)
  6. Sokolova, I.V. (2011). Rozvytok osvity v umovakh polikul'turnoho hlobalizovanoho svitu [The development of education in the conditions of multicultural globalized world]. Rozvytok suchasnoi osvity: osvitolohichni naholosy: nauk.pr. za mater. Pershoi Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. “Osvitolohiia – naukovyj napriam intehrovanoho piznannia osvity”. Kyiv. un-t im. B. Hrinchenka (ukr)
  7. Sysoieva, S.O. (2014). Tvorchyj rozvytok fakhivtsiv v umovakh mahistratury: Monohrafiia [Creative development experts in the conditions of Magistracy: Monograph]. Kyiv, TOV “Vydavnyche pidpryiemstvo “EDEL'VEJS” (ukr)
  8. Zdioruk, S.I. Ischenko, A.Yu. and Karpenko, M.M. (2011). Formuvannia iedynoho vidkrytoho osvitn'o-naukovoho prostoru Ukrainy: optymal'ne vykorystannia zasobiv zabezpechennia vyperedzhal'noho rozvytku (analitychna dopovid') [Forming a unified open educational and scientific space of Ukraine: optimal use of advanced ensuring development (analytical report)]. Kyiv, [Online], available at: http://www.niss.gov.ua/articles/597/ (ukr)


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Korchak Leandra,
Doctor of Humanities in the field of Pedagogy, Higher pedagogical school of the Polish Teachers` Union, 6/8 Smulikovskoho st., 00-389 Warsaw, The Republic of Poland

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.100102


The phenomenon of violence and aggression, as well as the emergence of new forms of destructive influence on the functioning of Polish public life is understandable fear among the population. A particular problem for Pedagogical Sciences, Humanities and Law, the phenomenon of aggression and violence among young people, which affects the most important learning environment that is family, school and in general the environment surrounding the young man.
Key words: aggression;  physical aggression;  psychology of aggression;  school environment;  violence.


  1. Ćwikła A. Stop agresji psychicznej / A. Ćwikła, M. Wiatrowski, H. Radziszewska, B. Plucner. – Poznań 2007, FORUM. – S. 29. (pol.)
  2. Kmiecik –Baran K. Mlodziez i przemoc / K. Kmiecik –Baran. – Warszawa 2000, PWN. – s. 40.  (pol.)
  3. Kmiecik-Baran K. Agresja i przemoc w realiach współczesnej szkoły / K. Kmiecik-Baran. – Gdańsk 2000, Przegląd Oświaty. – S. 65.  (pol.)
Full Text: PDF (pol.)

Zjemba Beata,
candidate of Sciences, teacher at the University of Rzeszow, Faculty of pedagogy, Department of Social Pedagogy and Resocialization, Str. Pr. J. Yalowogo 24, 35-959 Rzeszow, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.103106


In the article much attention is paid to issues of appropriate education. Appropriate upbringing means the proper human socialization. Some factors may  interfere the upbringing process. These factors can cause adverse changes in human behavior. Improper behavior affects the relationships with family and community. Investigatedthe most common caretaker in parenting is the biological parent of the child in question, although others may be an older sibling, a grandparent, a legal guardian, aunt, uncle or other family member, or a family friend. Governments and society may have a role in child-rearing as well. In many cases, orphaned or abandoned children receive parental care from non-parent blood relations. Others may beadopted, raised in foster care, or placed in an orphanage. Parenting skills vary, and a parent with good parenting skills may be referred to as a good parent. Focused on the fact socialization of the child is done by the parents and all who are in contact with the child. Socialization is carried out by various methods of upbringing as observation, imitation, punishments and rewards, and more. A child who observes the people important to him - imitates their habits. Respect for the rights of the child and the assignment of responsibilities - is necessary. This is essential because it introduces the child to the world of precepts, prohibitions, privileges and rights. The article clarified – parenting takes a lot of skill and patience and is constant work and growth. Research shows that children benefit most when their parents: communicate honestly about events or discussions that have happened, and when parents explain clearly to children what happened and how they were involved if they were;stay consistent, as children need structure: parents who have regular routines benefits children incredibly;utilize resources available to them, reaching out into the community;take more interest in their child's educational needs and early development; andkeep open communication and staying educated on what their child is learning and doing and how it is affecting them.Parenting skills are often assumed to be self-evident or naturally present in parents. The conclusion about violations of children's rights and the lack of responsibility of the child - may distort his morale and social attitudes. This implies a great need to educate parents in this regard.
Key words: crisiscrisis interventionfamilyparentingparenting issues.


