
Methodological principles of educology

Tadeush Levovickij.





Pedagogical backgrounds of educology




Expert activity in education


Natalia Ponomarenko.


education systems


Mykhal Kviatkovskyi.

Alla Zagorodnya.

Educational polic
y, economics of education and educational management




Philosophy and history of education



Sociology and culturology of education





Tadeush Levovitski – professor, dr. hab., honorable rector of the Higher Teacher Education School of the Polish Teachers` Union (Warsaw), foreign member of the NAPS of Ukraine. (e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4/1119


The transformation of social and economic system and the integration of Poland with European Union have brought many positive chances. Simultaneously, some negative processes have intensified (also accompanied by new ones), which makes difficult the functioning and development of higher education. These negative processes and their noticeable results are presented in the article. Apart from critical opinions and questions about the direction of changes in higher education, some suggestions of improvements are included in the text of article.

Keywords: higher education; quality of education; the chances of changes and reality.


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Svitlana MartynenkoDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Primary Education and Humanities Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. 

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4/1924


The methodological basis of pedagogical diagnostic as a science and practice are defined in the article; psychological and pedagogical sources which are dedicated to the analysis of this problem are characterized. The principles of pedagogical diagnostic (systemacity and concreteness; the scientific grounding of the theory and methodology of pedagogical diagnostic; accessibility of diagnostic methods and techniques to teachers and students; the optimization of forms, methods and techniques of diagnosis; diagnostic complexity and its predictability) are defined. Theauthor determines the components of pedagogical diagnostic in accordance with individual and developmental paradigm: target; content; operational; analytical; prognostic.

The author specifies the main functions (feedback, estimate, communicative, constructive, informative, prognostic) and the algorithm of pedagogical diagnosing that consists of: defining of the object (subject), purpose and objectives of pedagogical diagnostic; formulating a hypothesis and its gradual verification; choice of diagnostic means (criteria, levels, methods); information acquisition about the object and the subject (comparing the actual state of the object with standard and optimal) which are explored; analysis, systematization and classificationof the received information; synthesis of diagnosed object`s (subject`s) components that based on the verified information analysis; forecasting the prospects of its further development; grounding and evaluation of pedagogical diagnosis and its practical application.

The levels of pedagogical diagnostic (component, structural and system diagnostics, forecasting) are given in the article. The features of pedagogical diagnostic in accordance with individual and developmental educational model are analyzed.

Keywords: pedagogical diagnosis; the methodological basis of pedagogical diagnostic; individual and developmental educational.


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4.      Davydov, V. V.  (1986). Problems of developmental education: experience of theoretical and experimental psychological research. Moscow : Pedagogika. [in Russian].

5.      Zankov, L. V.  (Eds.). (1972). Individual versions of the primary school pupils development. Moscow: Pedagogika [in Russian].

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Tetiana Pospielova – Dr. of public administration, Chair of management department of the Institute of Society of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.2428


The article deals with the initial methodological prerequisites for the formation of the conception of complex mechanism of public regulation in the sphere of human development under the transformation of the Ukrainian society based on the simultaneous combination of the achievements of the institutional theory and systematic and synergetic approach. Thus there singled out the three components of the institutional environment of human development: formal rules; informal rules; attractive self-organizing structures. It is proved that it is necessary to investigate and consider both formal rules and informal ones and self-organizing attractive structures as well in the process of elaborating a complex mechanism of public regulation in the sphere of human development. Formal rules are analyzed by studying normative legal documents concerning human development. The research of informal rules and self-organizing attractive structures is conducted through socio-cultural dimension. The Ukrainian national methods of calculating the index of regional human development is based on the measurement of external (or objective) factors that mostly characterize the socio-demographic and socio-economic components of human potential. However, subjective factors (valuable and motivational basis of human development and self-organizing processes of institutional environment) that characterize the sociocultural and activity-based components of human development, are not investigated sufficiently. The author proposes to improve methods for human development assessment by introducing additional indicators that characterize the valuable and motivational basis of human development and self-organizing processes derived from sociological observations, namely: main socio-psychological features of a social character; the level of satisfaction with various aspects of life; priorities in life and the importance of professional and social activities; socially significant values.

Keywords: human potential;  human development;  institutional theory;  self-organizingprocessespublic administration;  public policy;  social character;  transformation processes;  systematic and synergetic approach;  social transformation.


1. Dudova I. Human and social capital in condition of intelligent and inclusive growth / Iveta Dudova // Economic Annals-XXI/ - 2013/ - 7-8(1)/ - p. 30-33. DOI: 10.1257/000282804322970751 (eng)

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3. Zaslavskaja T.I. Chelovecheskij potencial v sovremennom transformacionnom processe [Human potential in modern transformational process]/ T.I. Zaslavskaja // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2005. – № 3. – S. 5-16. – Bibliogr.: s. 16. (rus)

4. North D.C. Institutions, institutional change and economic performance. Cambridge. 1990. P. 40. (eng)

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Nadіya Chernuha – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. (e-mail:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.2932 


The article deals with the integrity of the modern educational space. The main attention is paid to the integration processes in education as a priority vector of its modernization and European integration.

Key words: educational process; integrity;  integration; modernization  and  European integration.


