Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
№ 9, 2020
ISSN 2226-3012(Print) 
ISSN 2412-124X (Online) 
DOI 10.28925/2226-3012

Blashyak Vladislav



Kharkhula Yaroslav



Rakityanska Liudmyla



Batechko Nina, Mykhailichenko Mykola



Sysoev Alexey



Dichek Nataliia



Skrypnyk Tetiana, Al-Khamisy Danuta, Martynchuk Olena, Biriukova Karina



Zlochyak Marcin



Kowalska Sylvia



Slutskiy Yaroslav



Yedzheyak Lena



Lewandowska Dorota, Kozhan Daniel


Blashyak Vladislav
ORCID iD 0000-0001-6945-3567
Academic teacher, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock, Ave. Kylynskoho 12, 09-402 Plock, Poland,
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Vladyslav Blashyak, a professor at the Pavlo Vlodkovych Higher School in Plock, raises the question of one of the mysteries of the universe — the human brain. The author shares with the audience his latest research, provides classifications, emphasizes the rapid development of technical progress, which is most closely related to the structure of the brain. 
In the article, which is the result of scientific research in recent decades, the professor points to the value of revolutionary inventions that play a huge role in the development of research, in the evolution of the universe and the brain. One such invention is the telescope. As for the brain, the introduction of research tools such as computed tomography (1972), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), followed by EEG (electroencephalography), PET (positron emission tomography), MEG (magnetoencephalography) and more recent inventions for tracking of the eyes condition. Such discoveries in science have made the researcher wonder: does knowledge about the brain really allow us to make learning more effective? 
The scientist provides a classification of children according to their age psychological periods and the work of neurons in the brain. It is indicated that at the age of 4–5 years the network of neurons is best developed. The period of a rebellious teenager is characterized by the maturation of the brain, or the processes of strengthening between neurons. The author speaks about the importance of knowledge in the achievements of neuroeducation in order to understand the strange and most unexpected statements of our students. The article calls for monitoring the results of the latest research on the universe and on our brains. The author is convinced that in the process of teaching educators are able to make certain changes in the brains of their students.
Keywords: Bing Bang’s theory; brain neurons; human brain; neuroeducation; Universe and brain.


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  • Darwin, K. (1859). O powstawaniu gatunków. Szwajcaria (pol).

  • Dickinson, E. (1990). 100 wierszy: Emily Dickinson. Arka (pol).

  • Kopernik, M. (1566). De Revolutionibus orbium coelestium, Libri VI. Henricpetrina (łacina).

Article text (PDF)

Kharkhula Yaroslav
ORCID iD 0000-0002-8470-7374
Doctor of Humanities in Sociology (Ph.D), Deputy Director of the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences in Didactics, Ignatius Academy in Krakow, 26 Kopernika Str., 31-501 Krakow, Poland,
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The article is dedicated to the figure of Jose Ortega y Gasset, a twentieth-century thinker who founded a new school of philosophy and gathered many students around him. The Spanish thinker made teaching and pedagogy his profession and vocation. As a result, Jose Ortega y Gasset was able to gain fame as a «citizen educator» or «political educator».
The aim of this article is to analyze the pedagogical aspects of José Ortega y Gasset’s social theory. The philosophical assumptions of this author, his concept of global reality, largely define his pedagogy. Ortega y Gasset’s philosophy is a philosophy that focuses more than on metaphysics on the problems of social circumstances. The author focuses on the main areas of his research, which define the thinker as a representative of liberalism with a clear social character.
However, his concept of the elite was often interpreted as elitist, close to conservative attitudes, which was the result of too simplistic interpretation of the concepts of «mass» and «elite» in the reasoning of the Spanish philosopher.
The article begins with an analysis of selected aspects of Ortega y Gasset’s biography, paying particular attention to pedagogical references in order to better show the evolution of his views and to better understand to what extent different situations of «everyday life» influenced the concepts created by the author. This analysis of his biography focuses on the period whose cut-off date is 1914.
After this contextualization, the assumptions of the concepts developed by the Spanish thinker in this phase of his work will be analyzed, emphasizing the pedagogical elements present in it. This stage of the Spanish thinker’s philosophy is often referred to in the literature as the period of «social pedagogy».
Keywords: civic education; José Ortega y Gasset; philosophy of circumstances; social pedagogy.