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  9. Rjapisova A. G. (2015).  Razvitie i vospitanie detej s osobymi obrazovatel'nymi potrebnostjami sredstvami iskusstva [The development and education of children with special educational needs by means of art]. Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, 3, 45–53. DOI:  10.15293/2226-3365.1503.04
  10. Lewowicki Т. (2015). Quo vadis universitas? Oświatologia, 4, 11-19. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4/1119
 Full Text: PDF (pol.)
Bartosiak Lukash,
Dr., graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogic, University of Warsaw,
Krakow suburbs 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, The Republic of Poland

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.107113


The article constitutes a part of research project entitled «Paternal attitudes in the rural environment». It focuses on a smaller fragment of the project connected with the role of the father in the process of upbringing. In accordance with the accepted assumptions, childcare is one of the components of the father’s role in the process of parenting. The actions that are linked to organizing the everyday life conditions may be classified as criteria that allow to determine the participation of fathers in childcare processes. The qualitative analysis of collected research material, which is preceded by a theoretical introduction, demonstrates current knowledge on performing first childcare actions, the father’s contribution to the child’s healthcare, preparing meals or securing the material needs of a child, among other things.
Key words: fatherchildfamilycareupbringing.


1. Braun – Gałkowska M., Psychologia domowa, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2008. (pol.)                   

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8. Mierzwiński B., Mężczyzna istota nieznana, Wydawnictwo «Adam», Warszawa 1999. (pol.)

9. Mądrzycki T., Psychologiczne prawidłowości kształtowania się postaw, Wydawnictwa szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1977. (pol.)

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12. Sitarczyk M., Międzypokoleniowa transmisja postaw wychowawczych ojców, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2002. (pol.)

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14. Sosnowski T., Ojciec we współczesnej rodzinie. Kontekst pedagogiczny, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Żak, Warszawa 2011. (pol.)

15. Witczak J., Ojcostwo bez tajemnic, Instytut Wydawniczy Związków zawodowych, Warszawa 1987. (pol.)

16. Wolicki M., Wpływ kontaktu psychicznego z ojcem na uczenie się przez dziecko ról rodzicielskich, «Problemy Rodziny», 1982, nr 4. (pol.)

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Full Text: PDF (pol.)

Karpinska Ahnieshka,
graduate student, Faculty of Pedagogy, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, 11 Haharina Str., 87-100 Torun, The Republic of Poland

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.114121


The principal objective of the text is the attempt to answer the following question: How does a woman with abnormal body feel? It provides not only a theoretical background to the issue of human body, but also emphasizes a research aspect. The work is divided into four parts. In the first one, the way of presenting female body in culture is discussed. The second section examines the women’s identity formation. Then the topic of female body image is presented. In conclusion, the results of research concerning atypical female body are analyzed.
Key words: woman;  body;  identity;  body image;  corporeality.


1. Bąk-Sosnowska M. (2005), Między ciałem a umysłem. Otyłość i odchudzanie się w ujęciu integracyjnym, Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls, Kraków. (pol.)

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5. Btryek-Matera A. (2010), Ciało w dobie współczesności. Wybrane zagadnienia z problematyki obrazu własnego ciała, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa. (pol.)

6. Brytek-Matera (2008), Obraz ciała- obraz siebie. Wizerunek ciała w ujęciu psychospołecznym, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa. (pol.)

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12. Głębocka A., Wiśniewska A. (2005),  Psychologiczny portret kobiet otyłych, w: Głębocka A., Kulbat J. (2005), Wizerunek ciała. Portret Polek, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole. (pol.)

