Binytska Kateryna Mykolaivna – assistant professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor

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 Binytska Olena Petrivnapro-rector for economics of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor

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DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.8994 


The article deals with the studies of theoretical approaches to the problem of modern state of organization of out-of-budget financing of schools on the basis of fundraising activity in Ukraine. The author analyzes statutory and regulatory base and scientific works of the modern researches on the mentioned problem. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical literature the terms fundraising, educational fundraising have been determined. It is generalized that fundraising is not the synonym to charity, it has considerable element of cooperation but not pure consumption.  

It is clarified that all potential sources of out-of-budget financing of educational establishments can be conditionally divided into two groups: inner (usage of own resources, that is the funds, received by educational establishments owing to provision of chargeable services).

It is found out that fundraising in the countries with transitional economy has the following features: not great amount of local funds, which give local resources; neglected culture of donation among the population (lack of knowledge about philanthropy and donation among the representatives of business).

It is mentioned in the article that the main sources of fundraising development is search of donors, which can be: funds, public associations, religious and other unprofitable organizations; employers, manufacturers and commercial organizations; government and state administrations; individual donors and community.

The article distinguishes such methods of fundraising activity of the modern manager of school as: advertising, public measures, postal sending, using the Internet resources, phone calls, personal meetings etc.

Keywords: fundraising activity;  financing; school. 



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