1.    Bekh I. D.Zhyttia osobystosti u dukhovnomu diapazoni [Life in the spiritual identity range]. Ridna shkola. K., 2009,# 11, 7–17. (ukr.)
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3.    Zhuravskyi B. C. Vyshcha osvita yak faktor derzhavotvorennia i kultury v Ukraini [Higher education as a factor of state and culture in Ukraine]. In-t derzhavy i prava im. V. M. Koretskoho NAN Ukrainy, In-t vyshchoi osvity APN Ukrainy. K., Vyd. dim «In Yure», 2003, 416 s. (ukr.)
4.    Kremen V. H. Osvita i nauka Ukrainy : shliakhy modernizatsii (Fakty, rozdumy, perspektyvy) [Education and Science Ukraine: Ways of Modernization]. K. Hramota, 2003, 216 s. (ukr.)
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8.    Ohneviuk V. O. Filosofiia ta yii mistse v obrobtsi naukovykh doslidzhen fenomenu osvity [Philosophy and its place in the treatment of the phenomenon of education research]. Osvitolohiia, 2012, I, 69–75. (ukr.)
9. Sysoieva S. O. Sfera osvity yak obiekt doslidzhennia [The sphere Education as an object of study].Osvitolohiia, 2012, I, 22–25 (ukr.)
10. Filosofsko-metodolohichni zasady pidvyshchennia yakosti vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy: yevropeiskyi vymir [Philosophical and methodological principles of improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine: European Dimension] / avt. kol. : V. Andrushchenko (kerivnyk), M. Boichenko, L. Horbunova, I. Nadolnyi ta in. K.Pedahohichna dumka, 2012, 220 s. (ukr.)
11. Franchuk T. Y. Tsilisnyi osvitnii prostir : pedahohichni osnovy yoho formuvannia : monohrafiia [A holistic educational environment, pedagogical foundations of its formation]. Kamianets-Podil. nats. un-t im. I. Ohiienka. Kamianets-Podil., 2009, 244 s. (ukr.)
12. Shulga N. Construction of the Detector for Synergetic Educational System Based on Quality Standards / Natalia Shulga // American Journal of Educational Research. –2015, 3(12B), 36-40. DOI: 10.12691/education-3-12B-8 (eng.)

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Dyba T., The Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Mastery Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, PhD in physical education and sport, associate professor

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.3237



Inthe article the concept of “lifelong education” was analyzed as well asits main characteristics and features.The composition (formal, unformal, informal education) was specificated and lifelong education system was characterized.The professional’s acmeological characteristics were analyzed together withone’s “acme conditions of formation, development and achievement.The  phenomenology of lifelong professional education was found and the qualitative characteristics of one’s development in the educational system in the process of training within the higher education institution were identified as well as conditions of future specialist’s acme-competency potential development.Acme in professional development is defined as the highest level for a certain person in his professional development at a certain stage of lifes journey, which is manifested in the maximum mobilization, implementation of one’s professional abilities, possibilities and reserves.Professional acme may have varying degrees of social and personal significance.

While passing the professional way a person acquires a certain experience, grows both personally and spiritually, and seeks to achieve one’s acme. There are some qualitative characteristics of person’s development in the educational system such as: maturity (educational, social, professional, personal, age-connected); professionalism; integrity; success; high motivation to gain either  achievement or self-improvement; performance. The professional’s success and one's self-realization are to be complimented with over-personal goals, objectives and needs of society. In nowadays labor market the continuous improvement of the specialist’s professional competence is not only a guarantee of its employment, but also the way to reach the acme as a top of professional excellence.

Keywords: acmeologylifelongeducationprofessional trainingprofessional acmephenomenon.



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Stefan Myeshalskiprofessor, dr. hab., rector of the Higher Teacher Education School of the Polish Teachers` Union (Warsaw). (e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.3844


Teacher's influence is one of means used by him or her in everyday work. As others means, such influence is unreliable, hazardous and insecure however it is necessary. The main purpose of the article is to analyze various subtleties of the teacher's influence in his or her social relations with students on the basis of several, chosen theoretical standpoints.

Keywords:  elements of influence;  influencer;  teachers influence.

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Zhelanova Victoria. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.4449

This article presents contextualization of professional training for future teachers as an important principle of the modern higher education. The author describes three dimensions of this phenomenon: conceptual, contextual and managerial one. The research explains that conceptual part is based on the reflexive and contextual scientific approach, principles of meaningful, subjective, reflexive commitment of training, on understanding professional context of future teachers as integration of motivational and inspiring, reflexive and forming, sense producing, subjective forming, communicative forming professional contexts. Contextual aspects of professional training for future teachers are connected with integral professional experience interiorization of which takes place during process of motives transformation as well as reflexive genesis, sense genesis, subjective genesis. Managerial part of contextualization of professional training is aimed at implementing managerial forms of training into such as lectures of contextual type, business games, pedagogical tasks of contextual direction. The author proves that practical realization of contextualization principle is related to implementation of points of reflexive and contextual scientific approach which is combination of reflexive educational paradigm and ideas of contextual education. The author proves that the aim of professional training within the scope of reflexive and contextual scientific approach is formation of reflexive competence, and reflexively determined constructs of future teachers which are motivational, sense spheres of personality and its professional subjectivity.

Keywords: content of professional training of contextual direction, contextualization, pedagogical tools of contextual type, professional context of future teachers, reflexive and contextual scientific approach.


