Nadiya Chernuha, Tetyana Savrasova-V’yun
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.122125 

The article by N.M. Chernuha and T.О.-Savrasova-V’yun reveals the general strategy of an experimental research of civil activity of students. It also represents a diagnostic tool for studing the levels and factors of students civic activity formation. The level of development of students civic activity was analyzed. Thus, we have defined the structure of civil activity of students, which consists of cognitive, motivational, emotional, and behavioral-volitional components which are represented by components of each of the components and diagnostic methods that determine the level of these components. As a result of statement experiment was revealed an insufficient level, mainly middle one, formation of cognitive, motivational, emotional and behavioral components of civil-volitional activity of students. Also it was determined that the general level of civil activity demands development. Thus, the formation of civil students activity require significant optimization of the process, updating and modernizing of existing educational work forms. It is also necessary to introduce innovations in process of students’ civil activity formation.
Keywords: civic activity of students; cognitive; motivational; emotional; behaviorally-volitional components of civic activity of students.

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