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Article text (PDF)

Rakityanska Liudmyla
ORCID iD 0000-0003-3586-2754 
Ph.D, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Music Education, Singing and Choral Conducting, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, 54 Gagarina Ave., Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine,
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The article presents the results of the analysis of musical art history in the context of the relationship between its emotional and rational constituents. The author traces the overall evolution of the world music, which in itself is a process of a complex dialectical relationship of the emotional and the rational, and which has been conditioned by the dominant philosophical worldview of a specific historical epoch, that determined the variability of artistic priorities, their emotional and intellectual balance or otherwise demarcating them by the dominating rational-mediated or emotional-sensory constituent. The research has established that the primitive culture is characterized by a syncretism of mythological and ideological ideas of the primitive human, which was reflected in the folk tradition; in the era of Ancient art, the Greek philosophers gave preference to reason while comprehending art, which went in line with the rational, philosophical and ideological orientation of the society at that time; in the Middle Ages era, this tendency fixed itself in the theological-rationalist search of the «fathers of the church», which was reflected in various genres of church music, that was religious, ascetically oriented, strictly regulated, as well as emotionally limited; the musical art of the Renaissance with its faith in the unlimited possibilities of harmonious human development is characterized by the unity and balance of the emotional and the intellectual; the New Age art was marked by new artistic trends, including Baroque and Classicism. The Baroque concept of musical art was consonant with the Renaissance tradition in terms of defining the main purpose of art as the need to reflect the sensuality of the real world; the art of the Classicism is subject to strict regulations, appealing to the human mind, instead of the senses, it is based on «rationalism», the prevailing philosophical worldview at the time; a harmonious combination of both emotional and personal experiences together with a deep intellectual comprehension of life is the leading feature of the art of the Romantic era; the modern music culture demonstrates the tendency to strengthen the rational constituent.
Keywords: emotional constituent and rational constituent; musical art; specific historical epoch.


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Article text (PDF)

Batechko Nina

ORCID iD 000-0002-3772-4489 
Doctor of Sciences in Education, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15 Heroyiv Oborony Str., 03042 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Mykhailichenko Mykola
ORCID iD 000-0003-2714-7291 
Ph.D, Professor of the Department of Management and Educational Technology, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 13 Heroyiv Oborony Str., 03042 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article analyzes the phenomenon of the educational paradigm as a philosophical and pedagogical category.
The article states the importance of educational paradigms for the modernization and development of the educational sphere as a catalyst for shifts and qualitative transformations in it.
The aim of the article is the methodological substantiation of the educational program in the context of modern transformations in society.
Attention has been focused on the definitions «paradigm», «pedagogical paradigm», «educational paradigm».
The discourse of scientists about these concepts has been provided and the general and distinctive shades between them have been clarified. Various types of educational paradigms have been highlighted and grouped depending on the goals they carry in their contents.
Depending on the analysis carried out, it has been indicated that an educational paradigm always, in any historical era, acts as a paradigm idea of the development of education. It has been noted that the mission of pedagogy is in the change and dynamics of the educational paradigm as the one which provides the basis for innovative approaches to the development of education, the contents and organization of training and interaction among the main subjects of education.
The synergetic paradigm has been indicated as a new and innovative educational paradigm. Education can be considered as a synergetic system whose self-organization processes can be fully described by such categories as bifurcations, fluctuations, attractors, dissipative structures, etc. This circumstance leads to a revision of the established, traditional ideas about education and makes the basis for qualitative changes in its development.
Keywords: attractors; bifurcation states; dissipative structures; educational paradigm; fluctuations; paradigm; synergetic methodology; synergetic paradigm of education.


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Article text (PDF)

Sysoev Alexey

ORCID iD 0000-0001-5899-0244 
Ph.D in Economics, Head of the Licensing and Accreditation Department, Kyiv International University, 49 Lvivska Str., 03179 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article substantiates the urgent need to modernize the training of future professionals, in particular economists, in the context of global sustainable development; the substantiation is made on the basis of the analysis of problems of global sustainable development.
The scientific analysis of the problem shows that the authors often focus on environmental and resource-economic issues, sometimes on demographic factors, while covering the problem. Among the factors influencing global sustainable development, the author includes: the activities of the Institute of Education, the implementation of its leading preventive function — training professionals to comply with the principles of sustainable development in their professional activities.
Education is a significant potential for sustainable development of society. Its role is to predict, form and develop throughout life the professional competence of future professionals, to develop an energy-efficient style of professional activity. To a large extent, this applies to the training of professionals for the economic sector, as most of the global environmental problems that hamper sustainable development have economic roots. Under such conditions, there is a need to modernize the training of specialists, in particular economists, in the context of the tasks of global sustainable development.
It is concluded that solving the problems of global sustainable development in education should include: development of ecological culture of pupils and students, greening of educational courses in secondary and higher education institutions, involving students in the system of postgraduate education; investigation of the latest technologies and methods of prevention and prevention of ecological catastrophes; introduction of new directions of professional training of specialists; introduction of specialists’ training in circular economy (green economy, closed cycle economy) in Ukraine.
Keywords: education for sustainable development; global sustainable development; specialists in circular economics; specialists in the economic field.