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  3. Ognev’yuk V.O. Osnovni tendentsiyi rozvitku suchasnoyi osviti / V.O.Ognev’yuk // Osvitologiya: polsko-ukrayinskiy schorichnik / ukraYinsko-polskiy: zb. nauk. pr. / KU im. B. Grinchenka, Vischa ped. shk. Spilki polskih vch-v m. Varshava / Ognev’yuk V.O., Leonteva I.V., Sisoeva S.O. ta in. – K.: Kiyivskiy universitet im. B. Grinchenka, 2013 – № 2. – S.9 – 13.
  4. Rubinshteyn S. L. Osnovyi obschey psihologii : v 2 t. / S. L. Rubinshteyn. – M. : Pedagogika, 1989. – T. 1. – 486 s.
  5. Slastenin V. A. Pedagogika : ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vyissh. ped. ucheb. zavedeniy / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov ; pod red. V. A. Slastenina. – M. : izd. tsentr „Akademiya”, 2004. – 376 s.
  6. Sisoeva S.O. Osvitni reformi: osvitologichniy kontekst / S.O.Sisoeva /Osvitologiya: polsko-ukraYinskiy schorichnik / ukrayinsko-polskiy: zb. nauk. pr. / KU im. B. Grinchenka, Vischa ped. shk. Spilki polskih vch-v m. Varshava / Ognev’yuk V.O., Leonteva I.V., Sisoeva S.O. ta In. – K.: Kiyivskiy universitet im. B. Grinchenka, 2013 – №2. – S.36 – 45.
  7. Ionova O. M. Salutogenetic approach to professional training of future teachers. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2015, no.2, pp. 34-42. DOI:10.15561/18189172.2015.0206

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Lysenko O., Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Education National Medical University of O.O. Bogomolets, candidate of pedagogical sciences

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.4953

This article highlights the presented stages of medical education in Ukraine
(6 years of university training to obtain qualification of Medical Doctor, 1-3 years of internship to obtain qualification of Doctor-Specialist and the additional training opportunity to improve the professional skills in clinical residency for about two years); the features of their post-graduate education at the present stage; characterized compulsory stage of primary specialization in one of the 30 specialtiesin a period of internship whichlasts from 1 to 3 years; presented peculiarities of the internship training process, especially given explanations about theoretical and practical parts of interns’ activity; the features of interns’ intermediate and final certification characterized; marked practical orientation of primary specialization and a mandatory list of practical skills needed to master; explained the possibilities of acquiring further qualifications in a particular specialty in clinical ordinary; noted the possibility of narrow specialty obtaining by specialization passing and the opportunity of some thematic improvement highlights;submitted a reform plan on postgraduate training, including decreasing internshipspecialties and medical residency introduction as a step acquisition specialization after the internship; characterized obligatory training for pre-certification and certification of passage to assign or confirm the medical qualification category at least once in five years.

Keywords: continuous professional development;  stages of medical education;  postgraduate medical education in Ukraine.


1. Poliachenko Yu. V. Medychna osvita u sviti ta v Ukraini: dodyplomna osvita, pisliadyplomna osvita, bezperervnyi profesiinyi rozvytok, 2005, Knyhaplius, 384. (ukr.)
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3. BrennanJ. Standards and Quality in Higher Education. 1997, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 34–68. (ukr.)
Chen (Amy) C, Kotliar D, Drolet B. C. Medical education in the United States: do residents feel prepared? Perspect Med Educ. 2015, no. 4, 181-185, DOI: 10.1007/s40037-015-0194-8 (eng).
Karle H.
Postgraduate Medical Education. World Federation for Medicl Education. 2003, 27 p. (eng).

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  1. Victor Ogneviuk – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of NAPS of Ukraine, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University.  (e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
  2. Svitlana Sysoieva – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Educational Research Laboratory, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Corresponding Member of NAPS of Ukraine, Head of Anton Makarenko Charitable Foundation.  (e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.5460


This article presents training of education experts in Ukraine through the providing interdisciplinary program; analysis of experts training in the field of education abroad. It determines the notion of «expert» and «expertise» their content for peer education activities. Here is shown the results of a pilot study conducted in Ukraine to determine the educational community views on the necessity to provide special experts’ training in the field of education and to determine their place in the Ukrainian system of education. Here is discussed the content of the first in Ukraine interdisciplinary Master's program «Expert activities in providing quality of education».

Keywords: Educology;  education;  expertise;  education expert.


1.Beshelev S. D., Gurvich F. G. Jekspertnye ocenki / S. D. Beshelev, F. G. Gurvich. – Moskva: Nauka, 1973. – 160 s. (rus.)
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15. Cherepanov V. S. Jekspertnye ocenki v pedagogicheskih issledovanijah. – Moskva: Pedagogika, 1989. – 152 s. (rus.)
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Master Schulentwicklung; Studieninformation für den 5. Kurs (2014-2016) [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
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Sysoieva, S. (2018). Development of comparative professional education in Ukraine: educological context. Osvitolohiya, 7. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.4958

Dereka, T. (2017). Professional training of physical education specialists: the historical aspect (end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century). The Modern Higher Education Review, 2. DOI: 10.28925/2518-7635.2017.2.7

Kulbashna, Y., & Astapenko, O. (2016). Educational assesment in training of competent doctors in Ukraine: problems and their decision. Osvitolohiya, 5. DOI:  10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.173179


Ponomarenko N. G., Senior lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Nikolayev National Agrarian University

