- №3, 2014
- T. Levovickij
- S. Sysoieva
- I. Sokolova
- N. Pobirchenko
- A. Shhurek-Boruta
- B. Grabowska
- N. Batechko
- Y. Sukhodolska
- V. Ogneviuk
- N. Mospan
- O. Slyusarenko
- М. Bratko
- A. Panchenko
- S. Myeshalski
- T. Kupriy
- Y. Urban
- O. Kuzmenko
- N. Bednarsjka
- N. Chernuha, T. Savrasova-V’yun
- K. Juszczak
- D. Popova
- All Pages
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3
Svitlana Sysoieva
Irina Sokolova
Neonila Pobirchenko
Barbara Grabowska
Nina Batechko
Yolianta Sukhodolska
Viktor Ogneviuk
Nataliya Mospan
Мariia Bratko
Alla Panchenko
Tetyana Kupriy
Yanina Urban
Olga Kuzmenko
Nadiya Chernuha, Tetyana Savrasova-V’yun
Krysztof Juszczak
Diana Popova
Tadeush Levovickij.
Professor, doctor habilitatus, honorable rector of the Higher Teacher Education School of the Polish Teachers` Union, foreign member of the NAPS of Ukraine, Higher Teacher Education School of the Polish Teachers` Union, st. Smulikovskoho 6/8, 00-389 Warsaw, The Republic of Poland, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.1116
The article presents humanistic tradition and the contemporary situation of comprehensively formulated educational issues. However, the emphasis is put on the presentation of scientific identity of osvitology. A frame of reference is varied understanding of science, the exemplification of which are ways of describing pedagogy as scientific discipline. The important plot of the discourse is related to social usefulness and appreciation of scientific disciplins. The final part of the text includes the suggestions which could be beneficial towards further maturation of scientific identity and development of osvitology.
Keywords: osvitology; understanding of science; identity of scientific discipline; social appreciation and usefulness.
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Svitlana Sysoieva
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Head of Educational Research Laboratory, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, st. Tymoshenko, 13 b, 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.1723
Keywords: comparative pedagogy; comparative studies; educology; disciplinary approach; interdisciplinary approach; multidisciplinary approach.
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Irina Sokolova
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of Foreign Languages Faculty in Mariupol State Humanitarian University. (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.2329
The paper centers on a comparative study as an effective interdisciplinary research strategy. A set of scientific approaches to comparative educational research is grounded to understand phenomena and processes taking place in the educational systems of different countries. Epistemological integrity and constant methodological reflection of scientific pedagogical knowledge is found in the article. The peculiarities of the implementation of basic, instrumental and paradigmatic approaches in research problems of higher education based on predefined functions – epistemological, assessment, functional and technological are disclosed. Systemic, systematic and historical synergy approaches ensure quality of the research program to justify the methodology and techniques of comparative educational study. Paradigmatic approaches (cultural, axiological) determine the processes of development, reform and modernization of higher education in society. Instrumental approaches (historiography, historical, comparative, hermeneutic, narrative, thesaurus) have an efficient algorithm for solving a standardized research tasks. It is concluded that productive scientific approaches of comparative study is the basis for the unification of principles, methods in the integrity and extend the area of study of the phenomenon – higher education.
Keywords: higher education; comparative study; comparative analysis; scientific approaches.
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7. Sysojeva S.O. (2011) Education as the object of the research. Shljakh osvity: naukovo-metodychnyj zhurnal. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Association of the Ukrainian gymnasiums and lyceums, 2, 5–11. (in Ukrainian).
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Neonila Pobirchenko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.2933
Within the category of psychological science education, current date approaches – a cooperative, communicative, cognitive (intellectual), an interdisciplinary – the essence of psychological research content items in osvitologiya. Defined set of basic concepts, which proved their innovative relevance. It was identified some scientific facts in the history of education that are closely related to the theoretical and methodological research of educology. The essence of these items is treated according to such issues: the creation of integrity of education (patterns of intensive scientific approach to the educational development by L. S. Vygotsky) and the problem of developing of the classification characteristics in determining the role of labor education of youth. These components of psychological and research aspects of educology, in our opinion, may be an integral part of lifelong learning in professional training of the future specialists in educological areas. Thanks educology and its current research it can be argued the requirement for high quality professional training of educologist in the present conditions of university multi-disciplinary education.