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14. Izydorczyk B., Rybicka- Klimczyk A. (2008), Diagnoza psychologiczna poznawczych i emocjonalnych aspektów obrazu ciała u dziewcząt i młodych kobiet polskich, Problemy medycyny rodzinnej Vol. X nr 4 (2008). (pol.)

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27. Starzomska M., Ciotucha E., Czy płeć jest «kartą przebijającą» orientację seksualną? Wizerunek ciała u kobiet i mężczyzn hetero- i homo- seksulanych, w: Btryek- Matera A. (2010), Ciało w dobie współczesności. Wybrane zagadnienia z problematyki obrazu własnego ciała, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa. (pol.)

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Full Text: PDF (pol.)

Kvolek Katerzhyna,
master, Higher School of Business in Dąbrowa Górnicza, 1C Cieplaka st., 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza, The Republic of Poland

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.122126


From time immemorial, the culture is one of the most important elements in people's lives. After meeting basic needs, man start looking for something more, he wasn’t satisfied current environment; he wanted to improve, enhance, and create according to his own needs his immediate surroundings. Modern man participates in culture with or through cultural institutions, hence the institutional understanding of culture, man watches TV, goes to the cinema, theater, concert hall, reads books, listens to the radio, participates in discussions,  shows, circles of interest, tours, and more. Mass culture has spread and now is one of the tools of contemporary social integration. The development of mass media (among other things, press, radio, TV, Internet), enables fast transfer of patterns and cultural content a much larger audience than before. Therefor is  need to adequate preparation young man to life in society
Key words: educationmass-mediasocietychildren and youth.


  1. Babich M., Jak współpracować z rodzicami «trudnych» uczniów?, WSiP, Warszawa 2002. (pol.)
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  5. Gajda J., Pedagogika kultury w zarysie, Oficyna Wydaw. «Impuls», Kraków 2006. (pol.)
  6. Golka M., Imiona wielokulturowości, Warszawskie Wydaw. Literackie MUZA SA, Warszawa 2010. (pol.)
  7. Jankowski Dz., Pedagogika kultury. Studia i koncepcja, Oficyna Wydaw. «Impuls», Kraków 2006. (pol.)
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  9. Kupisiewicz Cz., Słownik pedagogiczny, PWN, Warszawa 2009. (pol.)
  10. Michałowski S., Wartość rodziny w procesie wychowania współczesnego pokolenia, [w:] Dziecko w świecie szkoły, red. B. Dymar, Oficyna Wydaw. «Impuls», Kraków 1998. (pol.)
  11. Muszyński H., Zarys teorii wychowania, PWN, Warszawa 1980. (pol.)
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  13. Olczak M., Trening twórczości – współczesna i efektywna forma wychowania przez sztukę, Oficyna Wydaw. «Impuls», Kraków 2009. (pol.)
  14. Strinati D., Wprowadzenie do kultury popularnej, Wydaw. Zysk i S-Ka, Poznań 1995. (pol.)


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Wei Zheyuan,
postgraduate student, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, 9 Pirogova st., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.127131


In the article the intercultural education technology of students in extracurricular work by means of music; the essence and basic features of music and educational technology; examples of educational music-teaching technologies; described the stages of implementation of educational technology. The author analysis the basic principles of intercultural education content selection means music students in extracurricular work formulated and substantiated the content of education students, which includes two parts: theoretical and practical. The content of the theoretical unit aimed at fostering cultural values and tolerance towards university students to general and music culture of Western Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy, France) and Far East (Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan) based on mastering their theoretical knowledge and skills to identify specific ethnic and typological features musical culture of these countries; musical styles and genres, and features folk and spiritual music, classics, works by contemporary composers each country.
Practical unit content of intercultural education of students by means of music in classroom work aimed at fostering intercultural communication skills, identifying specific in the musical culture of different nations, tolerance towards musical culture of other countries during the learning of theoretical material.
Key words: educational technology; technology; intercultural education technology of students.


1. Honcharenko S. U. (2000). Zmist zahalnoi osvity i yii humanitaryzatsiia [The content of general education and its liberalization]. Neperervna profesiina osvita : problemy, poshuky, perspektyvy:  [monohrafiia]. I. A. Ziaziuna (Ed.).  Kyiv : VIPOL, 81–107. (ukr.)