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Article text (PDF)

Dichek Nataliia

ORCID iD 0000-0002-2185-3630 
Doctor of Sciences in Education, Professor, Corresponding Member of NAES of Ukraine, Head of the History and Philosophy of Education department, Institute of Pedagogy, National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 52-D Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., 04053 Кiеv, Ukraine,
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This paper will substantiate the author’s version of the historical and genetic analysis of the governmental policy that independent Ukraine has applied in the field of general secondary education. The main methodology tool, employed by the author, was the historiographical analysis of selected documentary, archival, scientific, and sociological sources, traced on the basis of historical-genetic approach in combination with such methods as systemic analysis, which enabled the authors to provide a holistic study of the educational policy, and comparative approach, which is the basis for interpreting changes in educational policy.
The article critically reviews the development of the state educational policy on reforming school education through the activities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine within the timeframe of the initial fifteen years of Ukraine’s independence. The objectives of the study are to substantiate the most prominent strategies and tactical steps, as well as programmers for their implementation in high school practice based on a discursive analysis of an array of documentary and scientific sources. Th author proposes and substantiates the notion of «a tendency in the State’s educational policy», explains the demarcation between the offered term and the concepts of «a direction of educational policy»; at the same time, the concept of «educational policy of the state» is specified.
The author proves that changes in strategic goals in education are a consequence of changes in the political course of the country. Therefore, on gaining sovereignty, the first key strategy of Ukrainian education was aimed at building national statehood; consequently, the development of school education, as well as the educational sector in general, was directed towards nation-building priority.
Finally, the study discusses the process of building and adopting the following strategy for the development of Ukrainian education, including school education, at the turn of the century, that is, the European integration policy direction of the country’s development on the whole and its education sector in particular.
Keywords: European integration educational policy; governmental educational policy; national school; school education; Ukraine.


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Article text (PDF)

Skrypnyk Tetiana

ORCID iD 0000-0002-8511-4984 
Doctor of Sciences in Psychology, Professor of the Chair of Special and Inclusive Education of the Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Marshal Timoshenka Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Al-Khamisy Danuta
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4388-4649 
Doctor of humanities (Ph.D), Assistant professor at the Academy of Special Education in the Department of Pedagogical Therapy, Academy of Special Education, 40 Szczesliwicka Str., 02-353 Warsaw, Poland,
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Martynchuk Olena
ORCID iD 0000-0001-6119-9306 
Doctor of Sciences in Education, the Chairholder of the Chair of Special Psychology, Special and Inclusive Education of the Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Marshal Timoshenka Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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Biriukova Karina
ORCID iD 0000-0002-6158-5060 
Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Special Psychology, Special and Inclusive Education of the Institute of Human Sciences, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 b Marshal Timoshenka Str., 04212 Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The article is devoted to the issue of building an effective educational space with an inclusive form of education. We consider the teachers’ and students’ emotional intelligence as one of the important components of the effectiveness of a such space. Authors analysed various aspects of emotional intelligence as a factor of success in learning, social development of students, as well as methodological developments of researchers on the technology of «Classroom Management» in the context of forming certain features of emotional competence of secondary education students.
The main focus of our article is to systematize the resources of «Classroom Management» as a means of influencing the formation of inclusive classes pupils’ emotional intelligence as well as testing the effectiveness of this influence on each structural component of emotional intelligence. In our work we rely on the New multilevel model of emotional intelligence (Drigas & Papoutsi), which we modified in accordance with the psychological characteristics of primary school pupils. For each level of this Model we have selected methods of influence from the resource base of the technology «Class Management». Our study, which covers 6 grades of public and 5 grades of private schools, was conducted using methods: forecasting, surveys, semi-structured interviews, benchmarking, pedagogical experiment, product analysis, continuous expert coaching. Criteria for assessing the state of the educational space have been developed by experts based on groups of classroom management resources that contribute to the formation of pupils’ socio-emotional qualities. The pedagogical experiment lasted 8 months and consisted of purposeful training of teachers and continuous expert coaching of the educational process carried out by them. The results of the experiment show a positive trend in the competence of teachers in using environmental resources to form pupils’ emotional intelligence and build an atmosphere of emotional well-being in the classroom, which allows teachers to increase the technology of implementing effective and favourable for all participants educational process. 
Keywords: classroom management; emotional intelligence; expert coaching; inclusive class; pedagogical experiment.