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.6164



The article covers various approaches to defining the notion of "expert assessment in education or pedagogical expert assessment". It has been found that pedagogical expert assessment  is seen as a system of researching pedagogical phenomena, processes, problems, pedagogical activity results as well as forecasting the development of education, expert assessment of alternative solutions and identifying the best results of the educational process arrangement in order to improve the quality of education and provide counseling services to authors and staff in educational institutions. On the other hand, expert assessment is seen as a complex of scientific and research procedures aimed at  summarising the information received from experts to enable competent decision-making in the field of educational institutions management. It is highlighted that expert assessment is significantly different from such notions as "monitoring", "diagnostics", "audit" and "inspection". That is to say that the main purpose of monitoring is to prevent any possible failures in effective functioning of an object, while expert assessment maintains its development. Diagnostics can be conducted by any individual with the help of certain methods aimed at identifying the causes of positive and negative outcomes. One of the features of audit is that educational authorities are invited  by  the head of an educational institution. Inspections identify whether   or not schools meet the requirements and standards of the industry and make conclusions. In addition to the above, the key functions and types of expert assessment in education have been defined (analytical, developmental, counseling, diagnostic, reflexive and forecasting).

Key words: diagnostics; expert assessment; expert assessment in education; expert method of research; monitoring; pedagogical expert assessment.


 1. Bratchenko S. L. Vvedenie v gumanitarnuju jekspertizu obrazovanija [Introduction to humanitarian educational evaluation] /  S. L.  Bratchenko – M. , 1999. – 137 s. (rus)

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 3.  Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy  [Large explanatory dictionary of modern Ukrainian] / uklad. i holov. red. V. T. Busel. – K. ; Irpin : VTF «Perun», 2002. – 1426 s. (ukr)

 4. Ivanov D. A. Jekspertiza v obrazovanii [Educational evaluation]: ucheb. posobie dlja stud. vysshih ucheb. zavedenij / D. A. Ivanov. — M. : Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2008. — 336 s. (rus)

 5.  Kasyanova O. M. Kontrolno-analitytshna diyalnist kerivnyka navtshalnoho zakladu [Control and analytical activities of leader of educational establishment] / O. M. Kasyanova. — Kh. : Vyd. hrupa «Osnova», 2014. — 192 s. — (Seriya «Abetka kerivnyka»). (ukr)

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 7.  Kasyanova O. M. Teoretyko-metodolohitshni zasady ekspertyzy v osviti [Theoretical and methodological principles of educational evaluation] / O. M. Kasyanova // Teoriya i praktyka upravlinnya sotsialnymy systemamy : shtshokvartalnyy nauk.-prakt. zghurn. – Kharkiv : NTU «KhPI», 2009. – №3. –  S. 19–28. (ukr)

 8.  Knjazeva M. M. Jekspertiza obrazovatel'nyh proektov [Evaluation of educational projects] /  M. M. Knjazeva // Shkol'nye tehnologii. – 2001. - №2. – S. 210-227. (rus)

 9.  Kruleht M.V., Tel'njuk I. V. Jekspertnye ocenki v obrazovanii [Educational evaluation]: ucheb. posobie dlja stud. fak. doshk. obrazovanija vyssh. ped. ucheb. zavedenij. — M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2002. — 112 s. (rus)

 10. Makarova E. A., Pal'mova E. A. Jevaljuacija kak neot"emlemaja sostavljajushhaja sistemy upravlenija sovremennym obrazovaniem [Evaluation as an essential component of the modern educational system administration] / E. A. Makarova, E. A. Pal'mova // Rossijskij psihologicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – T.8. - №2. – S. 19-32. (rus)

 11. Natsionalna stratehiya rozvytku osvity v Ukrayini na 2012-2021 rr.[National strategy of development of education  in Ukraine  2012-2021]– 37 s. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezghym dostupu: hppt: // www. (ukr)

 12. Ohneviuk S., Sysoieva S. Osvitolohiia – naukovyi napriam intehrovanoho doslidzhennia sfery osvity [Osvitologia as the integrated scientific field of education research] / V. Ohneviuk, S. Sysoieva // Ridna shkola: shchomisiach. naukovo-ped. zhurn. – 2012. - №4/5. – S. 44-51. (ukr)

 13.Skvorskij  V. Ja. Metodika soglasovanija jekspertnyh ocenok obrazovatel'nyh koncepcij [Methodology of evaluation of educational conceptions] /  V.Ja. Skvorskij  //  Pedagogika. – 1994. – №4. – S. 39-43. (rus)

 14. Cherepanov V. S. Teoreticheskie osnovy pedagogicheskoj jekspertizy [Theoretical principles of educational evaluation]: dis. … doktora ped. nauk: 13.00.01 / Vjacheslav Sergeevich Cherepanov. – Glazov, 1990. – 351 s. (rus)

 15. Chechel' I. D., Potemkina T. V. Upravlencheskaja problema kak ob"ekt analiza jeksperta-konsul'tanta po voprosam razvitija obrazovanija [Administrative problem as object of the analyses of the expert-konsultant in a develeopment of education] / I. D Chechel',  T. V. Potemkina // Sovremennye issledovanija social'nyh problem (jelektronnyj nauchnyj zhurnal).  – 2014. - №6. DOI: 10.12731/2218-7405-2014-6-23 (rus)


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Kulbashna, Y., & Astapenko, O. (2016). Educational assesment in training of competent doctors in Ukraine: problems and their decision. Osvitolohiya, 5. DOI:  10.28925/2226-3012.2016.5.173179

Iwanicka Olga, profesor katedry marketingu i reklamy Kijowskiego narodowego uniwersytetu handlowo-ekonomicznego, doktor habilitacyjny z państwowego kierowania, profesor.