2. Yerastova-Mykhalus I. B. (2016). Formuvannia mizhkulturnoi tolerantnosti maibutnikh mahistriv ekonomiky [Formation of intercultural tolerance of future masters of the economy]: Candidate’s thesis.  Kharkivskyi natsionalnyi ekonomichnyi universytet imeni Semena Kuznetsia. Kharkiv, 164 s. (ukr.)

3. Mizherikov V. A. (2004). Slovar'-spravochnik po pedagogike [Tekst] [The dictionary-directory on pedagogy [Text]]. P. I. Pidkasistogo (Ed.).  M. : TC Sfera, 448. (rus).

4. Nemenskij B. M. (1981). Obrashhajas' k razumu i serdcu [Turning to mind and heart]. Iskusstvo i shkola. M. : Prosveshhenie, 176–178. (rus).

5. Oleksiuk O. M. (2006). Muzychna pedahohika : Navchalnyi posibnyk [Musical Pedagogy: Textbook]. – K. :  KNUKIM, 188 (ukr.).

6. Padalka H. M. (2010). Pedahohika mystetstva (Teoriia i metodyka vykladannia mystetskykh dystsyplin) [Art Pedagogy (Theory and methods of teaching art subjects)]. – Kyiv : Osvita Ukrainy, 274. (ukr.).

7. Sysoieva S. O. (2011). Intehratyvni tekhnolohii navchannia doroslykh : navch. – metod. posib. [Interactive Technology of adult education: Textbook]. NAPN Ukrainy, Kyiv, un-t imeni Borysa Hrinchenka. Kyiv : EKMO, 320 (ukr.).

8.Stukalenko Z. M. (2016). Formuvannia profesiinoi tolerantnosti maibutnoho vchytelia muzychnoho mystetstva v protsesi fakhovoi pidhotovky [Creation of professional tolerance of future teacher of music during professional training]. Candidate’s thesis.  Kirovohradskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni Volodymyra Vynnychenka. Kirovohrad, 86. (ukr.).

9. Talyzina N. F. (1975). Upravlenie processom usvoenija znanij [Management of learning process].M. : Moskovskij un-t, 343. (rus).

10.Filts B. M. (2005). Prohrama dlia zahalnoosvitnikh navchalnykh zakladiv. Muzychne mystetstvo. 5–8 klasy [The program for secondary schools. Musical art. grades 5-8]. Kyiv; Irpin, 3–59. (ukr.).

11.Cherkasov V. F. (2014). Teoriia i metodyka muzychnoi osvity: [pidruchnyk] [Theory and methods of music education [Tutorial]].  Kirovohrad : RVV KDPU im. V. Vynnychenka, 528. (ukr.).

12. Yahupov V. V. (2002). Pedahohika : navch. posibnyk [Pedagogy: Textbook [electronic resource]]. K.: Lybid, 560 . Available at:  http://eduknigi.com/ped_view.php?id=23  (ukr.).

Full Text: PDF (ukr.)

Hrabovska Barbara,
doctor habilitatus, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, st. Bielska, 62, 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.132139


Emigration does not eliminate the sense of identity, that is the sense of personal identity and historical continuity of personality. Poles in emigration continue to perceive themselves as members of the European Community. They are not afraid to admit their origins, even if sometimes in an environment in which they live, there are negative stereotypy against members of Polish nationality. Of course there are exceptions when immigrants prefer not to advertise their origins, but the Poles always proud of who they are. Modern living conditions negate some values, which form the sense of identity of people who are in long emigration. The problem of a sense of national identity in the postmodern world, where you can easily lose the identity of the word, is a real challenge for the XXI century education. Multicultural and intercultural education aims to teach young people how to develop global awareness and take advantage of living in a multicultural society.
Key words: emigration;  identity;  identity of emigrants.


