№2, 2013


Part I
Methodologicalprinciplesof educology

Victor Оgneviuk
Reformation – as the essential characteristic of the modern education

Tadeush Lewowitski
About the aims and results of the reforms – between the prolonged conversations of the reformers and educational reality

Stephan Мyeshalski
The transformation of the Polish education system and the idea of democratization of the school

Svitlana Sysoieva
The educational reforms: osvitological context

 Part II
Educational policy and educational law

Tamara Poyasok
Educational policy as the object of the multicultural researches

Anna Gаjdzitsа
Educational politics in Poland after the system transformation – teachers’ opinions on politicians and the educational policy of the Ministry of national education

Аnyelya Ruzanska
The place of religious education in the educational policy of multicultural Europe

Alina Schurek Boruta
Politics and civil education – selected problems

Lydmyla Kozak
Scientific thesaurus of innovative education

Part III
Economics of education and educational management

Leandra Korchak
Social and economic results of the unemployment: osvitological context

Kostyantyn Liniov
The management of the professional development of the educational leaders

Part IV
Philosophy and history of education

Petro Sauch
University education: between historical mission and a real prospect

Urshulya Morschinska, Voitsech Morschinski
The methods of contemporary philosophy in research of intercultural education

Olga Kuzmenko
University`s conceptual models

Part V
Sociologyandculturology of education

Nadia Chernucha
The sociology of education in the structure of educology

Miroslav Sоbetski
Social semiotics and intercultural education

Yatsеk Кuzempа
Multi- or intercultural learning in the common Europe – socio-educational context

Yeva Оhоrodsка-Mazur
Education system reform and intercultural teaching in integrated early school education

Part VI
Pedagogical backgrounds of educology

Woitsech Коjs
Young teachers of the frontiers – what do they value? what expectations do they have? what do they seek to? what do they want to change? 

Svietlana Martinenko
The European higher education area: tendencies of the development and priorities