Keywords: research position; consulting-oriented communication; osvitologiya; partnerships; reflexive thinking.
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2. Vygotskij L. S. (1982 – 1984) Collected works: in 6 volumes. M.: Pedagogika. Vol.1, 302. [in Russian].
3. Dmyterko N. (2005) Reflective thinking in the context of theoretical and empirical cognition of the psychic reality. Psykhologhija i suspiljstvo, 4, 93 – 97. [in Ukrainian].
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5. Pobirchenko N. (2000) The question of the national education in the activities of the Ukrainian communities (second half of the XIX – beginning of the XX c.). K.: Naukovyj svit, 331. [in Ukrainian].
6. Sukhomlynsjka O. V. (2002) Periodization of pedagogic thought in Ukraine: steps towards a new dimension. Rozvytok pedaghoghichnykh i psykhologhichnykh nauk v Ukrajini 1992 – 2002. Part 1. Kharkiv: OVS, 37 – 54. [in Ukrainian].
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Alina Shhurek-Boruta
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.3440
What is referred to by the author in her discussion are some partial results of extensive multivariate studies conducted in 2011-2014 in several academic environments differing in location (the centre – the borderland) as well as socio-economic potential and implemented within the research project of the Polish Science Centre (number N N106 416640). These studies constitute the background at which identity and its (self-) construction are viewed. The motives concerning learning prevail in the article, which composes a multisided framework of university students (future teachers)’ learning and a picture of various determinants of professional preparation of the respondents. Learning in the process of cogeneration is viewed by the author as favourable for the ”becoming” of identity, for its constructing a reality marked with social coherence or integration. Questions about functionality of teachers’ education in the context of identity and learning of candidates for teachers is in fact the question how efficiently this education fulfills its functions. This is directed towards educology, developed by Ukrainian scientists – a suggestion for holistic approach to educational phenomena and processes, aiming at better understanding of people and their world environment. The presented study comprises at least several references to educology: to the principle of joining different areas and dimensions of learning (cogeneration of dimensions of learning was indicated here); to a permanent value of educology and the aim of each educational process – development (of the learner, university student, adult); to advancement of educational sphere which enhances individual, socio-economic and scientific-technological development of the society; to integration of the research into learning with respect to various subdisciplines of pedagogy as well as some related areas of science, such as psychology or sociology, and other sciences which do not deal with the theory of education (technical sciences in this case).
Keywords: identity; learning; constructivism; intercultural education; educology; cogeneration.
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Barbara Grabowska
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.4045
What is explored in the text are the issues of educational politics concerning teacher training. The author characterizes the standards of education which prepares for the teaching work in Poland and (applying the results of the report Key Data on Teachers and School Leaders in Europe) discusses the parameters of teacher training in Europe. These results in indicating the marginalization of pedagogical-psychological and didactic preparation of future teachers in Poland.
Keywords: marginalization of the pedagogical and psychological training; educational policies; teachers` training; countries of the European Union.
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Nina Batechko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.4552
The article reveals the urgent problems of master’s degree training in Ukraine. It was highlighted the great scientifically-pedagogical potential of national higher school, active development of educational service market, the leading concept of magistracy in it. It was revealed the problems of master’s degree training in Ukraine as a pedagogical system with special peculiarities and features. It was adapted the basic principles of synergetics to the masters’ training process as an open pedagogic system, able to self-organization and self-development. It was taken the functional characteristics of system and peculiarities of its development on the present stage of higher educational system development in Ukraine. Phenomenon of self-organization in the process of master’s training as the possible direction of its optimization is studied. It was revealed the acmeological peculiarities to the masters’ training approach. Attention was paid to advantages of master’s degree as a suitable environment for the development of future specialist’s personality, able to constant self-education and self-perfection. In the result of analysis of self-cognition, self-education, self-development and self-perfection of masters were studied the stages of their professional and self-development. It was proved the organic unity of self-organization level of future specialist and the process of their professionalism formation. From the position of acmesynergetic approach was studied masters’ training as an open dynamic system, which constantly develops, changes, acquiring new personal and individual-psychological characteristics, providing future specialist with broad peculiarities of social and professional adaptation. Keywords: master; magistracy; educational system; synergistic approach; acmeological approach; acmesynergetic approach.
