- №3, 2014
- T. Levovickij
- S. Sysoieva
- I. Sokolova
- N. Pobirchenko
- A. Shhurek-Boruta
- B. Grabowska
- N. Batechko
- Y. Sukhodolska
- V. Ogneviuk
- N. Mospan
- O. Slyusarenko
- М. Bratko
- A. Panchenko
- S. Myeshalski
- T. Kupriy
- Y. Urban
- O. Kuzmenko
- N. Bednarsjka
- N. Chernuha, T. Savrasova-V’yun
- K. Juszczak
- D. Popova
- All Pages
Page 16 of 22
Tetyana KupriyDOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.99105
The article deals with the problem of introducing the variable part of educational qualification BA and MA programs in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Analyzes the philosophical and social aspects univrsytetskoyi education as a subject of research attention due to the increasing demands for quality training, the weight of scientific potential, which is the basis for economic development in the community. During the research proved that the flexibility and effectiveness of training programs demonstrate not normative and selective discipline. The conservation of structural logic teaching sample subjects defined as the weight of individual choice for Ukrainian students. A procedure for enactment of lists with the list of training programs for bachelors, masters and doctors in various specialties, including the name and a brief description of subjects, and a list of subjects required for graduation a certain educational level. It is proved that the introduction of individual program / curriculum based on training, range of interests and choice of training dystsypiln student is promising to create an innovative approach to the educational process. The analysis of the process of obtaining a certificate of additional student enrolled courses that automatically increases its konkuretospromozhnist the labor market. Determine the process of mastering the necessary professional competencies among them is the ability to communicate in their native and foreign languages, the use of mathematical skills and techniques and information technology and self expression, skill building correct behavior in relationships obtained in the study sample of interdisciplinary courses that provides a reliable foundation for occupational mobility.
Keywords: on-line tutorial; selective discipline; individual plan/graph; jurisdictions.
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