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Dichek Natalia,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory of History Education, The Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,Sichovykh Striltsiv str., 52-D, 04053 Кiеv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.140146


In the context of illuminating of ideas about the individualization of school education in Ukraine, which have being developed in the last third of the twentieth century, revealed poorly studied aspect concerning the contribution in the late 1980s - early 1990s. of Ukrainian psychologists to studying ways and means of individualization of school learning. Identified several areas in the field of educational psychology, personality psychology research related to the deepening  individualization of learning. These include: studies and pilot testing of teaching differentiation system in primary and secondary schools (finding based on the use of test methods the level of child’s abilities to education and the according acquisition of the three groups of first-form children, who were distributed over the different types of classes (age norm classes, increased individual attention classes, classes of the accelerated development); the introduction in the secondary school life achievements of practical psychology, in particular the organization of psychological services in the schools; the study of the creative potential of pupils, the discovery of talents and developing the creative thinking.It is shown that the preconditions for the changing Soviet educational paradigm «school of teaching» on the personality oriented paradigm have been created by Ukrainian psychologists during the 1970-1980-ies. Analysis of the psychological and pedagogical works of Ukrainian scientists showed the direction of their research on the humanization of the educational process, the desire to ensure the implementation of individualized learning needs of pupils, which corresponds to the establishing in the Ukrainian educational system of personality oriented paradigm. At the same period under review increased attention from the government to the problems of gifted children, children with special needs, children who have been traumatized as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.
Key words: practical psychology;  psychological service;  increased individual attention classes;  classes of accelerated development;  age norm classes;  personal approach in educational process.


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Martynchuk Еlena,
Ph.D. in Education, Head of  Special Psychology, Special and Inclusive Education Department of Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University; 17 Tychyny Str, 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine,  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.147151


The article’s attention is focused on the need in reviewing of inclusive education as an important element in research in the field of education, due to coordination of social and educational integration of persons with special needs with a worldwide common desire for social justice; it is stated that the development of inclusive education in Ukraine needs a new educational field that will serve their needs, and professionals with established competence in the field of inclusive education; it is outlined inclusive pedagogy as a relatively young branch of pedagogical knowledge in Ukraine, which began to develop after receiving the country's independence as a result of activation of the public demand for the theory and methodology of training and education of children with different disabilities in conditions of educational inclusion and training teachers to work with children in inclusive environment; it is given the current context of the interpretation of the definition of «inclusive education» as the science of training and education of people with special needs in conditions of general space providing them with effective psycho-pedagogical and social support by interdisciplinary team of professionals; the object, the subject, purpose and objectives of inclusive pedagogy in the context of the formation and development of modern scientific knowledge about education, namely for osvitology (science about education) are looked through; it is briefly described the author's periodization of the development of inclusive pedagogy as a science about training and upbringing of children with special educational needs in a general area, and the criteria that became the basis of periodization of Inclusive pedagogy are outlined; it is singled in the development of three periods: the implicit (XI - the second half of the XIX), explicit (second half of XIX - beginning of XXI) and institutional (2010 - present day); it is shown that osvitology (science about education) promotes understanding and definition of the place of inclusive pedagogy as a new field of pedagogical knowledge in the scientific educational space.
Key words: inclusive pedagogy;  inclusive education;  modernization of education;  osvitology (science about education);  individuals with special educational needs.


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9. Martynchuk O. V. (2016). Stanovlennja i rozvytok inkliuzyvnoi pedagogiky yak galuzi pedagogichnogo znannia [Becoming and development of inclusive pedagogy as a branch of pedagogical knowledge]. Aktualni pytannia korekciinoi osvity (pedagogichni nauky), 1 (7). Kamianets-Podilsky, 2016, 260-280. (ukr).