Panczenko Ałła, docent katedry zarządu Instytutu społeczeństwa Kijowskiego uniwersytetu imienia Borysa Grinczenka, doktor z państwowego kierowania, docent.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.6570



The essenceof expert evaluationas a tool formanagementof secondary schools has been substantiated. Thecontent of the concepts «expertise», «expert assessment» and «education expert» has been determined.In particular, the education expertise has been offeredseen as a toolthat providesreview,researchpedagogicalphenomena, processes andproblems,the results ofpedagogical activityand createinformation fieldfor the predictionthe development ofthe education system, provide consultative assistance to secondary schools. Ithasbeenoutlinedthe specifics ofexpert assessmentin generalsecondary education.It has been made the classificationof methodsexpertassessment of management objects of educational institutions: individual (interviews, questionnaires, testing)and collective(methodcommission(productionmeetings, conferences, seminars, round tables),Delphimethod, method of 360º, SWOT-analysis, methodabstractevaluation, etc.) groups and subgroups. Ithasarguedthe necessitydistinction between«diagnosis», «monitoring» and «expertise». Ithasdeterminedthe directions ofthe expertevaluationof innovativemethodologicalcompetenceof teachers.The phased algorithm of expert assessment in managing of secondary schools has been developed. It consists of identity object evaluation; highlight the main features of the object of the system approach; regulation time parameters; wood construction purposes; selection, evaluation, training of experts and the formation of an expert group; developing and adapting the system of indicators and evaluation criteria; selection and expert assessment research tools; collection and analysis of individual expert assessments; application of methods of obtaining coherent collective expert assessments; formulated recommendations for its practical application and making managerial decision.

Keywords: expertiseexpert evaluation;  expertevaluation;  general educationinnovativemethodical competenceinspectionevaluation;  educationalexamination;  management.


  1. Bodnar, O. S. Otsiniuvannia efektyvnosti upravlinnia analityko-ekspertnoiu diial'nistiu u sferi zahal'noi seredn'oi osvity rehionu [Estimation of management effectiveness analytical and expert activities in the field of secondary education in the region]. Scientific Journal «ScienceRise»: Pedahohichni nauky. [Online]. 2015. vol. 4/1(9). Available at: DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2015.40114 (ukr).
  2. Halian, I. M. Psykhodiahnostyka: navchal'nyj posibnyk [Psychodiagnostics: Tutorial]. Kiyv. Akademvydav. 2009. 463 p. (ukr)
  3. Lukina, T.O. Tekhnolohii diahnostyky ta otsiniuvannia navchal'nykh dosiahnen': Navchal'no-metodychni materialy [Technology of diagnostics and evaluation of educational achievements: Educational materials]. K. Shkil'nyj svit. 2007. 62 р. (ukr)
  4. Nakaz MON Ukrainy «Pro zatverdzhennia Poriadku derzhavnoi atestatsii doshkil'nykh, zahal'noosvitnikh, pozashkil'nykh navchal'nykh zakladiv» [On approval of the state attestation preschool, secondary school, after-school educational institutions] vid 30.01.2015 № 67. Available at: (ukr)
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  6. Pidlasyj, I. P. Diahnostyka ta ekspertyza pedahohichnykh proektiv: navchal'nyj posibnyk. [Diagnostics and expertise of pedagogical projects: Tutorial]. Mizhnarodnyj fond «Vidrodzhennia». Ministerstvo osvity Ukrainy. Kyiv. Ukraina. 1998. 343 p. (ukr)
  7. Savchenko, O.P., Tsymbal, O.Yu. Innovatsijni protsesy v upravlinni iakistiu osvity Ukrainy [Innovative processes in quality management education of Ukraine]. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. [Online]. 2013. Vol. 10. pp.123-126. Available at: (ukr)
  8. Solovej, M. V. Do pytannia pro poniattia pedahohichnoi ekspertyzy ta ii normatyvno-pravovykh osnov [To the question of concept of pedagogical expertise and its legal framework]. Pedahohichnyj dyskurs. 2007. Vol. 1. pp. 132-135. [Online]. Available at: (ukr)
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Mariya Bratko – candidate of pedagogical science, associate professor, director of the University college, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.7176 

In the article peculiarities of formation and development of the theory of management educationin the United States based on the content analysis of authentic scientific and methodological texts Thomas E. Glass, Raymond ECallahan, Richard W. Saxe, Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein.

Keywordsmanagement;  education;  education managementtheory;  theory and practice of education USA.


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The article presents the results of research educational aspirations of pupils in upper secondary schools in Poland and Ukraine. It is revealed similarities and differences between the two groups of results which could provide a starting point for further, wider and comprehensive research.

