Svitlana MartynenkoDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Primary Education and Humanities Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. 

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4/1924


The methodological basis of pedagogical diagnostic as a science and practice are defined in the article; psychological and pedagogical sources which are dedicated to the analysis of this problem are characterized. The principles of pedagogical diagnostic (systemacity and concreteness; the scientific grounding of the theory and methodology of pedagogical diagnostic; accessibility of diagnostic methods and techniques to teachers and students; the optimization of forms, methods and techniques of diagnosis; diagnostic complexity and its predictability) are defined. Theauthor determines the components of pedagogical diagnostic in accordance with individual and developmental paradigm: target; content; operational; analytical; prognostic.

The author specifies the main functions (feedback, estimate, communicative, constructive, informative, prognostic) and the algorithm of pedagogical diagnosing that consists of: defining of the object (subject), purpose and objectives of pedagogical diagnostic; formulating a hypothesis and its gradual verification; choice of diagnostic means (criteria, levels, methods); information acquisition about the object and the subject (comparing the actual state of the object with standard and optimal) which are explored; analysis, systematization and classificationof the received information; synthesis of diagnosed object`s (subject`s) components that based on the verified information analysis; forecasting the prospects of its further development; grounding and evaluation of pedagogical diagnosis and its practical application.

The levels of pedagogical diagnostic (component, structural and system diagnostics, forecasting) are given in the article. The features of pedagogical diagnostic in accordance with individual and developmental educational model are analyzed.

Keywords: pedagogical diagnosis; the methodological basis of pedagogical diagnostic; individual and developmental educational.


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