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Oleksyuk Olga,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Chair of Theory and Methods ofMusical Art, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 18/2 Davydova, 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.152157


Postnonclassical ideas of anthropological pedagogy are closely linked with the modernization process of higher art education. Heuristic perspectives of the anthropological principles is fruitful in studying of future specialists’ spiritual potential mechanisms. Returns soul to methodical and academic discourse contributes just spiritual education potential of the individual to which the soul is a basic cultural concept, and one of the principles of the content is implementation of the human soul’s psychological law in the unity of knowledge, feeling and will. Knowing the unique laws of the spiritual world in the process of interaction with the environment, the person has the choice of development’s ways. Thus the problem of the individual’s spiritual potential in the arts, her professional growth, ability to self-reflection and formation of global competency in a new covered through humanistic orientation of postnonclassical pedagogy. Contemporary art education only approaching to the study of human development’s patterns as a whole, but today we know that the spirituality of person and his subjectivity depends on the integration of emotional, intellectual, motivational, cognitive and other personal areas.Anthropological turn in art pedagogy initiates its fundamental modern form, is due to integration and humanization of knowledge about person in different cultural contexts.
Key words: anthropological turn;  art education;  education paradigm;  postnonclassical education;  spiritual development.


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dr., Associate Professor, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, st. Bielska, 62, 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland

Khruzd-Matushchyk Alisa,
MA, assistant, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational Studies, University of Silesia in Katowice, st. Bielska, 62, 43-400 Cieszyn, The Republic of Poland

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.158163


Ensuring the right to children education, youth and later adults has always been one of the main responsibilities of each society. Modern transformations occurring in society and education system reform in our country, raising the question of a new model for training of teachers - educators. Training of teachers - educators carried out according to curricula that include theoretical and practical units. Theory and practice are interconnected source of knowledge required in the training of future teachers. The subject of study of this article is to educate students of pedagogy with emphasis on important pedagogical practices in preparation for the profession. The article consists of several parts. In the first part we characterize the role of pedagogical practices in shaping the skills of future teachers, and describe the scope of educational activities for teachers. The second part is a presentation fragment copyright conducted research among students of pedagogical specialties. The article ends with conclusions.
Key words: training of teachers;  pedagogical practice;  professional mastery of teachers.


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  4. Marzec H.: Kształcenie praktyczne studentów pedagogiki opiekuńczo-wychowawczej. W: K. Misiołek (red.): Praktyki Pedagogiczne w Górnośląskiej Wyższej Szkole Pedagogicznej. Mysłowice 2001, Wyd. Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Mysłowicach, Prywatny Zespół Szkół P.U.H. «Derrata» Sp. z o. o. w Mysłowicach. (pol.)
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  6. Palka St.: Sposoby uprawiania dydaktyki ogólnej a kompetencje zawodowe nauczycieli. W: J. Kędzierska, K. Polak (red.): Horyzonty pedagogicznej wyobraźni. Nauczyciel wobec własnych kreacji. Kraków 1998, Wyd. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. (pol.)
  7. Siwek H.: Przygotowanie studentów pedagogiki – przyszłych nauczycieli – do rozwijania myślenia matematycznego dzieci w wieku wczesnoszkolnym (w:) K. Kusiak, I. Nowakowska-Buryła, R. Stawinoga (red.): Edukacyjne konteksty rozwoju dziecka w wieku wczesnoszkolnym, Lublin 2009, Wyd. Uniwersytetu M. Curie-Skłodowskiej. (pol.)

Full Text: PDF (pol.)

Lozova Olga,
Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the chair of Applied Psychology Institute of Humanities, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, P. Tychyna ave. 17, 02152 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.164169


The article examines the dynamics of changes in higher education of psychologists in the United States from the the 1970s to the present time. The necessity to update the content of professional training of psychologists is presented in the context of the prospects of Ukraine's membership in the European Union. This update should be done not by blindly copying foreign educational programs, but via adapting the experience of other countries with the best traditions of national higher education. The experience of strategic development and implementation of requirements of the European standard (EuroPsy) and the «Harmonisation of European Educational Structures» project in educational programs of  Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University is presented. The upgrade of educational programs is described in the context of unification with European standards for future psychologists training. The competences of practical psychologists were made consistent with EuroPsy mode regarding (a) functions of psychologist and (b) competencies psychologist. Meanwhile, general competences of psychologists were made consistent with the Tuning project (c), professional and cognitive (d) and professional practice (e) competences were developed by the Applied Psychology Department of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. All competences of psychologists (a total of 14) were divided into basic (6) and auxiliary (8) groups. Programmatic innovations designed to provide qualifications and competitiveness to  bachelors and masters were described. Programs consist of modules which include: compulsory subjects aimed at creating general and professional competences, optional subjects, different practices and the final student examination.
Key words: «The European Certificate in Psychology (EuroPsy)»; practical psychologists educational programs; «Harmonisation of European Educational Structures» Project.


