- №3, 2014
- T. Levovickij
- S. Sysoieva
- I. Sokolova
- N. Pobirchenko
- A. Shhurek-Boruta
- B. Grabowska
- N. Batechko
- Y. Sukhodolska
- V. Ogneviuk
- N. Mospan
- O. Slyusarenko
- М. Bratko
- A. Panchenko
- S. Myeshalski
- T. Kupriy
- Y. Urban
- O. Kuzmenko
- N. Bednarsjka
- N. Chernuha, T. Savrasova-V’yun
- K. Juszczak
- D. Popova
- All Pages
Page 12 of 22
Olena SlyusarenkoDOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.7581
The article investigates peculiarities of dynamics of top higher education institutions positioned 1 – 30 in Shanghai ranking during the period of 2003 – 2014. The predicted stratification of institutions into groups is confirmed, including two stable groups of which the first one consists of Harvard University rated first in ranking and the second one comprised of ten institutions rated 2 to 11 in ranking; a quasi-stable group made of 15 institutions ranking 12 to 26(30); and unstable one comprised of four institutions rated 27 – 30 (as of 2014). Further subdivision into three stable subgroups (during 2004 – 2014) of institutions that belong to the second group was discovered. Complementing 6 ranking indicators with 12 organizational parameters allowed explaining the differentiation of institutions and describing different institutional models and development strategies. The list of the above parameters that demonstrate some correlation links with ranking achievements are as follows: number of students, shares of international students and master and PhD students; budget; budget per student; competition during admission to bachelor (master) programmes; number of postdoctorates; ratio between the number of postdoctorates and students; funding allocated for research and development; share of funding allocated for research and development; expenditures on research and development per student; age of an institution. Harvard University demonstrates most balanced and stable parameters and continues to increase its competitive advantage, therefore it qualifies as an excellence (exemplary) institution. The arguments are provided in defense of two exemplary organization models and two effective development strategies of high-ranking institutions, namely: 1) parameter balanced model and concentration specialization model; 2) universality strategy and specialization (profiling) strategy. The evidence is provided for higher competitiveness of private institutions.
Key words: development strategies; group and subgroup differentiation; Harvard University; organizational models; organizational parameters; ranking dynamics; ranking indicators; Shanghai ranking; top institutions of higher education.
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