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Yolianta Sukhodolska
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.5258
Contemporary system of education should aim at preparing young people for changing realities. Not only should it promote and create changes, but also anticipate and exceed them. Therefore, the principle of such education should refer to the assumptions of critical-creative education which reflects human desire to accept democratic standards and principles of social dialogue and should promote them in the field of education. Although the explosion of the promoted concepts of upbringing and education targets the pursue of unconstraint personality development, respect of needs and aspirations and learners’ subjectivity formation, the concepts are still ahead of the reality and its educational standards. The cause of it is the objective inertia of education field environment, which itself is subject to verification based on unclear evaluation rules, as well as some negligence in the field of diagnosis and detection of current needs to reform such an education system. This applies to both education system and teachers’ professional development programmes, particularly in the area of shaping and developing social competences, diagnosis, prevention and help aimed at eliminating social and environmental threats. In this process, the role of a teacher seems to be the crucial one. The teacher, sensitive to needs of others and ready for active and dialogue-based communication, becomes a very important person in the process of growing up.
Keywords: education; dialogue communication; reforms of educational system; social competence.
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Viktor Ogneviuk
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of NAPS of Ukraine, Rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. (Ukraine) (e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.5965
It is suggested the reforms of education which will be directed to the forming of the conditions for full-fledged person development through the mechanism of the equal access to the qualitative education, improving quality of life and creation the competitive society; it is defined that the key task of the state today is to open broad opportunities for state, corporate and private partnership in the sphere of education and competitiveness of different educational programs.
The reforming of education should be connected with the modernization of all society that significantly increase the effectiveness of reform efforts. We should make the qualitative changes in the science, economy, social sphere and mental life of the society. The comprehension of such interdependences can be good precondition of the successful not only of education bat also of all country. The Ministry of Education and Science should form and implement educational policy, rule over the tendencies and processes instead of constant creation and extinguishing fires. And it is not only the task in the spheres of education and science, it`s a problem of all vertical governance.
The first steps in educational policy should be: • to ensure the transition to the government based on analytics; • to identify the positive and negative tendencies; • to use all recourses more efficiently; • to forecast the results. All these tasks need identified priorities, changes of functions and structure of government. It becomes obvious that we need integral structure of government that will ensure the realization of the system changes.
Keywords: educational policy; reformation of education; independent assessment; integral structure of government; system changes.
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Pedorych, A. (2018). On the issue of teacher’s preparedness to inclusive education. Osvitolohiya, 7, 101–107. DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.101107
Nataliya Mospan
PhD, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13-b Tymoshenko st., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.6569
The article says about the current state of development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), namely about the analysis of the results of this process after the adoption of the Bologna Declaration and it identifies possible prospects. The basic material research is authentic independent reports for European Commission made by group of researchers. The analysis of the implementation of the EHEA process has been made on the following criteria: 1) Expansion of higher education. 2) The Bologna three-cycle structure of the higher education. 3) European credit transfer and accumulation system and the Diploma Supplement. 4) The National Qualifications Framework. 5) Student mobility. 6) Trends in higher education. Although the trend towards mass higher education began even before the Bologna process, the speed of transition was accelerated during the last decade. The amount of students in Armenia, Lithuania, Montenegro and Romania has increased almost twice. The structure of the three cycles of study (bachelormaster-doctor) was fully implemented in most institutions and programs in the countries participating in the Bologna process. According to the researchers the implementation of ECTS as a system of transfer and accumulation of credits is almost complete in general. All countries are at different levels of NQFs implementations – 80% (28 countries) are developing or have developed comprehensive NQFs, 40% (14 countries) have formally adopted NQFs, 74% (26 countries) have proposed an 8-level framework with sub-levels. Some countries have identified mobility as a part of their strategy: Belgium, France, Malta and Switzerland joined the 20% benchmark set by the EHEA by 2020. Some countries have established metrics for their national systems that go beyond the 20% (EHEA): Austria and Germany plan to encourage 50% of their students spend at least one semester abroad in 2020. Other countries have a lower level of ambition. Estonia set 4-5% participation in mobility programs by 2015. The percentage of people with higher education in Europe has been increasing since 2008 and in the European Union as a whole – from 31.1% in 2008 to 33.6% in 2010 in the vast majority of European countries. The study results allow to predict the future direction of development of the EHEA, where the primary can be further expansion of higher education systems.