  1. Kuprii T. H. (2014). Vprovadzhennia variatyvnoi skladovoi osvitnikh prohram bakalavra ta mahistra: filosofskyi aspekt [The introduction of the variable component of educational programs of Bachelor and Master: philosophical aspect]. Osvitolohiia. Oświatologia, 3, 99 – 105. (ukr.)
  2. Lozova O. M. (2010). Psykhosemantychnyi aspekt rehionalnykh mentalnostei v Ukraini [Psychosemantical aspect of regional mentalities in Ukraine]. Naukovi zapysky NAuKMA: Pedahohichni, psykholohichni nauky ta sotsialna robota. T. 110, 34-39. (ukr.)
  3. Lunt I. (2012). Evropejskij diplom po psihologii EuroPsy: razrabotka standartov vysshego urovnja professional'nogo psihologicheskogo obrazovanija [EuroPsy European Diploma in Psychology: the development of a higher level of professional psychological education standards]. Nacional'nyj psihologicheskij zhurnal, 2 [8], 58 – 63. (rus.)
  4. Rashkevych Yu. M. (2014). Bolonskyi protses ta nova paradyhma vyshchoi osvity: monohrafiia [The Bologna Process and the new paradigm of higher education monograph]. Lviv: Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 168. (ukr.)
  5. EuroPsy. European Certificate in Psychology. EFPA Regulations on EuroPsy and Appendices [Electronic resource]. Available at: https://www.google.de/search?q=EuroPsy+European+Certificate+in+Psychology+EFPA+Regulations+on+EuroPsy+and+Appendices&trackid=sp-006. (eng.)
  6. Benton S. L.,  Hoyt K. B. Educational Reform: Implications for Educational Psychologists. Educational Psychology Review, Vol. 2, No. 3 (September 1990), pp. 203-236. (eng.)
  7. Magnusson J.-L. Higher Education Research and Psychological Inquiry. The Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 68, No. 2 (Mar. - Apr., 1997), pp. 191-211. DOI: 10.2307/2959956
  8. Sandoval, J., Love, J. A. School psychology in higher education: The college psychologist. Professional Psychology, Vol 8(3), Aug 1977, 328-339. DOI: 10.1037/0735-7028.8.3.328
  9. Välimaa J. Nationalisation, Localisation and Globalisation in Finnish Higher Education. Higher Education. Vol. 48, No. 1 (Jul., 2004), pp. 27-54. DOI: 10.1023/B:HIGH.0000033769.69765.4a
Full Text: PDF (ukr.)

Lysenko Oleksandra,
candidate of pedagogical sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Bogomolets National Medical University, blvd. T. Shevchenka, 13, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.169172


This article highlights the structure of the doctor’s competence, determined on the basis of scientific and pedagogical studies for the professional competence of health professionals, particularly in its composition determined motivational axiological, cognitive, social, personal and professional-activity components; outlines the features of formation of components of the doctor’s competence at the postgraduate stage, because of its practical orientation regarding obtaining independent clinical experience; defines doctor’s competency components, the formation of which fully possible appears only at the postgraduate stage (socio-personal and professional-activity); emphasizes the sufficiency of axiologic-motivational and cognitive components formation during the undergraduate studies; lists the andragogical principles which is inherent for the adults’ education of certified doctors; disclosed the content of the socio-personal and professional-activity components of the doctors’ competence; states that the social and personal component reflects the ability on creative non-standard resolution of professional problems, intellectual liability, ability to navigate the unpredictable situations of their own activities, including, in the collective and harmonious balancing personal and social needs, making independent decisions and sense of responsibility for them, ability to learn throughout life; professional-activity component reflects the ability of the practical application, obtained in the process of learning, knowledge, existing skills and professional-important qualities directly in terms of the working group, including the time to assist with emergency conditions that are mandatory for doctors of all specialties.
Key words: continuing education;  doctor’s competences;  doctor’s competence structure.


