2016 - №5 

DOI 10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5


Philosophy and history of education

Kremen Vasyl. Transformative potential of the classical model of university

Levovitski Tadeush. Higher education model - university traditions, transformations, problems and suggested solutions

Ivanii Olena. Historical bases of the roman law revival and popularization of it by medieval universities

Dereka Tetjana. Tendencies of physical education development in ukraine at the beginning of ХХІ century

Slipchuk Valentina. Network of pharmaceutical education education institutions in Ukraine in 90s of the 20th century

Economics of education and educational management

Ognevyuk Victor. Education and competitiveness of society

Mospan Natalia. Regulation mechanisms of higher education and labour market in the European Union

Lynov Konstantin. Management of institution of secondary education on the basis of leadership paradigm

Nadiya Chernukha, Golovach Nataliia. Valuation of professionally important qualities formation for «Personnel management and labour economics» undergraduate students

Educational policy and educational law

Shafranska-Gajdzica Anna. Educational policy conditions in multicultural environment

Batechko Nina. Formation of the state education policy: synergetic aspect

Hryshchuk Yuliia. Adaptation of polish law on higher education to the European Union requirements

Integration processes in еducation

Sysoieva Svetlana. Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees in education in the Unated States: discussion

Vdovichenko Eugen. Integration into the global scientific community (examplified by the reforms in the Republic of China

Ivanytska Olga, Red’ko Sergey, Panchenko Alla. Development of educational environment of secondary school in conditions of the integration into the european education space

Sociology of education

Korchak Leandra. School environment as a problem of aggression and violence

Zjemba Beata. The crisis in the family as a factor causing problems in the education of children

Bartosiak Lukash. Father in the process of childcare in the families living in a village: weekdays with a baby

Karpinska Ahnieshka. Women identity formation with atypical body structure

Сulturology of education

Kvolek Katerzhyna. Education for the reception of mass culture

Wei Zheyuan. Intercultural education technology of students in extracurricular with music

Hrabovska Barbara. Sense of identity of poles in emigration

Pedagogical backgrounds of educology

Dichek Natalia. Adoption of personality oriented paradigm of school education in Ukraine: psychological and pedagogical aspects

Martynchuk Еlena. Inclusive pedagogy in the context of modern scientific knowledge about education

Oleksyuk Olga. Anthropological turn in artistic pedagogy - «gold» section centuries

Educology context of competence education

Minchanovska Oleksandra, Khruzd-Matushchyk Alisa. Pedagogical practice in the formation of professional skills of future teachers – results of research

Lozova Olga. Educational innovations in preparing practical psychologists on the basis of competence

Lysenko Oleksandra. Doctor’s competences system: forming on the postgraduate stage

Kulbashna Yaroslava, Astapenko Olena. Educational assesment in training of competent doctors in Ukraine: problems and their decision