Keywords: Bologna process; higher education; the European Higher Education Area; the national qualifications framework.
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5. The Bologna Process 2020. Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28-29 April 2009. URL: http://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/conference/documents/leuven_louvain-la-neuve_ communiqu%C3%A9_april_2009.pdf
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Olena Slyusarenko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.7581
The article investigates peculiarities of dynamics of top higher education institutions positioned 1 – 30 in Shanghai ranking during the period of 2003 – 2014. The predicted stratification of institutions into groups is confirmed, including two stable groups of which the first one consists of Harvard University rated first in ranking and the second one comprised of ten institutions rated 2 to 11 in ranking; a quasi-stable group made of 15 institutions ranking 12 to 26(30); and unstable one comprised of four institutions rated 27 – 30 (as of 2014). Further subdivision into three stable subgroups (during 2004 – 2014) of institutions that belong to the second group was discovered. Complementing 6 ranking indicators with 12 organizational parameters allowed explaining the differentiation of institutions and describing different institutional models and development strategies. The list of the above parameters that demonstrate some correlation links with ranking achievements are as follows: number of students, shares of international students and master and PhD students; budget; budget per student; competition during admission to bachelor (master) programmes; number of postdoctorates; ratio between the number of postdoctorates and students; funding allocated for research and development; share of funding allocated for research and development; expenditures on research and development per student; age of an institution. Harvard University demonstrates most balanced and stable parameters and continues to increase its competitive advantage, therefore it qualifies as an excellence (exemplary) institution. The arguments are provided in defense of two exemplary organization models and two effective development strategies of high-ranking institutions, namely: 1) parameter balanced model and concentration specialization model; 2) universality strategy and specialization (profiling) strategy. The evidence is provided for higher competitiveness of private institutions.
Key words: development strategies; group and subgroup differentiation; Harvard University; organizational models; organizational parameters; ranking dynamics; ranking indicators; Shanghai ranking; top institutions of higher education.
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16. World University Rankings 2014-2015 – Times Higher Education – 2014. http://www. timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2014-15/world-ranking (2.10.2014).
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Мariia Bratko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.8188
The purpose of the article is to define the nature of the concept and phenomenon of managing the educational environment at the local level – the level of higher educational institution. To achieve a goal the author has analysed the modern scientific approaches to the interpretation of the meaning of the phenomenon of “management”; taking into account the phenomenological feature of the educational environment of higher educational institution the concept of the notion “educational environment management in higher educational institution” is formulated. The author considers the educational environment management in higher educational institution as a complex form of intellectual activity aimed at regulating processes and modification of components of the educational environment of higher educational institution related to detecting and solving problems concerning the educational environment. Thus its integrity is ensured and the educational goals of higher educational institution are achieved. According to the author of the article one of the most important tasks for the subject that manages is to determine the current state of the components, the degree of their compliance with educational objectives, to identify problems / needs, disadvantages and ensure an adequate choice of measures for solving them. The impact is made on the behaviour of the subjects of pedagogical interaction, organizational models, logistical and financial resources. The social aspect of the educational environment management in higher educational institution lies in a voluntary acceptance by the university staff of defined educational goals that may be summarised in mission, vision and corporate values that represent the general interests of the existence of a higher educational institution as an educational enterprise to the public.
Key words: management; educational environment; educational environment management in higher educational institution.
