Diana Popova
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.130135

Ukraine, at first glance, is safe in the ethnic sense, tolerant European country. But the process of state building is accompanied by revision of priorities in ethnic relations. Manifestations of ethnic, political, religious xenophobia become more frequent. The theory of multiculturalism, which implies the coexistence of different cultures on the basis of equal dialogue, is the most adequate theoretical response to the social challenges of our time. Prevention of extremism and xenophobia among young people must serve the most important component and integral part of continuous education. Thus, social prevention of extremism and xenophobia should have a comprehensive and integrated nature and reflect the current level of requirements for it. The correct selection of preventive methods, their implementation will ensure the effectiveness of social prevention. The necessity of multicultural education as an effective and efficient means of social prevention of extremism and xenophobia among young people is substantiated in the article. The author reveals the role of the system of education and training in this process, because it has an important mechanism for overcoming the above phenomena – preparing of a person to the interethnic dialogue in multicultural social and cultural environment. The socio-psychological strategies and direction of educational work on preparation young generation for multicultural constructive interaction in the conditions of globalization are analyzed. Aspects of circumscribed problems solutions as well as early warning measures of psychological aggression (extremism, xenophobia, ethnic hatred, ethnic conflict, etc.) are proposed. The paper submits the evaluation criteria of the proposed measures.
Keywords: early warning measures; extremism; globalization; multicultural constructive interaction; multicultural education; prevention program; social prevention, socio-psychological strategies; xenophobia.

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