Alla Panchenko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.8893 

In the article it is grounded the urgency of the planning of activities in upgrading and development of modern secondary education institution. It is distinguished the essence of the concept of «planning» as a polyvalence one, its importance in the management of the secondary education institution. Special attention is paid: – to administrative aspects of planning and making self-analysis of the activities for the previous period with the help of the CAF model and SWOT-analysis; – to providing the planning of technology «objectives tree»; – to using the Internet resources for evaluation planning and forecasting activities of the head; – to creation Google calendar of planned activities for the academic year. It was distinguished that in planning it is very important to determine the main tasks. This initial stage of management includes: – activities of the team in the long term; – ongoing activities; – detailed programming. Planning is an ongoing, not one-time process, although it is repeated periodically because: – after reaching the primary goal educational institution does not stop its existence, and poses new challenges; – because of the constant changes in the environment the actual situation in the education and upbringing constantly does not meet the increased requirements.
Key words: “objectives tree”; secondary school; CAF model, planning of the activity; administrative aspect; selfanalysis; SWOT-analysis; Google-calendar.

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