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2. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro vyshchu osvitu» [The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education"] vid 01.07.2014 #1556-VII [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1556-18 (ukr.)

3. Lysenko O. Yu. (2015). Rol i mistse pisliadyplomnoi osvity v natsionalnii systemi pidhotovky likariv [Role of postgraduate education in the national system of training doctors]. Osvitolohiia, Oswiatologia, 4, 49-53. (ukr.)

4. Lysenko O. Yu. (2015). Formuvannia profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh provizoriv u vyshchykh medychnykh navchalnykh zakladakh: monohrafiia [Formation of professional competence of pharmacists in medical schools: monograph]. K.: VP «Edelveis», 175. (ukr.)

5. Nakaz Ministerstva okhorony zdorovia Ukrainy vid 23.02.2005 r. #81 «Pro zatverdzhennia Pereliku spetsialnostei ta stroky navchannia v internaturi vypusknykiv medychnykh i farmatsevtychnykh vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv, medychnykh fakultetiv universytetiv» [Electronic resource]. Available at: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0291-05 (ukr.)

6.   Sysoieva S. O. (2011). Interaktyvni tekhnolohii navchannia doroslykh: navchalnyi posibnyk [Interactive technology of adult education: Tutorial]. K.: VD «Ekmo», 324. (ukr.)

7.  Tsekhmister Ya. V. (2002). Doprofesiina pidhotovka uchniv u litsei medychnoho profiliu: teoriia i praktyka: monohrafiia [Professional training of students in high school health profile: Theory and Practice: Monograph]. K.: Naukova dumka, 621. (ukr.)

8. Chen (Amy) C., Kotliar D., Drolet B. C. Medical education in the United States: do residents feel prepared? Perspectives on Medical Education. 2015, no. 4, 181-185. DOI: 10.1007/s40037-015-0194-8

9. Definition and Selection of Competencies. Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations. Strategy Paper on Key Competencies. An Overarching Frame of Reference for an Assessment and Research Program [Електронний ресурс] / OECD (Draft). – Available at: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/48/22/41529556.pdf (eng).

Full Text: PDF (ukr.)

Kulbashna Yaroslava,
O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Professor of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Doctor of Education, MD:  13 Shevchenko B., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Astapenko Olena,
O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Assosiate Professor of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Doctor of Medicinee: 13 Shevchenko B., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.173179


In article deals with the problem of the use of educational assessment in the training of future doctors in Ukraine. The key role of educational assessment in the improvement of the quality of higher medical education was defined. The basic stages of educational assessment methods in historical perspective are presented. Specifies, that educational assessment is one of the components of educationalexpertise. Analysis the use of the most common method of educational assessment – testing was found, that it plays an important but only supporting role in determining the level of formation of professional competence of future doctor. The successful experience of foreign countries indicates that for the increasing of objectiveness of the educational outcomes estimation need to get information from multiple information sources. Above all, to confirm the academic achievements of future doctors is necessary at first to base on their self- assessment. These data are supplemented with the preliminary assessment of teachers, the results of the test control and eventually should be interpreted and compared with current estimates in discipline. Such integrated approach helps identify problematic aspects of the future doctors training, find decisions to remove them and draft the perspectives of future learning outcomes. Besides, the development of tests should be based on the principles of competence approach, focusing on the mechanisms of multiple knowledge integration and practical orientation of them.
The analysis of scientific sources and own teaching experience shows that the effectiveness of solving problems in  educational assessment in high medical school, including dental education, largely depends on the creation of a comprehensive system of quality assessment of higher medical education at the national level, expert teams in each higher medical schools; implementation of integrated and differentiated approach into the process of educational assessment; training of experts in field of educational assessment. Decreasing of efficiency test method is seen in insufficient theoretical and methodological support of educational assessment process in general and testing process in particular.
Key words: higher medical educationexpertise; competentive approach;  educationalassessment; educationaldiagnostic; self-evaluation;  doctors training;  testing;  quality of higher education.


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