Keywords: educational aspirations;  reasons for choosing the direction of education; education work;  psychology work.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.7780

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Zagorodnya A. A.
 - associate professor of social and pedagogical subjects Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade (m. Kyiv), Candidate of Education Sciences.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.8083 


The author reveals the criteria for comparison of professional training in the field of economic higher education institutions of the Republic of Poland and Ukraine. The author argues that the problem of professional training of the economic sector in higher education is complex and requires coordination of efforts of various courses and disciplines, to form an idea of the phenomenon of system performance, conditions, criteria and factors of its increase, methods of measurement. The author defines performance criteria as measurements or benchmarks used to assess achievement of efficiency standards. Performance as quality indicators, performance or value standard for evaluating the effectiveness of the student show how well students meet expectations of what they should know and be able to do that is expressed in levels or points. The analysis by research indicates the following performance criteria for the evaluation of the functioning of training: operating relating to the organization and flow of basic processes and patterns and express their development; economic, related to the size (value) of positive and negative effects (runs); Information related to the organization and how the system processes the information, expressing the impact of these processes on the system behavior; safety-related elements readily system, particularly technical means to express the impact of technology on the behavior of the system; performance related to the functioning of credit.

Keywords: economic education;  concept of study; education; comparative education; professional training.


1.     Babushko S. R. Suchasnyi stan profesiinoho rozvytku fakhivtsiv yak skladovoi neperervnoi osvity: analiz zakonodavchoi bazy Ukrainy [The current state of professional development specialists as part of lifelong learning: analysis of the legal framework of Ukraine] /  Svitlana Rostyslavivna Babushko // ScienceRise 02/2015; 2(1 (7)). DOI: 10.15587/2313-8416.2015.37393 (ukr).
2.     Vasyliuk A.V. Pedahohichnyi slovnyk-leksykon (ukrainsko-anhlo-polskyi) [Teaching vocabulary dictionary (English-Ukrainian-Polish)] / Alla Vasyliuk, Matsei Tanas – Vyd. 2-he, utoch. y dopovn. – Nizhyn: Vydavets PP Lysenko M.M., 2013. – 224 s (ukr).
3.     Entsyklopediia osvity [Encyclopedia of Education] / Akad. ped. nauk Ukrainy; holovnyi red. V.H. Kremen. – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2008. – 1040 s (ukr).
4.     Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' Brokgauz i Jefrona v 12 t. [Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron]: biografii. – M.: Sov. Jenciklopedija, 1991. – T.1. – 799 s (rus).
5.     Koval T.I. Teoretychni ta metodychni osnovy profesiinoi pidhotovky z informatsiinykh tekhnolohii maibutnikh menedzheriv-ekonomistiv [Theoretical and methodological foundations of training in information technology future managers and economists] : dys …. doktora ped. nauk : 13.00.04 – teoriia i metodyka profesiinoi osvity. – Kyiv, 2008. – 44 s (ukr).
6.     Pedagogicheskij slovar' [Teaching dictionary] : ucheb. posobie dlja stud. vyssh. ucheb. zavedenij / pod red. V.I. Zagvjazinskogo, A.F. Zakirovoj. – M.: Izdatel'skij centr «Akademija», 2008. – 352 s (rus).
7.     Sysoieva S.O. Neperervna pedahohichna osvita: suchasni paradyhmy ta tekhnolohii yikh realizatsii [A continuous pedagogical education: modern technology paradigms and their implementation] / S.O. Sysoieva // Materialy vyiz. zasid. naukovoi shkoly z problem tvorchosti i tekhnolohii u neperervnii profesiinii osviti (Khmelnytskyi, 14-16 travnia 2009 roku): naukove vydannia; za red. S.O. Sysoievoi. – Khmelnytskyi, 2009. – 339 s (ukr).

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Mospan Natalia V. Ph.D., profesor nadzwyczajny, Wydział Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Kijowa Boris Hrinchenko, 
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DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.8488 

The article analyzes the impact of policies on the development of educational systems
in the European Union and Ukraine. The sources are independent reports of the European Commission, and state documents on higher education in Ukraine. A detailed study of the European Commission reports helps to identify internal and external factors, which have different effects on higher education in the European Union. The external factors include global process of internationalization of higher education and its consequences. Under internal factors we concider the Lisbon strategy and the Bologna process. One could argue that education systems in the European Union will develop under the influence of external and internal factors, where the dominant position of the Lisbon Strategy and the Bologna process will win the lead role. Since the signing of the Bologna Convention in 2005, higher education in Ukraine has been in a state of current changes. Analysis of the new Higher Education Law of Ukraine made it possible to outline the major innovations in the reforms of higher education and similar policy trends of higher education in the European Union and Ukraine.

Keywords: Bologna process;  higher education; internationalization; policy; strategy.


  1. Crosier D.,Parveva T. The Bologna Process: Its impact (on higher education development) in Europe and beyondUNESCO: International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris 2013. – 88р. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  2. Vincent-Lancrin St. Cross-border Higher Education: Trends and Perspectives. – Higher Education to 2030,Volume 2, OECD 2009. – P. 73-80. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  3. Education and Training in Europe 2020: Responses from the EU Member States. Eurydice Report. Brussels: Eurydice. – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, 2013. – 114p. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  4. European E&T Systems in the 2-nd Decennium of the Lisbon StrategyEuropean Commission, 2008. – P. 44. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
  5. Europe 2020 A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. European Commision. – Brussels, 2010. – 32p. [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
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Binytska Kateryna Mykolaivna – assistant professor of the department of pedagogy and psychology of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor

 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , phone:  0978653931

 Binytska Olena Petrivnapro-rector for economics of Khmelnytskyi Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy, candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor

 e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , phone: 0961702121


DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.8994 


The article deals with the studies of theoretical approaches to the problem of modern state of organization of out-of-budget financing of schools on the basis of fundraising activity in Ukraine. The author analyzes statutory and regulatory base and scientific works of the modern researches on the mentioned problem. On the basis of the analysis of theoretical literature the terms fundraising, educational fundraising have been determined. It is generalized that fundraising is not the synonym to charity, it has considerable element of cooperation but not pure consumption.  