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Alla Panchenko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.8893
In the article it is grounded the urgency of the planning of activities in upgrading and development of modern secondary education institution. It is distinguished the essence of the concept of «planning» as a polyvalence one, its importance in the management of the secondary education institution. Special attention is paid: – to administrative aspects of planning and making self-analysis of the activities for the previous period with the help of the CAF model and SWOT-analysis; – to providing the planning of technology «objectives tree»; – to using the Internet resources for evaluation planning and forecasting activities of the head; – to creation Google calendar of planned activities for the academic year. It was distinguished that in planning it is very important to determine the main tasks. This initial stage of management includes: – activities of the team in the long term; – ongoing activities; – detailed programming. Planning is an ongoing, not one-time process, although it is repeated periodically because: – after reaching the primary goal educational institution does not stop its existence, and poses new challenges; – because of the constant changes in the environment the actual situation in the education and upbringing constantly does not meet the increased requirements.
Key words: “objectives tree”; secondary school; CAF model, planning of the activity; administrative aspect; selfanalysis; SWOT-analysis; Google-calendar.
1. Chykarenko I. A. (2014) Management-oriented approaches, models and tools of solving problems of local innovative development. Economics and management – 2013: prospects for integration and innovative development. Dnipropetrovs’k, Vol. 6, 150-153 [in Ukrainian].
2. Danylenko, L. I. (Eds.) (2004) Training of the secondary school head. K.: Milenium, 272 [in Ukrainian].
3. Khrykov, Je. M. (2006) Management of the higher education institution. K.: Znannja, 365 [in Ukrainian].
4. Majsak, O. S. (2013) SWOT-analysis: the object, factors, strategies. The problem of finding relationships between factors. Prykaspyjskyj zhurnal: upravlenye y vыsokye tekhnologhyy. #1 (21). 151-157 [in Russian].
5. Makarova T. M. (2007) Educational process: planning, organization and control. Kh.:Vesta: Vydavnyctvo «Ranok», 160. 38. [in Ukrainian].
6. Nosenko, T. I., Panchenko, A. Gh. (2013) Using Google Services for organization of students` practice. Pedaghoghichna osvita: teorija i praktyka. Psykhologhija. Pedaghoghika. K.: Kyjiv. un-t im. B. Ghrinchenka, # 19. 67-69. [in Ukrainian].
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DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.9499
Key words: school`s identity; educational institution; evolutionary and cultural perspectives.
1. Autio Т., (2003) Postmodern Paradoxes in Finland. The Confinements of rationality in Curriculum Studies. In: Interantional Handbook of Curriculum Research. W. F. Pinar (Ed.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, N.J.
2. Bruner J. S., (1971) O poznawaniu. J. Radzicki (tłum.) PIW, Warszawa.
3. Bruner J. S. (1978) Poza dostarczone informacje. J. Radzicki (tłum.)PWN, Warszawa.
4. Dewey J. (1972), Demokracja i wychowanie, Z. Doroszowa (tłum.) Ossolineum, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków.
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6. Ornstein A. C., Hunkins F. P. (1998) Program szkolny. Założenia, zasady, problematyka. K. Kruszewski (tłum.) WSiP. Warszawa.
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Tetyana Kupriy
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.99105
The article deals with the problem of introducing the variable part of educational qualification BA and MA programs in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. Analyzes the philosophical and social aspects univrsytetskoyi education as a subject of research attention due to the increasing demands for quality training, the weight of scientific potential, which is the basis for economic development in the community. During the research proved that the flexibility and effectiveness of training programs demonstrate not normative and selective discipline. The conservation of structural logic teaching sample subjects defined as the weight of individual choice for Ukrainian students. A procedure for enactment of lists with the list of training programs for bachelors, masters and doctors in various specialties, including the name and a brief description of subjects, and a list of subjects required for graduation a certain educational level. It is proved that the introduction of individual program / curriculum based on training, range of interests and choice of training dystsypiln student is promising to create an innovative approach to the educational process. The analysis of the process of obtaining a certificate of additional student enrolled courses that automatically increases its konkuretospromozhnist the labor market. Determine the process of mastering the necessary professional competencies among them is the ability to communicate in their native and foreign languages, the use of mathematical skills and techniques and information technology and self expression, skill building correct behavior in relationships obtained in the study sample of interdisciplinary courses that provides a reliable foundation for occupational mobility.