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Article text (PDF)

Zlochyak Marcin
ORCID iD 0000-0001-5038-6333
MA, teacher-psychologist, senior social worker, City center of public assistance in Sieradz, 5 Polna Str., 98-200 Sieradz, Poland,
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Family is a natural environment which facilitates proper development of a child. This happens thanks to proper care of a child and satisfying its essential needs. Family has also vast influence on shaping child’s attitudes, its personality, beliefs and approach to life.
The aim of this article is to present the role, which parental attitudes play and their influence on shaping child’s attitudes. The notions of attitude, family, parental attitude, and personality are explained in the theoretical part. The most important functions of family are presented. The author of the article conducts a survey. The results of the survey showed that most parents don’t blame children for their misdeeds, but it often happens that adults throw negative emotions on their children, and this leads to the fact that children become victims of violence. The purpose of family upbringing is emphasized: the child should be able to take care of himself in the future, which was confirmed by 44 % of respondents. The author analyzes the erroneous views of parents that strict discipline, prohibitions, as well as excessive expectations will be the basis of a good education. The author emphasizes that such means of education lead to the negative consequences for a child development, to the appearance of neurotic symptoms in the children’s life. In the further part the typology of parental attitudes is presented, including the proper and improper ones. The consequences of these attitudes are described.
Methodological assumptions of own study are presented in the second part of the article. The aim and the object of the study are specified. The research problems are stated. Research hypotheses are put forward to face them. In the further part, the research sample is characterised and detailed analysis of obtained research results is made.
Keywords: child’s development; family; parental attitudes; personality.


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Article text (PDF)

Kowalska Sylvia
ORCID iD 0000- 0003-4829-5576
MA, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock, Ave. Kylynskoho 12, 09-402 Plock, Poland
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Homelessness is a social phenomenon that manifests itself equally in Poland and all over the world. Despite the continuous development of civilization, homelessness does not decrease, but rather increases. When raising the issue of homelessness, one should keep in mind its complexity and the impossibility of unambiguous wording. No less difficult is the task of revealing the main cause that would help slow down the development of such a serious social problem.
The article draws attention to the social phenomenon of homelessness not only from the standpoint of lack of permanent residence, but also considers the individual characteristics of the homeless, taking into consideration such issues as: individuality of emotions and personal tendencies, specific attitude to self-perception, attitude to the family, attitude to the life stabilization, the ability to solve existential problems, the specifics of cultural behavior.
The author points out the social causes of homelessness, such as: certain factors related to addictions, personality disorders, disability, as well as serious diseases that require expensive treatment, social factors arising from family conflicts, educational institutions or rehabilitation centers, structural factors related to unemployment, poverty and housing problems.
The author of the article admits that the percentage of education among homeless people will increase if society pays enough attention to the homeless, and provides the special assistance to this category of people. It is also emphasized that assistance to the homeless should be offered in the following areas: psychological assistance, which can clarify the reasons that led a person to a difficult life situation, social care — in order to return homeless people to normal functioning in the society; career guidance assistance: cooperation with the institutions that will find jobs for the homeless people.
Keywords: causes of homelessness; education; homeless person; homelessness; social issue.


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Article text (PDF)

