Olga Kuzmenko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.109114

It is analyzed the change of the priorities of modern universities under the influence of globalization, which has led to the liberalization of higher education; it is comprehended the crisis of the modern university, which is caused by loss of traditional focus on state and Humbold`s ideals; it is emphasized the new regional role of universities and the need to transform them into the centers of creation and transfer of innovation. The changes that are taking place with the University is an objective process. They are caused by the deployment of globalization trends in political, economic, cultural and social spheres.  The new role of modern universities lies in their ability to become an institutional resource for the development of their regions. Universities should become the centers of innovation, that take the responsibility for the nonlinear model of knowledge transfer, in other words, for all stages – from the creation of advanced knowledge to their commercialization. Therefore, the transmission loses its key meaning, and the interaction of each stage and the individual responsibility of each participant become the most important. Postclassical university should ensure: – the achievement of the continuum between basic and applied research; – formation of the trinity: «education – research – business / innovation»; – interaction with professional institutions, research universities, business centers of high technology etc.; – effective transfer of innovations into the market. The priority is acquiring excellence in all university`s activities, which aims to ensure competitiveness in the education market.
Keywords: postclassical University; liberalization of higher education; globalization; innovations; academic capitalism.

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