Keywords: on-line tutorial; selective discipline; individual plan/graph; jurisdictions.
1. Andruschenko V. P. (2005). Filosofiya formations of XXI age: search of priorities of. Philosophy of education, 1, 5-17 [in Ukrainian].
2. Bazilevich V. D. (2010). The Classical economic university learning as factor of competitiveness. Visnyk Kievskogo univesitety imeni Tarasa Shevchenko, issue 94, 11-14 [in Ukrainian].
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Yanina Urban
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.105109
The article attempts to address the objective of education and important tasks to be accomplished in terms of preparing young people to manage their lives in democracy. Democracy turned out to be an opportunity, consequently a stipulation in the Visegrad Group countries due to political and social changes. Poland celebrates significant events; namely 25th anniversary of the beginning of political transformation, 15th anniversary of joining military alliance NATO, and 10th anniversary of its accession to the European Union. The tasks cover postulates valid for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005–2014, established by the UN General Assembly.
Key words: democratization of social and political structures; educational dimension of social changes; social and civic trends; education for democracy.
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12. Rabczuk W.: Kompetencje kluczowe i ich komponent międzykulturowy. W: A. Szczurek-Boruta, E. Ogrodzka-Mazur, (red. nauk.): Poza paradygmaty. Pedagogika międzykulturowa. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Profesorowi Tadeuszowi Lewowickiemu. T. 2., Wyd. Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2012.
13. Sitek M.: Europeizacja edukacji i przez edukację. W: J. Kurczewska, H. Bojar (praca zbiorowa pod red.): Wyciskanie Brukselki? O europeizacji społeczności lokalnych na pograniczach. Wyd. Instytutu Filozofii i Socjologii PAN, Warszawa 2009.
14. Sztompka P.: Zaufanie i współpraca. Fundament rozwoju Polski. W: W poszukiwaniu kompasu dla Polski. Po II Kongresie Obywatelskim, IBnGR, Gdańsk 2007. http://www.kongresobywatelski.pl/wp-content/ uploads/2009/08/kongres_obywatelski_ii_ pdf_Piotr_Sztompka.pdf, 05.12.2011.
15. Śliwerski B.: Diagnoza uspołecznienia publicznego szkolnictwa III RP w gorsecie centralizmu. Impuls, Kraków 2013.
16. Świątkiewicz W.: Więzi sąsiedzkie i życie publiczne. W: M. S. Szczepański, A. Śliz (praca zbiorowa pod red.): Obywatel w lokalnej społeczności. Studia i szkice socjologiczne. Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Nauk Społecznych w Tychach, Uniwersytet Opolski, Śląskie Wydawnictwa Naukowe WSZiNS, Opole–Tychy 2004.
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Olga Kuzmenko
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.109114
It is analyzed the change of the priorities of modern universities under the influence of globalization, which has led to the liberalization of higher education; it is comprehended the crisis of the modern university, which is caused by loss of traditional focus on state and Humbold`s ideals; it is emphasized the new regional role of universities and the need to transform them into the centers of creation and transfer of innovation. The changes that are taking place with the University is an objective process. They are caused by the deployment of globalization trends in political, economic, cultural and social spheres. The new role of modern universities lies in their ability to become an institutional resource for the development of their regions. Universities should become the centers of innovation, that take the responsibility for the nonlinear model of knowledge transfer, in other words, for all stages – from the creation of advanced knowledge to their commercialization. Therefore, the transmission loses its key meaning, and the interaction of each stage and the individual responsibility of each participant become the most important. Postclassical university should ensure: – the achievement of the continuum between basic and applied research; – formation of the trinity: «education – research – business / innovation»; – interaction with professional institutions, research universities, business centers of high technology etc.; – effective transfer of innovations into the market. The priority is acquiring excellence in all university`s activities, which aims to ensure competitiveness in the education market.
Keywords: postclassical University; liberalization of higher education; globalization; innovations; academic capitalism.
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DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.115121
Key words: learning; digital native; digital immigrant; school of the future.