It is clarified that all potential sources of out-of-budget financing of educational establishments can be conditionally divided into two groups: inner (usage of own resources, that is the funds, received by educational establishments owing to provision of chargeable services).

It is found out that fundraising in the countries with transitional economy has the following features: not great amount of local funds, which give local resources; neglected culture of donation among the population (lack of knowledge about philanthropy and donation among the representatives of business).

It is mentioned in the article that the main sources of fundraising development is search of donors, which can be: funds, public associations, religious and other unprofitable organizations; employers, manufacturers and commercial organizations; government and state administrations; individual donors and community.

The article distinguishes such methods of fundraising activity of the modern manager of school as: advertising, public measures, postal sending, using the Internet resources, phone calls, personal meetings etc.

Keywords: fundraising activity;  financing; school. 



1. Hliebova A. O. Suchasni teoretychni ta praktychni aspekty protsesu orhanizatsii finansuvannia sotsialno vazhlyvykh proektiv na osnovi fandreizynhu / A. O. Hliebova // Problemy ekonomiky. – 2013. – № 4. – S. 206–211. [Modern Theoretic and Practical Aspects of the Process of Organization of Financing Socially Important Projects on the Basis of Fundraising] (ukr ).

2. Honorska A. Poshuk alternatyvnykh shliakhiv finansuvannia serednoi osvity cherez fandreizinh ta pobudovu partnerskykh vidnosyn / Anna Honorska // Hromadianska Osvita. Demokratiia i osvitnia systema, Relihiia i shkola. – № 24. – , 2005  [Elektronnyi Resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: [Search of Alternative Ways of Secondary Education Financing through Fundraising and Building Partner Relations] (ukr ).

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5. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro osvitu» [Elektronnyi Resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: [Law of Ukraine „About Education“](ukr ).

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7. Krasulia A. V. Istorychni tradytsii blahodiinosti ta aktualnyi stan fandreizynhovoi diialnosti u vyshchii osviti Ukrainy / A. V. Krasulia // Pedahohichni nauky: teoriia, istoriia, innovatsiini tekhnolohii. – 2014. – № 10. – S. 132 – 144. [Historical Traditions of Charity and Modern State of Fundraising Activity in High School of Ukraine] (ukr ).

8. Mykhats S. O. Shliakhy vdoskonalennia vplyvu osvity na ekonomichne zrostannia [Elektronnyi Resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: [The Ways of Improving the Education Influence Economic Growth ] (ukr ).

9. Ohneviuk V. Osnovni tendentsii rozvytku suchasnoi osvity / V.O. Ohneviuk // polsko-ukrainskyi / ukrainsko-polskyi shchorichnyk «Osvitolohiia». – K.: VP «Edelveis». – 2013. – Vypusk II. – S. 9 – 14. [Basic Tendencies of Modern Education Development] (ukr ).

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11. Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy «Pro zatverdzhennia pereliku platnykh posluh, yaki mozhut nadavatysia navchalnymy zakladamy, inshymy ustanovamy» [Elektronnyi Resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: [Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “About Approval of the List of Chargeable Services, which can be offered by Educational Establishments, other Organizations”] (ukr ).

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Atroshchenko T.О. Ph.D., Assistant professor (pedagogy preschool and primary education) Mukachevskyi State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine).

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.9498



Thе proposed article deals with the theoretical foundations of the communicative culture. It considers the requirements for speech manager that define his professional competence. Communicative culture of the future leader was defined as the ability to establish the right relationships, establish productive communication and interaction with the staff according to the requirements of modern pre-school education.

The head of the preschool - a person who manages and  within the institutions he is involved in the organization of management and has the primary responsibility to society for its effectiveness. The key to successful leadership is a combination of head and leader in one person. The challenges of the head of preschool institution are: to develop dynamic content of the educational process, increase its efficiency and quality, to promote innovative development. The modern manager must be competent both in matters of methodology training, education and development of preschool children, and in the management of the system.

As part of the communicative culture, the speech culture of manager is expressed in perfect compliance of the rules of language, the ability to find accurate, clear, appropriate means to express his thoughts and feelings.

Management team is called art, which achieved success in congenital managers, or those who are constantly working to improve management.

Subject «Actual problems of preschool pedagogy» clarify the formation of communicative culture of future head of preschool institutions. It gives the opportunities to prepare students of the specialty 7.01010101 «Preschool Education» to their future job.

Keywords:communication; communicative culture; communicative culture manager;  culture;  head of pre-school institutions.