Slutskiy Yaroslav
ORCID iD 0000-0002-5328-7274 
Ph.D, Head of the educational and methodological center, Donbas State College of technology and management, 3 a Sedneva Str., 85200 Toretsk, Ukraine,
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The article considers the problem of practical application of the system approach in the process of foreign students’ social and pedagogical adaptation. The study of this scientific question revealed that acculturation activities should consist of three main areas: psychological, linguistic and cultural, each of them requires the formation of a list of competencies that contribute to the development of the ability of effective interaction building with the host country persons. These competencies, during the interaction at the time of practical academic or social activities of a foreign student, become a competence, a phenomenon that includes many competencies and aimed at their adequate functioning, that leads to a system of competence management, which can be analyzed only using the system approach. In addition, these areas of adaptation activity led to the conclusion that they are also the system-forming elements of the preparatory process, i.e. the system of socio-pedagogical support. Based on the study results that competence is a system of competence management, and the linguistic, cultural and psychological training are a system of adaptive training, the systems approach is defined as a «system within a system» in which the competence system operates in the acculturation triad: linguistic, culture, psychology.
The system approach allowed us to study each component of the system of socio-pedagogical support as a separate subsystem. Thus, this approach demonstrated the possibility of identifying the components of the system of foreign students’ support, their essential characteristics, as well as the present relationships. It is emphasized that each element of the support system, psychological, linguistic or educational-cultural is a full-fledged system, however, when interacting with the other elements that aimed at the creating of socio-pedagogical support system, the elements become the subsystems that depend on each other.
Keywords: acculturation triad; adaptation; competence; foreign student; social and pedagogical support; system in system.


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Article text (PDF)

Yedzheyak Lena
ORCID iD 0000-0002-8997-8798
MA, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock, Ave. Kylynskoho 12, 09-402 Plock, Poland,
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The secondary school-leaving examination is an important moment in the life of a young person. It is a kind of border after which acquired social skills and educational resources will affect the awakening and embedding of professional aspirations and will allow adults to make decisions on matters of further life path. This path begins in elementary school and counts in the student’s life for about twelve years. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that after such a period of education and pedagogical interactions, one would expect the student to know his strengths, passions, aspirations, and thus see the shape of his future life path and know how to implement it. It was assumed that with different curriculum curricula, access to knowledge is different, so the impact of these differences on the level of students’ professional aspirations was compared to examine the actual state of this phenomenon. At the beginning of the article, terminology and definitions of professional aspirations as well as their levels and conditions in the literature are presented. Then, the results of research carried out in two classes of the same high school, but learning in different core curricula, are presented.
Finally, the results were summarized and conclusions were drawn. The study showed that different curricula gave different results of students’ knowledge.According to these indicators, the author made a corresponding comparison of the impact of these differences on the level of professional aspirations of students. In addition, the article describes in detail the actual state of the situation.
The summarized results of the study on the teaching of classes in different programs made it possible to make suggestions for further educational prospects. The main conclusion is that educational programs for classes with Polish certificates require changes in the orientation of young people to their professional aspirations, in order to plan further educational and professional path.
Keywords: core curriculum; International Baccalaureate; professional aspirations.


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Article text (PDF)

Lewandowska Dorota

ORCID iD 0000-0002-1023-8042
MA, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock; Teacher, Special Educational Center No. 2 in Plock, ul. Lasockiego 14, 09-402 Plock, Poland,
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Kozhan Daniel
ORCID iD 0000-0002-4397-4740
Doctor (Ph.D), Academic teacher, Pawel Wlodkowic University College in Plock, Ave. Kylynskoho 12, 09-402 Plock, Poland,
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In the proposed article, the authors present the results of research related to the use of information technology resources, which were conducted in two preschool institutions in Plock.
The article emphasizes the importance of introducing the various means of modern information technology in the lessons. In preschool education, as in other fields of education, the using of information technology resources is very useful and has a positive attitude of the children, which increases the effectiveness of didactic and educational interactions in the educational process. The use of modern technologies is an attempt to achieve educational reform.
It is also an opportunity to present interesting and innovative activities that accelerate and promote the acquisition of various skills.
The author also emphasizes that the constant use of a computer can lead to addiction, which in turn will lead to aggression, fatigue, frustration, insomnia, and loss of health, such as impaired vision, severe spinal defects, caused by lack of movement. Such results are presented by numerous developments.
The aim of the article is to find «the golden mean» — the appropriate ways, methods, forms of introducing information technology into the didactic process from the beginning of education, from an early age. The article presents an attempt to outline the problems associated with the introduction of ICT use and to inform about them.
The data obtained as a result of the study highlight another issue: the arrangement of public kindergartens doesn’t improve the quality of teachers’ work. Many educators still avoid modern technologies (due to their age, lack of skills in operating modern equipment, beliefs, etc.). Young teachers who want to work on the basis of modern technology, they are much more open to such work. Therefore, it is important for the city to consider the possibility of introducing teacher training courses for the development of all innovations.
Keywords: ICT (information computer technology) in kindergartens; kindergartens in Plock.


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