Irina Sokolova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of Foreign Languages Faculty in Mariupol State Humanitarian University.  (e-mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.2329 


The paper centers on a comparative study as an effective interdisciplinary research strategy. A set of scientific approaches to comparative educational research is grounded to understand phenomena and processes taking place in the educational systems of different countries. Epistemological integrity and constant methodological reflection of scientific pedagogical knowledge is found in the article. The peculiarities of the implementation of basic, instrumental and paradigmatic approaches in research problems of higher education based on predefined functions – epistemological, assessment, functional and technological are disclosed. Systemic, systematic and historical synergy approaches ensure quality of the research program to justify the methodology and techniques of comparative educational study. Paradigmatic approaches (cultural, axiological) determine the processes of development, reform and modernization of higher education in society. Instrumental approaches (historiography, historical, comparative, hermeneutic, narrative, thesaurus) have an efficient algorithm for solving a standardized research tasks. It is concluded that productive scientific approaches of comparative study is the basis for the unification of principles, methods in the integrity and extend the area of study of the phenomenon – higher education.
higher education; comparative study; comparative analysis; scientific approaches.

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