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Valeriy Ryabenko – Ph. D in philosophical  sciences, leading researcher of Osvitology Lab, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University,  e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.99104  

V. Riabenko. Socio-historical and epistemological circumstances explanation for osvitology

This article analyzes the deep socio-historical and epistemological circumstances explanation for osvitology. Their definition helps to explain the emergence of this new scientific field of education research and its interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary character. The author puts forward the hypothesis that the fundamental socio-historical factor in the formation, evolution and complex structure for osvitology is the development of social production. Its first historically, the highest and most universal form of production is production of a person. But at the dawn of the history of low levels of this form of production caused its disintegration into three components: material production, spiritual production and production of forms of social relations. For thousands of years these types of production developed relatively independently. But the impact of material production was dominant on them. Only in the mid-20th century material production loses its dominance. In the foreground we see first spiritual production, then production of forms of social relations, and finally, the production of a person. Production of a person is crucial is the most universal form of production. Production of a person again converted to the most universal and influential form of production. In turn, the most important component of production of a person is the production of his inorganic body. It takes place in education and training. These features and the general structure of the current state of social production is the main ontological factor which to some extent determines the complex structure and poliaspektnist for osvitology, which studies education. In epistemological plane priority have two factors the interpretation of the essence and structure for osvitology. On the one hand, it features a display ontological manifestations of the main types of production in some categorical mode of production. On the one hand, it a reflection of the main types of social production in categorical row mode of production. On the other - sequential movement of scientific knowledge of nature education from surface educational process to the deeper, hidden and unobvious its definitions: economic, political, social, legal, communication, organizational, spiritual, philosophical.

Keywords: education and learning production;  education learning process;  epistemology;  material production;  spiritual production;  production of a person;   production of forms of social relations:  inorganic body of a person;  organic body of a person; osvitology.

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Tkachenko M. V., student of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.104109  



The objective of the national higher education in Ukraine is to reformation and adaption according to international agreements on creation of common European educational space. The process of formation of the European education area is called Bologna. Despite many years of educational work, many course offerings for undergraduate and graduate students, even specialists remain the main ideas of the Bologna process unattended. Clarification of regularities of appearance and development of the name "Bologna process" through understanding the history and traditions of the University of Bologna, will give the necessary explanations. The paper summarizes the history of the University of Bologna. Recreated the traditions in the organizational principles of University education in Italy during the time of foundation of the first universities. The author explains the difference between the principles of the founding of the University of Bologna and University of Paris, which were founded one of the first and which began a tradition of differences between the Southern and Northern universities. The article noted the precedent of the student government, what embedded in the institutional framework of the University of Bologna. The author defines the mission of the University of Bologna in educational-political movement that became known as the Bologna process. The tradition of higher education, founded in the University of Bologna, has continued until now. A wide selection of training programs, quality of education responding to the world standards, and student self-government.

Key words: University of Bologna; the Bologna process, university education, student self-governance, democratic principles of University education, university rankings.



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10.      Sysojeva S. O., Krystopchuk T. Je. Osvitni systemy krajin Jevropejsjkogho Sojuzu: zaghaljna kharakterystyka : navchaljnyj posibnyk [Educational systems in the European Union: a general overview: Tutorial] / S.O. Sysojeva, T.Je. Krystopchuk; Kyjivsjk. un-t imeni Borysa Ghrinchenka. – Rivne: Ovid, 2012. – 352 s (ukr).

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School in a multicultural environment becomes a place of daily contact with Others, mutual cultural heritage and participation in public life of different groups. The school struggles with different challenges and needs facing society, different educational systems and national groups. Among of many tasks performed by a school in a multicultural environment, there are particularly important actions relate to the identity of pupils in many areas (family, regional, national, European).

Keywords: іidentity of pupils;  cultural identity;  multicultural education;  multicultural environment;  school.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.110115

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25. Szczypka-Rusz A.: Kwestia wielokulturowości w działalności szkoły z polskim językiem nauczania w Czechach (szkicproblemu). W: T. Lewowicki, A. Szczurek-Boruta (red.): Szkoła na pograniczach. Wyd. UŚ, Katowice 2000.
26. Uchyła-Zroski J.: Znaczenie edukacyjnych wartości muzyki w procesie przekazywania tradycji. W: T. Lewowicki, A. Szczurek-Boruta (red.): Szkoła na pograniczach. Wyd. UŚ, Katowice 2000.

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The article discusses different approaches to the definition of «family» and its value as an educational environment;
it is submitted the classification of families and family structure, which allows to determine its basic forms and types; it is analyzed the basic functions of the family. The author emphasizes that alongside social and economic changes taking place in society, the family gradually loses its functionality. The crisis of modern culture, conflicts and contradictions negatively affect the process of social adaptation and family break function.

Keywords: classification family; family; family as an educational environment;  forms and types of families; family functions.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.115117

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2. R. Wroczyński, Pedagogika społeczna, Warszawa 1974, PWN, S. 336.
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5. W. Okoń, Nowy słownik pedagogiczny, Warszawa 1998, Żak, S. 336.

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The article presents a qualitative analysis of written works of students. It became the basis for reflection on the benefits and risks arising from the use of Wikipedia. Author, presenting the views of students and the scientific community, tries to confront and argue them. This article aims to discover the true educational value of Wikipedia.

Keywords: informal learninglearningteacherWikipedia.

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.118125


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Plaksin A.A., senior researcher of the educational process Educational and Scientific Institute training for the police departments of public security, psychological services and the National Guard of Ukraine National Academy of Interior

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2015.4.126130


The article sets out a brief analysis of various research approaches to the interpretation of the concept of " didactic culture ", its content and structure by establishing a dialectical relationship of general culture and didactic culture; brief historical excursion ; developed and proposed to consider the author's didactic approach to the definition of culture as a scientific phenomenon.

Keywords: educational activities, culture, didactic culture, professional and pedagogical skills, content, creativity, teacher.


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