1. Fatyga B. (2004): „Biała księga” młodzieży polskiej: diagnoza sytuacji młodych Polaków jako podstawa strategii państwa dla młodzieży, Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej i Sportu, Warszawa
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3. Ogniewjuk W.O (2011): Filozofia oświaty oraz jej rola w strukturze badań naukowych fenomenu oświaty, red. T. Lewowicki, W.O. Ogniewjuk, S.O Sysojewa: Całościowe ujęcia edukacji, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna ZNP, Warszawa
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5. Spitzer M. (2013): Cyfrowa demencja: w jaki sposób pozbawiamy rozumu siebie i swoje dzieci, Wydawnictwo Dobra Literatura, Słupsk
6. Tapscott D. (2010): Cyfrowa dorosłość. Jak pokolenie sieci zmienia nasz świat, Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa
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Nadiya Chernuha, Tetyana Savrasova-V’yun
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.122125
The article by N.M. Chernuha and T.О.-Savrasova-V’yun reveals the general strategy of an experimental research of civil activity of students. It also represents a diagnostic tool for studing the levels and factors of students civic activity formation. The level of development of students civic activity was analyzed. Thus, we have defined the structure of civil activity of students, which consists of cognitive, motivational, emotional, and behavioral-volitional components which are represented by components of each of the components and diagnostic methods that determine the level of these components. As a result of statement experiment was revealed an insufficient level, mainly middle one, formation of cognitive, motivational, emotional and behavioral components of civil-volitional activity of students. Also it was determined that the general level of civil activity demands development. Thus, the formation of civil students activity require significant optimization of the process, updating and modernizing of existing educational work forms. It is also necessary to introduce innovations in process of students’ civil activity formation.
Keywords: civic activity of students; cognitive; motivational; emotional; behaviorally-volitional components of civic activity of students.
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Krysztof Juszczak
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.126130
Teacher’s profession is one of those professions in which in order to be successful, except knowledge, also close emotional contact and personality vital to be successful. According to the literature on this matter, people who work in this profession are especially threatened with the burnout syndrome. Due to the fact that the results of teachers’ burnout apply not only to teachers themselves but also affect people with whom they interact in their work, taking a closer look at the problem of burnout is a highly needed task. Professional burnout is more and more common experience among the employees of a contemporary school. In recent years there have occured many publications, which indicate clearly that it is observed in the population of Polish teachers. It is an alarming state, because the syndrome has a negative impact not only on the teacher himself, but also on people he has a contact with at work and in private life. Thus the analysis of this multidimensional phenomenon undertaken in this study is well justified.
Keywords: stress; depersonalization; burnout.
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Diana Popova
DOI: 10.28925/2226-3012.2014.3.130135
Ukraine, at first glance, is safe in the ethnic sense, tolerant European country. But the process of state building is accompanied by revision of priorities in ethnic relations. Manifestations of ethnic, political, religious xenophobia become more frequent. The theory of multiculturalism, which implies the coexistence of different cultures on the basis of equal dialogue, is the most adequate theoretical response to the social challenges of our time. Prevention of extremism and xenophobia among young people must serve the most important component and integral part of continuous education. Thus, social prevention of extremism and xenophobia should have a comprehensive and integrated nature and reflect the current level of requirements for it. The correct selection of preventive methods, their implementation will ensure the effectiveness of social prevention. The necessity of multicultural education as an effective and efficient means of social prevention of extremism and xenophobia among young people is substantiated in the article. The author reveals the role of the system of education and training in this process, because it has an important mechanism for overcoming the above phenomena – preparing of a person to the interethnic dialogue in multicultural social and cultural environment. The socio-psychological strategies and direction of educational work on preparation young generation for multicultural constructive interaction in the conditions of globalization are analyzed. Aspects of circumscribed problems solutions as well as early warning measures of psychological aggression (extremism, xenophobia, ethnic hatred, ethnic conflict, etc.) are proposed. The paper submits the evaluation criteria of the proposed measures.
Keywords: early warning measures; extremism; globalization; multicultural constructive interaction; multicultural education; prevention program; social prevention, socio-psychological strategies; xenophobia.
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