Nina Batechko

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.4552 

The article reveals the urgent problems of master’s degree training in Ukraine. It was highlighted the great scientifically-pedagogical potential of national higher school, active development of educational service market, the leading concept of magistracy in it. It was revealed the problems of master’s degree training in Ukraine as a pedagogical system with special peculiarities and features. It was adapted the basic principles of synergetics to the masters’ training process as an open pedagogic system, able to self-organization and self-development. It was taken the functional characteristics of system and peculiarities of its development on the present stage of higher educational system development in Ukraine. Phenomenon of self-organization in the process of master’s training as the possible direction of its optimization is studied. It was revealed the acmeological peculiarities to the masters’ training approach. Attention was paid to advantages of master’s degree as a suitable environment for the development of future specialist’s personality, able to constant self-education and self-perfection. In the result of analysis of self-cognition, self-education, self-development and self-perfection of masters were studied the stages of their professional and self-development. It was proved the organic unity of self-organization level of future specialist and the process of their professionalism formation. From the position of acmesynergetic approach was studied masters’ training as an open dynamic system, which constantly develops, changes, acquiring new personal and individual-psychological characteristics, providing future specialist with broad peculiarities of social and professional adaptation. Keywords: master; magistracy; educational system; synergistic approach; acmeological approach; acmesynergetic approach.

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